Message 13820

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 15:41:35 -0000
> Will you continue with the subs.dms on the CD, or will that go too? What
> about the newsletter?

The dms will go, I don't know about Backstage yet.


Message 13821

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 15:44:46 -0000
> I think that the DD version should be dropped ASAP too. Most people have
> CD Drives or at least access to one. (I have one to sell, mail me off-list).

Most people *do* have CD drives - especially those online - but not everyone is
online, and not everyone has a CD-ROM.


Message 13822

Subject: [afb] Re: DVD
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 15:45:54 -0000
> Will this new wonder CDFS be available seperatly so that users without Zorro
> ie Powerflyer1200 users can also use the technology. Will we be able to use
> DVD-RAM drives too?

I didn't say anything about DVD-RAM drives, but no, I don't think so - at least
that's what Power told me.


Message 13823

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:44:06 +0100
> Alternatively go for something like Globaltrash so you just drag the files
> to the rubbish bin (NOTE: refrain from saying Trashcan or Recycle Bin)

I think the official Amiga term is Trashcan though... Isn't it?


Message 13824

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Abackup Optomised
Date: 5 Jun 99 16:37:54 +0000
Hi All,

Re Danny's (Shepherd) query about Abackup optomised.

Here is my system:


SYSTEM      : Amiga 1200
CPU         : 68030/40 MHz (Rev not found)
FPU         : 68882/33 MHz
MMU         : 68030 none
OS          : V40.68 (known as: 3.1)
EXEC        : V40.10
WORKBENCH   : V40.42
SETPATCH    : V43.6
ROM SIZE    : 512.0KB
AUDIO       : AHI V4.180
VBR         : 0x00000000
DENISE      : Lisa 8364 (Rev not found)
GARY        : None
AGNUS       : Alice 8374 Rev. 3-4 (Mode: PAL)
RAMSEY      : None
BATTCLOCK   : Found (working)
E-CLOCK     : 709379 Hz
POWER       : 50 Hz


REAL        : CHIP:   ~2.0MB     FAST:   32.0MB     TOTAL:  ~34.0MB
VIRTUAL     : CHIP:        0     FAST:        0     TOTAL:        0
TOTAL       : CHIP:   ~2.0MB     FAST:   32.0MB     TOTAL:  ~34.0MB

SLOW        : 0

Access Time, Width, CAS mode and bandwidth
from the MOTHERBOARD (!) RAM:

RAMACCESS   : 80 ns
RAMWIDTH    : 32 bit
RAMCAS      : Double


 Nr Address   Size   Manufacturer Product
 0  00E90000     64K ACT          Apollo 1230 accelerator (working)

The 060 version will not work and the other version crashes.



Message 13825

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: All sorts of things
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:00:59 +0100
Recentely, upon flicking through my Dad's copy of PC Home magazine I
stumbled upon a number of Games Reviews written by a Mr. Dave Cusick. I was
just wondering if this is the same Dave Cusick as the one that writes the articles for AF?

Also, is it too late for me to send my AF Reader Survey in? I havn't even
got AF124 yet let alone AF125 so please don't laugh at my incompetance <-
can't even spell it :)



From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13826

From: Andrew Bell
Subject: [afb] Re: Abackup
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:23:58 +0100
Hi Danny,

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> To test Abackup I installed it on my system but it keeps on
>> crashing, causing the following guru:
>> =

>> Task  : 01005B52 "Unknown"
>> Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
>> By    : CPU
>> Cause : unexpected LINEF
> =

> Anybody, correct me if I'm wrong but LINEF Gurus are normally FPU
> progs trying to run on non FPU manchines.

True. A LINEF exception caused when the CPU attempts to execute an instru=
ction that starts with $Fxxx. All FPU instructions start like this, so th=
is allows the CPU to emulate or startup the on-board FPU. If an FPU doesn=
't exists, you'll probably get the above mentioned GURU.

Or it could simply be a sign of a misbehaving program that has trashed th=
e memory, etc.

Regards, Andrew Bell.
-- =

+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ =

For email target practice, aim at:
Or point your browser at:
MODEM ... a deterrent to phone solicitors.

Message 13827

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] what happened to Readers games
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:48:31 +0000
Hi Everybody,

   What ever happened to readers games section in AF?

The latest issue didn't have it in! It just vanished. (there was still the
drawer on the CD, but it was empty!)

   Has the section been discontinued, or did you guys at AF just forget this

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, my dear Watson."

Message 13828

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 5 Jun 1999 16:2:27 +0100
fool said, 

> Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
> Essential Programs again...
> --

>>> I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
>>> path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
>>> me (and I can type one-handed ;)).

>> But you normally have to type the command before the file path.

> Yeah, with my left hand while my right is on the mouse.  Seriously,
> I can get around 30wpm using one hand.

But you still have to find the button, which may be obscured by other
windows, it makes sense to have a hotkey as well.

> Not to mention the fact that I have several 2 or 3 letter 
> aliases for the most commonly used shell commands so there's
> not a lot to type anyway.  It's a system that works for me.

I've just checked my shell-startup. I thought I had quite a few
aliases set up, but hadn't realised there were 70 in there :-O

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Click..Click..Click..Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 13829

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 5 Jun 1999 16:12:38 +0100
Danny Shepherd said, 

> On 04-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

>> Either that phone is just f**ked, or it just doesn't like modems....

> Or perhaps you had too many devices attached to your line until you removed
> the phone?

> Each device has a REN number, the total for the line should not exceed 4.
> Most modems and phones are 1.0.

A fairly common failure of cheap phones involves the REN increasing.
The phone appears to work normally but other items on the same
circuit, like modems, fax machines and answering machines, can exhibit

Since a modern modem is demanding a hell of a lot more from your phone
line than it was ever intended to do, the slightest problem can have a
substantial effect on performance.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Those who can, do.  Those who cannot, teach.  Those who cannot teach, HACK!

Message 13830

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: eeep!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 17:56:00 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Furmanski 
Date: 29 May 1999 11:10
Subject: [afb] Re: eeep!

>Hi paulhill
>>just subscribed to this list 15 and a half hours ago, just thought to
>>check my mail and I have 102 mails!!!!!
>Heh, you should have seen it when Freeserve fixed their problems.  You can
>probably expect that many per day.

i just went on hols to Cornwall for over a week and i came back about 1 hour
ago - 05/06/99. and i checked mail and i got 1304!!!

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13831

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Bill got pied
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 17:58:51 +0100

-----Original Message-----
Date: 29 May 1999 15:48
Subject: [afb] RSVP: Bill got pied

>We all know Bill Gates was wonderfully pied a while back, but how many of
you have the MPEG video of it?
>Please select one of the following:
>   o Me!  I have it an watch it regularly
>   o Me!  I've watched it once or twice
>   o I don't own it, I've only seen it once.
>   o Bill got pied?  Where can I get this?

Im sure it was on an AFCD somewhere but i dont know wot one - can some one
please tell me.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13832

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 05 Jun 99 18:13:09 +0100
On 05-Jun-99 11:40:52 BST, a.furmanski wrote:

>>    o Exchange

> I've put down for this one, although I use Magic Exchange (what uses MUI)
> cos it's better.

It's also a bit buggy, causing Enforcer hits and various other oddities
too.  Safer to stick with the original Exchange proggy IMHO.

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Amiga F1GP Mailing List ==> To:; "subscribe amigaf1gp"

Message 13833

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:38:19 +0100
Hi Bauglir

>> Alternatively go for something like Globaltrash so you just drag the files
>> to the rubbish bin (NOTE: refrain from saying Trashcan or Recycle Bin)
>I think the official Amiga term is Trashcan though... Isn't it?

Yes, but a) I think it's a horrible American word and b) the original Trashcan
sucked big-time.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13834

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:42:30 +0100
Hi Oliver Roberts

>>>    o Exchange
>> I've put down for this one, although I use Magic Exchange (what uses MUI)
>> cos it's better.
>It's also a bit buggy, causing Enforcer hits and various other oddities
>too.  Safer to stick with the original Exchange proggy IMHO.

I've never had any problems with it, although I don't really use it that much.
In fact, I can't remember the last time I used it!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13835

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: DVD
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:44:41 +0100
Hi Paul Venton

>> Will DVD-RAM's be RAM in the true sense of the phrase "Random Access", or
>> will they be more like CD-R's and CD-RW's?  I think the phrase
>> DVD-(RAM|ROM) sucks anyway.
>DVD-ROM is readable, DVD-RAM is writable - such as the
>Panasonic one which uses either 2.6 or 5.2GB disks...

Yes I know, but writable in what sense?  IE: does it behave like a floppy disk
or a CD-R?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13836

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] AF125-INFO
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:51:17 +0100

first of all I want to to say that I am very pleased with the idea of
It is a great way to compare products and help us to make up our mind.
A good idea would be to do a comparison with all the web browser available
for Amiga.
Same for the e-mailer, newsreader etc.
Especially taking in consideration that the 3 major web browser are coming
out with huge improvements.

I am in procint of upgrading my printer and I was pleased with the review of
the Epson Stylus 700.
Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the 700 and 740 model
(apart the price)?
Ben mentioned how important is TurboPrint. A couple of years ago I bought
Studio Pro. Surely I could use it to improve the printing performance. Am I

Kind regards
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 13837

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 21:28:14 +0100
Hi Andrew,
> > Why is it that in the NC2 dock bar the top line bubble, is a bubble =
> > while all other lines are speech bubbles?
>    Maybe because its too high up to fit the little pointy thingy and =
> bubble on screen?

Clever cloggs :-))=20
    sorted - Thanx all who suggested this.

    Bomber Harris

Message 13838

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 20:51:58 +0000
Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Essential Programs again...

>>>> I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
>>>> path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
>>>> me (and I can type one-handed ;)).

>>> But you normally have to type the command before the file path.

>> Yeah, with my left hand while my right is on the mouse.  Seriously,
>> I can get around 30wpm using one hand.

> But you still have to find the button, which may be obscured by other
> windows, it makes sense to have a hotkey as well.

Well, I do have a hotkey too but I use it so infrequently
that I can't actually remember what it is.

>> Not to mention the fact that I have several 2 or 3 letter 
>> aliases for the most commonly used shell commands so there's
>> not a lot to type anyway.  It's a system that works for me.

> I've just checked my shell-startup. I thought I had quite a few
> aliases set up, but hadn't realised there were 70 in there :-O

70!?  I've got a grand total of 17 and I don't even use all
of them.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13839

From: Neville Cox
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB gathering '99
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:53:02 +0100 Poll Results  writes
>Here are the results of the vote:
>North England  12 Votes
>Scotland        6 Votes 
>Wales           4 Votes

>The Midlands   10 Votes
>South England   9 Votes

>London         10 Votes

>The Bath area   6 Votes

This is purely hypothetical now, because of meeting at WOA.
But for the mathematicians amongst you, where is the centre of this lot.

                                |   6  |
                                |      |
                                |  12  |
                         |------|      |
                         |  4   |  10  |
                       |--    |      |  ----|
                       |  6   |   9  |  10  |

OK I know the drawings crap, Never progressed much beyond matchstick men

Just about to go into digest mode, Holidays tomorrow - YES !!.      

ICQ : 32478611

Bother, said Pooh, Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and 
lock phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter 
room three.  Christopher Robin, you have the bridge

Message 13840

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] How to sell 10 million AmigaNG's in the first year.....
Date: 5 Jun 99 22:05:33 +0000
.....and revitalize the classic PPC Amiga market.

Hi all

Did I catch your attention?   Good :)
Bold claims, they may be but.........I have a Cunning Plan [tm] :)
Now, this plan *is* perfectly feasible - all it needs is the
motivation and of course - money - to make it succeed.

We all know that software sells hardware and this basic equation is
the foundation of my idea, and I'm primarily talking about games
software in this case.

The game genre that is the "in-thing" at the moment (and the last
few years),  is the first-person shooter - (fps)....e.g Doom, Quake,
II/ III, Half-life etc, etc.  These games, (software) are probably
responsible for shifting millions of PeeCee's (hardware) off the
shelves.  Software sells hardware, remember?

If you or I, as individuals, asked id Software to release QuakeIII for
the Amiga.....the answer would probably be..."We have no plans to
develop for the Amiga platform at this time"....that's assuming we get
a response at all.  Digital Images tried this approach with Sierra
(Half-Life), although Sierra didn't refuse.....they put a rather large
obstacle in DI's path....namely they wanted a substanial licence
fee,(can't remember how much) before releasing the code.  Now,
considering the current state of the Amiga games market, it seems to
obvious (to me anyway) that more involvment - a hands-on, sleeves
rolled-up approach - if you like,  has got to come from the AI, 
namely Mr Jim Collas.

It's time Mr Collas put his industry contacts, (which he's mentioned
several times before), to good use.

The scenario goes like this... 

Mr Collas arranges a meeting with John Carmack at id Software HQ in
Texas.  With him is an AI lawyer, accountant, four big boxes and a
black briefcase.  Mr Carmack is flanked on either side by an id lawyer
and accountant.  After some polite conversation, the meeting begins.

Mr Collas asks Mr Carmack to release Quake II onto the Amiga, the id
accountant shakes his head in disapproval, John replies that it would
not make good business sense.  In other words, the sales, or lack of,
would not cover the development costs.  
Mr Collas opens the briefcase and pulls out a thick bundle of dollar
bills and places it in the middle of the table.  Further bundles are
produced until $300,000 lays in the middle of the table.  The id
accountant nods approval to John, who then replies that work will
begin on a conversion of Quake II for the Amiga.    Jim produces a
contract from the briefcase, which the id lawyer carefully vets,
(including an option for Quake III - subject to  sales figures and a
further cash advance) and he then gives his approval - the deal is

Then, Jim opens two of the boxes, which contain two A4000T complete
with, fresh from p5, G4 accelerators and a suite of developer tools.

Now, to the real objective of the meeting.  Jim asks for exclusive
rights to the next installment of the series.....Quake IV.  Before
the trio of id representatives burst into laughter, Jim produces a
contract and a cheque, made payable to id Software, but with the
amount intentionally left blank. The eyes of the id accountant light
up, whilst his opposite number.....sighs.  John fills in the amount,
shows it to the accountant, who grins like the proverbial Chesire Cat.
Like the first contract, the second  is scruntized by the id lawyer
and okayed.  Both pieces of paper are signed and handed back to Jim,
who looks at the cheque, the AI accountant mutters something under his
breath. The amount?  A cool $10,000,000.

Jim opens the final boxes and reveals - the infamous November box -
two of them.  Again, complete with a suite of developer tools.  The meeting is over.

The accountant reminds Jim that he's just spent a substanial part of
their annual budget on a big gamble.  Jim Collas reminds the
accountant that you must speculate to accumulate.

In due course, the ads appear in AF......QuakeII optimised for PPC
Amiga. None of that 68k, AGA nonsense....this is full-on,
turbo-nutter, PPC, 3D gfx card, multiplayer deathmatch gaming. This is
what myself and other real PowerUsers have craved for.  This is the
software that gets the gamers upgrading.  PPC cards start selling
along with 3D gfx cards including the ZII VooDoo.  In Amiga terms, it
is a huge success, work begins on QuakeIII:Arena.

Then comes "The Announcement".   QuakeIV *only* on AmigaNG. 
                                            *Quake IV - The KillerApp*

This produces shockwaves throughout the PeeCee gaming industry and
absolute outrage from the PeeCee gamers.

FACT No.1: This has already happened....with the release of the
QuakeIII beta-test on the G3 Mac *before* the PeeCee.  The PeeCee
gamers I know, went bersek coz it wasn't released on their beloved
PeeCee first.

Pressure is put on the author of WinUAE to do something - hopeless of
course.  To play Quake IV (software) - *you have to buy AmigaNG*
(hardware).  AmigaNG sells by the bucketload as PeeCee gamers resign
themselves to buying new hardware to play the latest game - not much
change there then!!

Scenario over.....Still with me??

Now, all that could just be wishful thinking on my part.  What *I*
would do if I was boss of AI.

Finally....FACT No.2: In Arcade No.8, (another fine Future
publication), there's an interview with John Carmack.  The final
Arcade:  And what will you be working on after QuakeIII:Arena?

JC:  Already, while we're doing the technology that's going to be the
most appropiate thing for when we ship, in the middle of 1999, we've
got a pretty clear idea of what changes need to be made to take
advantage of the hardware that's going to be shipping a year or two
from now.

What hardware is he talking about?  PSX2, Project Dolphin?...possibly,
but aren't id a "computer first, console later" developer?  I doubt
the PeeCee market will advance by a revoultionary leap in the next
year or so.  So what does that leave?  Has that meeting already taken
place?  Thanks for reading my ramblings ;->


Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 13841

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:45:44 +0100
>In reference to "[afb] Re: 100 mail limit",
>> > What has happened to the 100 mail limit here, I'm getting around
>> > 150 - 200 per day now from this list. Apologies if I've missed
>> > something as I've been on holiday.
>> eGroups asked me if I wanted to put the limit up because we were hitting
>> regularly, and I though, just as an experiment we could try 150, but they
>> to have set the limit at at least 200, so I'm going ot ask for it to be
>> back down to 100 after this weekend.
>I have no objection to downloading 150+ mails a day from the afb list.
>Increasing the limit was a good idea as those like myself who have to work
>all day don't get a chance to post until the evening. There's also the fact
>that there is now many more on this list than when it first started a few
>months back.

Me too :) erm... neither do i - but i dont pay for the phone bill. But i
wouldn`t care if i got 300 mails a day.

>But, I'm becoming increasing fed up with the quantity of rubbish that's
>being posted. During weekdays esspecially I've seen a quantity of off-topic
>and pointless one line emails.
>If you want to email others during your lunch breaks at schools and
>universities fine. If you just want to say "me to", fine... But do it
>There's also subjects that have absolutly nothing whatever to do with
>either the Amiga or Amiga Format. A few recent subjects that come to mind
>are... What a PC with no keyboard connected says at boot up, Star wars
>names, peoples shoe sizes etc. This is not to say however that all that's
>posted is rubbish, there's still a healthy amount of interesting subjects
>and help.
>And before anyone start's digging around for some of my old posts to flame
>me, I'll be the first to admit I've been guilty of this in the past. But
>nowhere near that of some of people.
>Please everyone let's show a little more restraint in the quality and
>quantity of what we post. There really should be no need to set a limit on
>the number of postings. If there's a day when there's little happening so
>be it if there are fewer mails. If there's a major event then they'll be a
>lot more. Over time this will even itself out.

We dont like just the Amiga, we do have other interests too. This is a
mailing list and there are off-topic discussions on almost all the other
mailing lists ive seen.

Any way, the off-topic mails can be quite humorous :) sometimes.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13842

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:12:43 +0100
>In a weak moment, Alex decided that Microsoft were not the anti
>christ, but...
>> I've been to Micorsoft's site and almost every page I went to threw
>up at least
>> 2 Javascript errors!  Hahahahahahaha.
>So what, you really wont be missing a lot, it's just your browsers way
>of protecting you really. :D.

It is written for the M$ Internet Exploder (sp? :) browsers which understand
javascript differently to other browsers. I bet if u went to using IE4 or 5 then it would work fine.

I have been to loadsa sites using IE 4 and got loadsa these errors - i went
back to that site with Netscape 4.5 and it worked fine :)

T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13843

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:45:36 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Harris 
Date: 03 June 1999 22:13
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

>>>>>>>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>> Constantinople
>>Take your foot off my head!
> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
Blue green fishy duck

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13844

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:34:02 +0100
>On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:
>>> Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)
>> He taught me though.
>I also read/tried some tutorials by him!

Are these on the net? if so, where?

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13845

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:54:26 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Stephens 
Date: 04 June 1999 13:40
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!

>In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Wed, 02 Jun 1999 23:12:43 -0000 about [afb]
Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
>> Have you played it? It play's nothing like C&C and is just, well crap,
>> got no other words for it. Of course this is my opinion and I know a lot
>> of people like it.
>> People want command & conquer playability, not napalm ;))
>I have Command & Conquer, I also have Red Alert & Red Alert
>I bought Napalm and think it's great, there are a few little bugs, but
>most of them are sorted now and although yes I agree it's not Command
>& Conquer it is still a great game !

Wasn`t it Clickbooms intention to make it different - if they wanted it the
same then they would have just done a straight port as they did with Quake.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13846

From: Alan Day
Subject: [afb] AOL UK supports UK & European Net Strike
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 22:18:02 +0100
AOL UK has put it`s weight behind the upcoming UK & European CyberStrike
on Sunday 6th June.
AOL UK has e-mailed all 600,000 of its members.

The UK & European Net Strike is being co-ordinated in the UK by CUT -
the Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

which is campaigning for the introduction of US style unmetered local
calls for a flat-rate fee, as opposed to the per minute charging
structures that are prevalent throughout Europe.  Per minute charges are
seen to be detrimental to the growth of the internet & e-commerce in

Internet users in fifteen European countries are joining forces to
campaign for fairer telecommunications charges. The following countries
intend to take part in a European Telecommunications Boycott on Sunday
6th June: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the 
United Kingdom.

the co-ordinated European site is at

Below is the revised press release for the planned UK & European
Telecoms Boycott on Sunday 6th June.  The number of participating
countries has risen from ten to fifteen (with the addition of the Czech
Republic, Austria, Denmark, Hungary & Sweden).  Along with support from
Germany, the Netherlands and the possibility of the Republic of Ireland
becoming involved.

Participants are asked to take down there web sites for 24 hours and
replace them with a link to the Campaigns site. (with ZIP file
containing Boycott link page) (what the link page looks like)

Fifteen Countries Participate in Coordinated European Telecommunications

London, 21 April 1999

For immediate release

Internet users in fifteen European countries are joining forces to
campaign for fairer telecommunications charges. The following countries
intend to take part in a European Telecommunications Boycott on Sunday
6th June: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United Kingdom.

On that day all telephone users in those countries are encouraged to 
pull out the plug for 24 hours; Internet users are asked to lay down 
their modems.

The boycott is coordinated by which brings together, via 
a mailing list, representatives of all the national campaigns.

The united European campaign aims for:

1. Costs of all telephone calls to more closely mirror the independently
audited cost to telecommunications operators of providing these calls,
as already mandated by EU law.

2. Introduction of flat-rate charges for - in the first instance - local
calls, so that anyone can talk to friends and relatives, and Internet
users can dial up to Internet Service Providers using a telephone modem,
without worrying about the clock ticking and charges ratcheting up.

3. For any remaining metered calls, abolition of the minimum call charge
so that calls are paid for solely by the time spent connected.

4. For Internet users, quicker introduction of modern access methods
such as xDSL, cable modems and satellite access, which do not use the
telephone modem and are a great improvement on it for users.

The united European campaigns' Web site:

UK contact:

Erol Ziya
Press Officer, Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

+44 171 681 2831

Alan Day - Dumfries & Galloway,  Scotland,  UK
Team AMIGA                   ICQ uin  23996342 

A member of CUT - Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications
( in the UK ) please register your support for UNMETERED calls at

Message 13847

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: eeep!
Date: 5 Jun 99 22:15:14 +0000
Hi Samuel Brookes, you wrote
> i just went on hols to Cornwall for over a week and i came back about 1 hour
> ago - 05/06/99. and i checked mail and i got 1304!!!
NOOOoooooo!!!  I'm going to Las Vegas for a month!  I hate to think
how many mails I'll have waiting for me, when I return. :-(

BTW, I'm going to make a pilgrimage to San Diego while I'm over there.


Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 13848

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB gathering '99
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 22:30:57 +0100
>> Here are the results of the vote:
>> North England  12 Votes
>> Scotland        6 Votes 
>> Wales           4 Votes
>> The Midlands   10 Votes
>> South England   9 Votes
>> London         10 Votes 
>> The Bath area   6 Votes
> This is purely hypothetical now, because of meeting at WOA.
> But for the mathematicians amongst you, where is the centre of this lot.

I suggest these results are scaled, so, for instance. Scotland got 6 votes,
England got 47, so Scotland got 13% of England's vote. Now compare that to
Scotland's population of 5M, which is roughly 8% of England's population,
and you'll see that a considerably higher proportion of Scotland's
population want the gathering to be held here :)
So, the votes for Scotland ought to be scaled up to 75, compared to
England's 47 I think you will all agree that the Gathering should be held
in Scotland. I vote Edinburgh, what does anyone else think? ;)
Actually, I just did I recount, and found the centre to be Leicester. Oh
well :-/


Message 13849

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mr. & Mrs. Horgan
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:42:22 +0000
Hello Ben

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Don't worry Tony's going to write a whole feature on making your own
> record and we'll definitely have snippets of it on the CD...

Alright!! :-)


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...
DalNET IRC --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 13850

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:53:35 +0000
Hello Ben

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

  Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

I would, except I've gotta vote for Neil.. What with him been my ISP and
all.. ;-)


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...
DalNET IRC --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 13851

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:00:46 +0000
Hello Philip

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Alright. I admit it. I did put quarter pint of Gin in Andy's pepsi when he
> wasn't looking.... no wonder the meeting was more lively than usual :)

I dunno about Andy, but Simon Goodwin looks like he's having alcohol induced
co-ordination problems of his own... plus he's sweating "a bit".. ;-)
Or is he just payin' Respec'  :-D hehe


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...
DalNET IRC --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 13852

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] PeeCee-X
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 02:34:08 +0000
Hiya afb type ppl :-)

I've jusd read the PCx readers review, and it made me want to get my copy of
PCx that I got when i bought Fusion up 'n' running.
Ok, I've installed Dos 6.2 and went on to install Windows 3.1.  Now windows
appeared to install successfully, but when I rebooted the emulated PC, it
would refuse to load Windows. It would get as far as the loading pic and
then stop (maybe it saw what was coming :-] ) Anyway the guide file mentions
that ifyou've got the Turbo levels "on" then Windows won't load, but it still
won't load even when there not on. Anyone able to help?

On a second note. Does anyone know where to get the additional gfx drivers
from? The guide says they can be found on the Blittersoft website, but there
not there. Again, can anyone help?



Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 13853

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 23:07:37 +0100

>The NTL in your email address wouldn't happen to be the same MS-controlled
>(internet, cable, comms) company that's just taken over Diamond Cable is

Yeah, that's the one.

>I ask just out of interest as it caught my eye. If it is, how about some
>background on this company. Are they to be trusted? ;-)

Hmm, pretty cheap but...

Internet: Good service, high speed connects, but they charge more than their
normal rate for Cable to Cable calls. Admittedly, that's because at weekends
it was1.5p connect and that's it, so no one hung up and all the lines were
permanently busy. Now, the line is always free but it costs loads, hence my
headers will show this didn't actually originate from NTL's dialup. The only
redeeming factor is the free intelligent support line, very PC centred,
although they will have a stab at Amiga answers they stress they only have
official advice for Macs and PCs.

Cable: Packages are cheap, but for some reason Sky style "Please Insert
Card" pops up on the screen every now and again and it all goes fuzzy for a
few minutes. I guess some minion is sent into the basement to slot the card
back into the decoder it fell out off ;) still, pretty annoying during
films. Also, channels have to be bought in "packages" which limilts
flexibility and increases cost.

Comms: As I said Cable to Cable is ridiculously cheap, and out to BT is
alright. However you don't get packages like Friends And Family, still, the
phone bill has gone down. Also I've never known the network to be down,
which is pretty impressive as a blown pipe at the end of the road flooded
the BT CABs above it and the BT part of the street had intermittent
connection for three days. An engineer visited the adjacent Cable one once,
and I never experienced the phone go dead.

So, cost is excellent, the bill dropped lower than with BT and that included
a few cable channels (in addition to the free ones) their biggest let down
is Internet access, of course that could change when I get my hands on a
Cable Modem :) anyone here tried one?

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13854

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 23:10:27 +0100
Hi folks,

>It is written for the M$ Internet Exploder (sp? :) browsers which
>javascript differently to other browsers. I bet if u went to
> using IE4 or 5 then it would work fine.

I'm at right now and that threw up 2 Java
errors with IE4. I'll admit you would have thought that a Microsoft browser
would handle the Microsoft site fine, but this is *Microsoft* we're dealing
with here ;)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13855

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 00:24:34 +0200

I know this smells suspiciously like a rtfm question, but how can I find
out at what speed my modem connects? I'm using Miami, and looking at the
log files I could not figure out anything useful.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13856

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus again (Was Essential Programs)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 03:22:41 +0100
Good greetings  Chris

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Ben.
>> >   (PS I never did fathom that thing with prog's opening in WB
>> > screens rather than DOpus screens - if I can get to WOA, I'll bring
>> > the '1200 along and show you the problem,if it's OK - it's not major,
>> > but I have found if I do a screengrab from PPaint it has the WB title
>> > bar at the
> top,
>> > so if I sent a WB for the AFCD, people seeing it may not realize I've
> got
>>> DOpus running, IYSWIM)
>> In Environment settings, in the display part, make sure you have
> "Workbench:
>> use" selected.
> Right, I've re-installed DOpus completely, each time checking the WBR
> options. I've checked the DOpus display settings as you said above, and
> yet every time I select a program (the listers work fine) the title bar
> changes to 'Workbench Screen'. In desperation I am attaching a SnoopDos
> log in the hope you may be able to tell me what is, or isn't, working
> properly.

Go into environment->options->displaymode and select "workbench:use".

Easy as that.

> Yours exasperatedly,
>    Chrispy



/PGP Key available on request/
Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13857

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 03:28:58 +0100
Good greetings

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Right, thanks to James' suggestions for options, now we can decide on a
> group opinion to printed and online manuals. Please select one of the
> following.
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>   o Printed manuals are better
>   o Online manuals are better
>   o Printed manuals have their place, but I prefer online manualq

I can't be arsed voting via the website, so i'll have my say here :)

Printed manuals are king. Although an online manual is usefull for quick

I like to read my manuals when I'm on the er, you know what i mean :)



/PGP Key available on request/
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13858

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 00:49:18 +0200
Hello Sam,

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>>> Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)
>>> He taught me though.
>> I also read/tried some tutorials by him!
> Are these on the net? if so, where?

I don't know if there are any on the net. I saw them in an American
guitar magazine. But right now, me being in Germany, I can't find out
what it was called, sorry :(
It was a rather basic tutorial though (exactly the right thing for me :)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13859

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: The AFB gathering '99
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 23:57:56 +0000
Bother said Neville Cox as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Voting Results: The AFB gathering '99 again...

> This is purely hypothetical now, because of meeting at WOA.
> But for the mathematicians amongst you, where is the centre of this lot.

>                                |------|
>                                |   6  |
>                                |______| 
>                                |      |
>                                |  12  |
>                                |______|
>                         |------|      |
>                         |  4   |  10  |
>                         |______|______|
>                       |--    |      |  ----|
>                       |  6   |   9  |  10  |
>                       |______|______|______|  

Looks like just south of London to me which coincidentally
is just where I live.  I know, I was as surprised as everyone
else which is why I demanded a recount but blow me if it didn't
come out me again...


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13860

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 00:00:25 +0000
Bother said Sam Brookes as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Napalm probs FIXED!! again...

>>>> Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)
>>> He taught me though.
>> I also read/tried some tutorials by him!

> Are these on the net? if so, where?

/me thinks maybe I ought to start an amigan-guitarists egroup :)

Actually, maybe we should form a band and play at WOA99 - it'd
have to be better than Annex!


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13861

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Back to work...
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:09:06 +0100
Oh my god, they killed! You Back to work...!

> to close the poll then.... could you do it Ben? I can't get back in
> on my old username 'cos I forgot the password (2 weeks is a long

You shouldn't need to remember your password - E-Groups send you a
cookie, that logs you in just by going to their homepage. Clever
bunch, those E-Groups chaps and chapesses :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... I can walk on water, but I stagger on alcohol
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 36% - 231 tags in Gags.tags >>

Message 13862

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:15:55 +0100
After steaming open a mail from Alex Furmanski, I read the words "Windows=
 and manuals". Keen to find out more, I followed this up...

>  o Don't mind as long as they have nice piccies!

Is this your personal preference? ;)

>  o Manuals are for wusses.

Yeah! Right on!

BTW, does anyone know how to... ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Takes less than 512Kb (MUI takes 1Mb, minimum)#

=2E.. Gotta find a way, a better way, I'd better wait
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 30% - 61 tags in Lyrics.tags >>=

Message 13863

Subject: [afb] Spec dump (was: Abackup Optimised)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 23:09:31 -0000
Bill wrote:
> Here is my system:
> Main:
> SYSTEM      : Amiga 1200

> RAMACCESS   : 80 ns
> RAMWIDTH    : 32 bit
> RAMCAS      : Double

Which benchmarking program did you generate this list with?
I'd be quite interested to see what it thinks of my kit.

Answer via private mail, SVP.


Message 13864

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:13:17 +0100
Excuse me Ben, what was that you were saying about Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!?

> Sorry, just had to do it to see the look on your face... :)

You can tell that Ben is bored ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#FidoEd - the next generation of text editors#

... Windows open and let the bugs in.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 39% - 80 tags in Windows.tags >>

Message 13865

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AMOS flame grilled?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 18:20:02 +0100
AMOS flame grilled?? What are you talking about, Alex?

>> I did, but there might be a better Pascal compiler released in the

> The words "horse", "dead" and "flogging" spring to mind ;-)

Perhaps, but I like it, so I'm sticking with it :)

BTW, neochat, CGS and FidoED will be in VBCC, which is kept updated,
so don't worry ;)

>> guarantee it'll compile on VBCC or Storm C.

> Fairly doos - I'll agree with you on that :-)

Wow, that's something that doesn't happen very often - someone
agreeing with me! ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Takes less than 512Kb (MUI takes 1Mb, minimum)#

... I will return the seeing-eye dog.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 43% - 86 tags in Bart's_Blackboard.tags >>

Message 13866

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 5 Jun 99 23:12:57 +0000
According to Daniel, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Microdot II.
> > > u-net.announce
> > >
> > >
> > Now I just need to find time to get MD2 to download that huge list of
> > newsgroups (takes ages with mui :( )
> No you don't.
Great, thanks. I'll try it in a minute. If only I'd know earlier!

> it's far better than waiting for MUI to sort out that listview :(
It /has/ to be :)
... What if there were no hypothetical situations?

Message 13867

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: 5 Jun 99 23:40:55 +0000
At 23:39:54 you said about [afb] Re: A few things...:

> Alex F (which is an anagram of Axel F in case you cared)
Surprisingly, no i didn't care, but you probably won't want to look at
this website:
Type your name and it comes up with 'amusing' anagrams - choose
whether you want them rude etc.
You will have to lengthen your name a bit for some decent results
(such as Alex [middle name] Furmanski, second most common sender to
the AFB mailing list). And it will probably hate the X and K in your

... I'm Canadian. It's like American, but without a gun.

Message 13868

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 5 Jun 99 23:21:43 +0000
On Sat Jun 05 at 23:21:13, 
> > I think it should change from Start_Here though. 
> Hmm, what should it say then? I'm intrigued. The reason it's called Start_Here
> right now is that when you put a Future CD in the drive you're supposed to be
> forced to look at the disclaimer. We can't do that as we don't have an autorun
> feature for CDs, so the disclaimer is the first bit of HTML you come across -
> and thus we want people to load it first.

I can understand that, I just think it should be clear that it is a
webpage. Sounds weird, but I hate waiting for Voyager to load and then
the page to load as well. Thinking about it, my comment seems a bit
pointless now.
How about having the disclaimer as an IFF in the root called
"Start_Here", or couldn't you just put it in the CD case?
> > Off to make a list of all the things to complain about.
> > Dunno why, but I've noticed lots of niggles on this month's CD.
> Please report your findings ASAP...  :)
Haven't done it yet, too much revision for exams to look all through
the CD again. Watch this space...
> Ben
... The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
      appreciates how difficult it was.

Message 13869

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 5 Jun 99 23:30:06 +0000
On Sat Jun 05 at 23:27:42, Danny Shepherd was heard muttering:
> There is probably some obscure people still using those dodgy Acorns=2E M=
> of the ones in our school only had DD drives (800k)=2E

I've got my Amstrad CPC plugged in on my desk right next to me - great for
Maths coursework=2E It not only uses 3=BD" DDs but the internal drive is 3i=
And it can save/load with cassettes! You can still buy those, so why don't
we all start using them?

Now, where is the address for Amiga Inc=2E=2E=2E

=2E=2E=2E Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they AREN'T after yo=

Message 13870

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 01:16:06 +0200
Hello Martin,

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>/me thinks maybe I ought to start an amigan-guitarists egroup :)
>Actually, maybe we should form a band and play at WOA99 - it'd
>have to be better than Annex!

Shouldn't be too hard! (I mean being better than this 'music'-group)
But then again this is just my humble oppinion :)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13871

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: DVD
Date: 05 Jun 99 15:41:27 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 05-Jun-99 12:49:28 you said about:
 [afb] Re: DVD 

>Couldn't they have come up with a better name than "Allegro CDFS"?  It always
>makes me think of the Austin Allegro (shudders).  Now, if they'd have called
>it "Maxi CDFS" or "Viva CDFS"...

Especialy seeing as the Allegro had a more common name, "All-aggro"...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
This tagline is umop apisdn

Message 13872

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 05 Jun 99 23:43:35 +0000
Hello Danny Shepherd, on 04-Jun-99 20:06:02 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Subs mag 

>Will you continue with the subs.dms on the CD, or will that go too? What
>about the newsletter?

Actually, I kind of think that it's  a waste of time having it on there
now as a DMS file. I think, IMHO, that the contents of the DMS files
just needs to be in a drawer, or amongst the other areas of the CD as

Andy, who's feeling a bit flustered 'cause Sports Illustrated Swimsuit98
is on Sky one, ooo-er.... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.

Message 13873

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: BVisionPPC
Date: 06 Jun 99 00:01:16 +0000
Hello Chris.S.Handley, on 05-Jun-99 13:56:17 you said about:
 [afb] Re: BVisionPPC 


>If you've only just installed the BVision, then here are several
>things that get nearly everyone:

>1.You NEED to supply extra power to the motherboard via the floppy
>power connector.  The BV manual says how to do this, just ensure you
>get the connector the right way or your motherboard will DIE.  Only a
>very few users have avoided needing this 'hack'.

I believe this applies mainly to the 040 boards as 040s are a glutton
for juice. Going from personal experience and from the few others that I
have the 060 BPPC, it doesn't seem to suffer from this problem...

>2.Remove *all* AGA patches.  In fact, remove all patches just to be
>sure - maybe even all additional programs (User-Startup & WbStartUp).

>3.Ensure you have the latest 68040 libraries - quite essential.

>4.Ventillation inside the tower may be necessary - ensure best air
>flow by tying all cables together.  Maybe even add an extra fan
>somewhere if you have real stability problems - or just try keeping
>the tower casing off...

Again, this is important for the 040...

>5.I think I found that my PSU was causing stability problems for
>speedy BVisions displays.  May not apply to anyone else though.

>6.Talk to your dealer!  They will have got 100s of users with BVision
>problems, so that they will be able to make many suggestions.

>I hope you bought from White Knight as they are amazingly good.

I'd go along with that, my BPPC arrived two weeks before the date they
had quoted and my Bvision took less than two weeks to arrive... :)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Gargling twice a day is a good way to see if your neck leaks.

Message 13874

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 06 Jun 99 00:14:53 +0000
Hello Danny Shepherd, on 04-Jun-99 22:59:00 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: IE5       was 

>Hello All,

>On 04-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

>>>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>>>> I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>>>> I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>>>> was getting anyting up to 50k...
>>> Cool!  So why does that help?
>> Either that phone is just f**ked, or it just doesn't like modems....

>Or perhaps you had too many devices attached to your line until you removed
>the phone?

Nope, there were only usually 2 devices on the line at a time, all of
the modems I've tried with, and the phone itself, are rated at 1. The
most it would have ever been was 3.5....

Trust me, it *is* that one phone, I've even tried with two other phones
(one of which is rated at 1.5) and all's fine with them plugged in, not
to mention the fact that it has been checked at two different houses
(where one of which the gain was turned off auto and raised), three
different extensions, three different phones and four different modems -
all of which only barf up over that one fecking phone....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Computer, End program." - Barkley

Message 13875

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 06 Jun 99 00:20:07 +0000
Hello Neil Bothwick, on 05-Jun-99 15:12:38 you said about:
 [afb] Re: IE5 was 

>A fairly common failure of cheap phones involves the REN increasing.
>The phone appears to work normally but other items on the same
>circuit, like modems, fax machines and answering machines, can exhibit

That's the problem, it's not a cheap phone, but a BT one that cost
nearly 60 when new. I've had a slight "dispute" with mother as she's
not too pleased at my moaning about (or her not being able to use) it -
until I pointed out that lower connects = longer download times = higher
phone bils... :-/

Yet the cheap 9.99 Tandy own-brand works fine with it. 

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra?

Message 13876

From: "Sam Brookes"
Subject: [afb] E-Groups
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 00:32:05 +0100
Can some one goto the E-Groups web site and check that i am still an active
member as when i try and goto the AFB E-Groups page it says that im not a

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13877

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: 05 Jun 99 23:37:29 +0100
On 05-Jun-99 20:51:17 BST, Vincenzo Morra wrote:

> I am in procint of upgrading my printer and I was pleased with the review
> of the Epson Stylus 700. Can anybody tell me what is the difference
> between the 700 and 740 model
> (apart the price)?

I think Ben made a slight error there - the model that supercedes the
Stylus Photo 700 is the Stylus Photo 750.  The 740 is a Stylus *Colour*
model (i.e. 4 colour, instead of the 6 colour Photo models).

Basically, the Photo 750 offers even better overall image quality, and its
faster - not that speed matters a great deal considering things like
Wordworth take longer to create the print image than the speed that the
printer can actually print it :(  For 200, it's nearly as much a bargain
as the Photo 700.  I bought one a couple of weeks ago, along with
TurboPrint, although there isn't a dedicated driver for the 750 yet (it's
in development, apparently).  It's also worth checking out the printer
reviews and round-ups on if you haven't already
done so.

My best advice to you is to check out the printer information on as this is very informative.  Better still, fill
in the brochure request form (should be a link on any of the printer info
pages) to get Epson to mail you some literature on the printers that
you are interested in - I did this, and received a wad of informative
leaflets, and sample printouts, in the post 2 days later.

> Ben mentioned how important is TurboPrint. A couple of years ago I bought
> Studio Pro. Surely I could use it to improve the printing performance. Am
> I right? 

If it's got a driver for the printer that you're going to buy, then yes.
I've never used it, so I can't compare it with TurboPrint.

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Internet Amiga F1GP Championship  ==>

Message 13878

Subject: [afb] POLL: Will Amigactive "make it"
The subject of whether or not Amigactive will "make it" came up at the
SWAG pub meeting last Thursday and made me wonder what you lot think -
how well, in your opinion,  will it Amigactive do....

This isn't meant as a serious poll, it's just out of curiousity.


Please select one of the following:

   o It'll do well
   o It'll do OK
   o It may not survive for long
   o It'll survive, but will only have a small circulation (for an Amiga mag.)
   o It'll do better once the new Amigas are released
   o It won't be released
   o Just wait and see what happens...
   o Other...

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13879

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] CPU violation
Date: 6 Jun 99 01:30:58 +0000
Hi Everyone,

My brother-in-law's A1200 sometimes crashes with the resulting guru:

Task  : 01361DA8 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000D (DEADEND)
By    : CPU
Cause : coprocessor protocol violation

Can anyone please give the answer?



Message 13880

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] ZipTools Format
Date: 6 Jun 99 01:39:02 +0000
Hi All,

I do not normally use the SquirrelZipTools program to format with but the long format
function does not work and results in the screen locking up.

The program worked correctly when I had the Classic cable link but played up
upon using the Surf Squirrel cable.

Has anyone else had/got this problem?



Message 13881

From: Dominique Harelle
Subject: [afb] Re: PeeCee-X
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 11:05:02 +1000
From   : 4-0 <>
Date   : 05-Jun-99
Subject: [afb] PeeCee-X

Hello 4-0,

> Hiya afb type ppl :-)

> I've jusd read the PCx readers review, and it made me want to get my copy
> of PCx that I got when i bought Fusion up 'n' running. Ok, I've installed
> Dos 6.2 and went on to install Windows 3.1. Now windows appeared to
> install successfully, but when I rebooted the emulated PC, it would refuse
> to load Windows. It would get as far as the loading pic and then stop
> (maybe it saw what was coming :-] ) Anyway the guide file mentions that
> ifyou've got the Turbo levels "on" then Windows won't load, but it still
> won't load even when there not on. Anyone able to help?

In the autoexec.bat file you could try this

win /S

to tell windows to boot in standard mode and not 386 enhanced which will
slow down emulation.

> On a second note. Does anyone know where to get the additional gfx drivers
> from? The guide says they can be found on the Blittersoft website, but
> there not there. Again, can anyone help?

> Thanks

> 4-0

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

A2000/060-60, 130meg RAM, 7Gig HD's, 2 x 24x CD's, 56k Modem,
PicassoIV + Picasso96, Zip Drive, IOBlix i/o Board,
3x HD FDD, Epson GT-8500 Scaner, BJC-620 Printer, Catweasel Z2

Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 13882

From: David Jackson
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 08:22:47 +0000
> I can't be arsed voting via the website, so i'll have my say here :)
> Printed manuals are king. Although an online manual is usefull for quick
> reference.
> I like to read my manuals when I'm on the er, you know what i mean :)

Remind me never to by any second hand equipment from you when they come with

I prefer manuals too and also like the quick reference online to sort out
little niggles.


Message 13883

Subject: [afb] Re: All sorts of things
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:39:44 -0000
> just wondering if this is the same Dave Cusick as the one that writes the
> articles for AF?


> Also, is it too late for me to send my AF Reader Survey in? I havn't even



Message 13884

Subject: [afb] Re: what happened to Readers games
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:41:34 -0000
>    What ever happened to readers games section in AF?
> The latest issue didn't have it in! It just vanished. (there was still the
> drawer on the CD, but it was empty!)
>    Has the section been discontinued, or did you guys at AF just forget this
> month?

Don't worry, we didn't forget, but yours was the only game we had in, and while
I'm sure you think it deserved two pages, and the prize, we wanted to wait
until there was some competition... :)


Message 13885

Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:47:52 -0000
> first of all I want to to say that I am very pleased with the idea of
> It is a great way to compare products and help us to make up our mind.
> A good idea would be to do a comparison with all the web browser available
> for Amiga.

Good I'm glad. Unfortunately, the web browser comparison is this issue's
head2head, because we planned it before we knew about the new versions coming
out. Even so, unless things change radically, the comparison should still

> Same for the e-mailer, newsreader etc.

That's interesting - we hadn't considered doing round-ups of just shareware.
What do people think of that idea? Should we even go asa far as comparing
Exchange and MagicExchange? :)
> I am in procint of upgrading my printer and I was pleased with the review of
> the Epson Stylus 700.
> Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the 700 and 740 model
> (apart the price)?

The Stylus 740 isn't the Stylus Photo 740? I'm really not sure - they release
printers so often, I couldn't say what the improvement is. I just know that my
printer's obsolete already! :)

> Ben mentioned how important is TurboPrint. A couple of years ago I bought
> Studio Pro. Surely I could use it to improve the printing performance. Am I
> right? 

Absolutely correct. However, Studio isn't exactly the world's most
user-friendly piece of software which is why I recommend TurboPrint...


Message 13886

Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:52:27 -0000
> We dont like just the Amiga, we do have other interests too. This is a
> mailing list and there are off-topic discussions on almost all the other
> mailing lists ive seen.

However, people do object to badly quoted mails! :(


Message 13887

Subject: [afb] Re: eeep!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:54:41 -0000
> NOOOoooooo!!!  I'm going to Las Vegas for a month!  I hate to think
> how many mails I'll have waiting for me, when I return. :-(

Change your preferences to reading afb on the web before you go then.


Message 13888

Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:58:21 -0000
> I know this smells suspiciously like a rtfm question, but how can I find
> out at what speed my modem connects? I'm using Miami, and looking at the
> log files I could not figure out anything useful.

When online you can open up the Miami window and the speed should be in the
text area at the bottom.


Message 13889

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:59:46 -0000
> I can't be arsed voting via the website, so i'll have my say here :)

What's the point of replying then? It won't count towards the final vote.


Message 13890

Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 08:04:43 -0000
> How about having the disclaimer as an IFF in the root called
> "Start_Here", or couldn't you just put it in the CD case?

And would you really click on it every CD? I don't think so...

> > Please report your findings ASAP...  :)
> Haven't done it yet, too much revision for exams to look all through
> the CD again. Watch this space...

Best of luck with the exams then. BTW, that goes out to everyone on this list
still young enough to have to be studying for finals, GCSE's A-Levels or


Message 13891

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 08:06:45 -0000
> Actually, I kind of think that it's  a waste of time having it on there
> now as a DMS file. I think, IMHO, that the contents of the DMS files
> just needs to be in a drawer, or amongst the other areas of the CD as
> required.

Right, so anyone can get it and thus remove the point of having a
subscriber-only disk? It won't matter in two months anyway...


Message 13892

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: PeeCee-X
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 09:03:57 +0100
Hello 4-0

On 05-Jun-99, 4-0 wrote:
> Hiya afb type ppl :-)

> I've jusd read the PCx readers review, and it made me want to get my copy
> of PCx that I got when i bought Fusion up 'n' running. Ok, I've installed
> Dos 6.2 and went on to install Windows 3.1. Now windows appeared to
> install successfully, but when I rebooted the emulated PC, it would refuse
> to load Windows. It would get as far as the loading pic and then stop
> (maybe it saw what was coming :-] ) Anyway the guide file mentions that
> ifyou've got the Turbo levels "on" then Windows won't load, but it still
> won't load even when there not on. Anyone able to help?

   Why don't you buy a secondhand 486 for under 100.  How long did you
wait, while the loading screen was displaying?  Using PCx, it might take
all day ;-)

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13893

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 09:14:50 +0100
Hello Oliver

On 05-Jun-99, Oliver Esberger wrote:
> Hi,

> I know this smells suspiciously like a rtfm question, but how can I find
> out at what speed my modem connects? I'm using Miami, and looking at the
> log files I could not figure out anything useful.

   What version of Miami do you use?  It should display in the bottom window
of the GUI

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13894

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: Phone Probs was IE5
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 09:26:05 +0100
Hello Andrew

On 06-Jun-99, Andrew Mills wrote:

> Trust me, it *is* that one phone, I've even tried with two other phones
> (one of which is rated at 1.5) and all's fine with them plugged in, not
> to mention the fact that it has been checked at two different houses
> (where one of which the gain was turned off auto and raised), three
> different extensions, three different phones and four different modems -
> all of which only barf up over that one fecking phone....

   I had the same problem with my old Pace Microlin, it would connect at 28k
 with the phone connected, but at 36k with the phone in the bin :-)

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13895

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: PeeCee-X
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 10:06:36 +0100
Hi there  4-0

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

I rebooted the emulated PC, it
> would refuse to load Windows. It would get as far as the loading pic and
> then stop (maybe it saw what was coming :-] ) 

At the Dos promt > type  'win/s'
This will stop it trying to run in enhanced mode!

> On a second note. Does anyone know where to get the additional gfx drivers
> from? The guide says they can be found on the Blittersoft website, but there
> not there. Again, can anyone help?

There aren't any, You can force it through a PicassoIV providing you haven't
got a Paloma card fitted!

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 13896

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 10:15:45 +0100
Hi there  Sam

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

>>>>>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>>> Constantinople
>>> Take your foot off my head!
>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
> Blue green fishy duck
These messages are just silver orange juice
and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!
Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in July!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 13897

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 11:05:57 +0100
Hi James Lowe

>>  o Don't mind as long as they have nice piccies!
>Is this your personal preference? ;)

I find pictures help my to "hold my interest" ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13898

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 11:14:42 +0100
Hi Pete Sullivan

>>>>>>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>>>> Constantinople
>>>> Take your foot off my head!
>>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
>> Blue green fishy duck
>These messages are just silver orange juice
>and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!

PLEASE tell me that's a typo.  I'm all for innuendo, butt... (sic)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13899

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: How to sell 10 million AmigaNG's in the first year.....
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 11:17:16 +0100
Hi Chris Millar

Wow, that's quite a bit of wibble there...

[predictable snip]

>The scenario goes like this...

>Mr Collas opens the briefcase and pulls out a thick bundle of dollar
>bills and places it in the middle of the table.  Further bundles are
>produced until $300,000 lays in the middle of the table.  The id
>accountant nods approval to John, who then replies that work will
>begin on a conversion of Quake II for the Amiga.    Jim produces a
>contract from the briefcase, which the id lawyer carefully vets,
>(including an option for Quake III - subject to  sales figures and a
>further cash advance) and he then gives his approval - the deal is
>Then, Jim opens two of the boxes, which contain two A4000T complete
>with, fresh from p5, G4 accelerators and a suite of developer tools.
>Now, to the real objective of the meeting.  Jim asks for exclusive
>rights to the next installment of the series.....Quake IV.  Before
>the trio of id representatives burst into laughter, Jim produces a
>contract and a cheque, made payable to id Software, but with the
>amount intentionally left blank. The eyes of the id accountant light
>up, whilst his opposite number.....sighs.  John fills in the amount,
>shows it to the accountant, who grins like the proverbial Chesire Cat.
>Like the first contract, the second  is scruntized by the id lawyer
>and okayed.  Both pieces of paper are signed and handed back to Jim,
>who looks at the cheque, the AI accountant mutters something under his
>breath. The amount?  A cool $10,000,000.

So that's $10,300,000+ for one game, and two that don't exist and might turn out
to be pants.

>Jim opens the final boxes and reveals - the infamous November box -
>two of them.  Again, complete with a suite of developer tools.  The meeting is
>The accountant reminds Jim that he's just spent a substanial part of
>their annual budget on a big gamble.  Jim Collas reminds the
>accountant that you must speculate to accumulate.

Where's the money going to come from?  Will Gateway be willing to shell out that


>Then comes "The Announcement".   QuakeIV *only* on AmigaNG.
>                                            *Quake IV - The KillerApp*
>This produces shockwaves throughout the PeeCee gaming industry and
>absolute outrage from the PeeCee gamers.
>FACT No.1: This has already happened....with the release of the
>QuakeIII beta-test on the G3 Mac *before* the PeeCee.  The PeeCee
>gamers I know, went bersek coz it wasn't released on their beloved
>PeeCee first.
>Pressure is put on the author of WinUAE to do something - hopeless of
>course.  To play Quake IV (software) - *you have to buy AmigaNG*
>(hardware).  AmigaNG sells by the bucketload as PeeCee gamers resign
>themselves to buying new hardware to play the latest game - not much
>change there then!!

Or a big PC company does exactly the same thing.

>Scenario over.....Still with me??
>Now, all that could just be wishful thinking on my part.  What *I*
>would do if I was boss of AI.
>Finally....FACT No.2: In Arcade No.8, (another fine Future
>publication), there's an interview with John Carmack.  The final
>Arcade:  And what will you be working on after QuakeIII:Arena?
>JC:  Already, while we're doing the technology that's going to be the
>most appropiate thing for when we ship, in the middle of 1999, we've
>got a pretty clear idea of what changes need to be made to take
>advantage of the hardware that's going to be shipping a year or two
>from now.
>What hardware is he talking about?  PSX2, Project Dolphin?...possibly,
>but aren't id a "computer first, console later" developer?  I doubt
>the PeeCee market will advance by a revoultionary leap in the next
>year or so.

Thing is though, the Dreamcast has and the PS2 probably will blur the lines
between computer and console even more.  As for Project Dolphin, who's going to
buy a console with a name like that?  I can just imagine the scenes in the

Kid1: "I got a PSX2 for Christmas.  What did you get?"
Kid2: "I got a Project Dolphin."
Kid1: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  You're crap!" (hits kid 2)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13900

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: Spec dump (was: Abackup Optimised)
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:28:28 +0200
>> Here is my system:
>> Main:
>> SYSTEM      : Amiga 1200
>> CHIPSET     : AGA
> {snip}
>> RAMACCESS   : 80 ns
>> RAMWIDTH    : 32 bit
>> RAMCAS      : Double
> Which benchmarking program did you generate this list with?
> I'd be quite interested to see what it thinks of my kit.

cP!_ShowConfig is so neat and free to register, so it is worth to be
advertized here! From Aminet, of course.

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 13901

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:25:31 +0200
Hello Ken

> yes thats what I was on about I've had it ticked as you say but the
> said file is always getting larger. I've just moved it (to other
> partition safely) to see what happends it was 661868 in size. While
> i'm at it can I get shut of the YAM.log file safely

You can delete the .uidl and .log files, if you don't mind the
duplicates and your log history. They grow quite fast to big files.

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 13902

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: Mac Emulation
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:07:39 +0200
Hello Danny

> I have a 1Mb Mac Rom (don't worry the Mac is not used anymore) but
> unfortunatly I have no System disks. I'd just like to know if anyone
> had starting disk and a method of converting the System7.5.3 files on
> AFCD39?

I started with the filedisks from CUCD 21 and searched via AltaVista and
found a filedisk with 7.5.x and then created a dedicated Mac partition
and moved the contents of the filedisks over there via Mac handler and
copying on the Amiga side. But I am going to get real 8.x to get the
latest software to run. The depacking program (Stuffit Expander in my
case) was on the system filedisk.


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 13903

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: 66Mhz 68060's!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:22:49 +0200

> I have since found out that the Phase5 accelerators are for 50 Mhz
> versions! What must I do to convert these boards to use them? Replace
> the crystal? Is it easy? Anyone done this?


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 13904

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 10:41:50 +0100
>>>>>>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>>>> Constantinople
>>>> Take your foot off my head!
>>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
>> Blue green fishy duck
>These messages are just silver orange juice
>and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 13905

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 6 Jun 1999 9:12:14 +0100
Oliver Roberts said, 

> On 05-Jun-99 11:40:52 BST, a.furmanski wrote:

>> I've put down for this one, although I use Magic Exchange (what uses MUI)
>> cos it's better.

> It's also a bit buggy, causing Enforcer hits and various other oddities
> too.  Safer to stick with the original Exchange proggy IMHO.

I've never had an enforcer hit from Magic Exchange, but it annoyed me
when he changed the response to running it while it's already running.
It follows normal commodity behaviour in hiding/iconifying when you
press the close gadget. But when you run it again (I have it on a
DOpus button) it gives a MUI "couldn't create application" error
instead of the standard commodity behaviour of opening the GUI of the
already running version.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Next time you wave at me, use more than one finger, please.

Message 13906

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:53:49 +0200
Hello Ben,

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> When online you can open up the Miami window and the speed should be
> in the text area at the bottom.

Erm no. The only thing I can see in the text area is "Miami ist jetzt
online" (Miami is online now). I tried the different gui modules too.
Are you sure you didn't install any extra programs? Or am I getting it
all wrong?

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13907

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:57:26 +0200
Hello Jon,

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>   What version of Miami do you use? It should display in the bottom
> window of the GUI

As I already said in my reply to Ben, it does not display anything
useful there. The version I'm using is 3.2b. This is the latest version

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13908

Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:23:05 -0000
> Erm no. The only thing I can see in the text area is "Miami ist jetzt
> online" (Miami is online now). I tried the different gui modules too.
> Are you sure you didn't install any extra programs? Or am I getting it
> all wrong?

In that case, you need to set your modem to show connection speeds. I'm
buggered if I can remember the Hayes command set to that detail, so have a look
at your modem's manual, or ask Neil Bothwick... :)


Message 13909

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:25:36 +0200
Hello Ben,

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> In that case, you need to set your modem to show connection speeds.
> I'm buggered if I can remember the Hayes command set to that detail,
> so have a look at your modem's manual, or ask Neil Bothwick... :)

* " NEIL!* "

(sorry, my modem came without a manual, I bought it very cheap 2nd hand.
 it's a TRUST Communicator 56K esp-2)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13910

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 00:32:10 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samuel Brookes 
Sent: 06 June 1999 10:41
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

> >>>>>>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> >>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> >>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
> >>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
> >>>>>>> Tuesday.
> >>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
> >>>>> Constantinople
> >>>> Take your foot off my head!
> >>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
> >> Blue green fishy duck
> >These messages are just silver orange juice
> >and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!
> 59
Christmas Tree


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13911

Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:42:42 -0000
> > In that case, you need to set your modem to show connection speeds.
> > I'm buggered if I can remember the Hayes command set to that detail,
> > so have a look at your modem's manual, or ask Neil Bothwick... :)

> (sorry, my modem came without a manual, I bought it very cheap 2nd hand.
>  it's a TRUST Communicator 56K esp-2)

Try ATX6. (or AT\V1, but I have the feeling that that is only a Pace Solo


Message 13912

From: David Jackson
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:43:09 +0000
Hello Oliver

On 06-Jun-99, Oliver Esberger wrote:
> Hello Jon,
> On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:
>>   What version of Miami do you use? It should display in the bottom
>> window of the GUI
> As I already said in my reply to Ben, it does not display anything
> useful there. The version I'm using is 3.2b. This is the latest version

Miami shows the connection speed at the bottom, but on mine it seems to show
57600 this I dow't very much as its only a 56000 modem and on freeserve?????
possibly the speed between the Amiga and modem!!
but voyager displays on the bottom line the transfer speed this seems to vary
from 23000 to about 48000 which seems a little more practical.
David Jackson   (DeeJay)

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
pick himself up and carry on...
-- Winston Churchill

Message 13913

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:44:35 +0100
On 06-Jun-99 08:58:21 wrote:

> When online you can open up the Miami window and the speed should be in
> the text area at the bottom.

That doesn't work with all modems though, otherwise you need to use summat
like MiamiControl to get your connect speed.

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #503: Power station managers. Paint your chimneys white, with
orange and yellow bases, to make it look like the ground is enjoying a
cigarette. When the chimney is eventually demolished, ask the demolition
men to paint it grey, beginning at the top and progressing downwards,
occasionally `flicking' off the tip using a demolition ball and chain,
into a giant ashtray.

Message 13914

Subject: [afb] World of Amiga.
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:55:26 -0000
I don't know about anyone else but I feel the WOA is a very needed focus of
interests for Amigans. A chance to see what's going on, see other people who
are enthusiastic about there machines. Get hold of a few bargains :o) I hope,
speak to people about upgrades and get good advice. A chance to re light
my enthusiasm for all things Amiga. It's easy to get lathargic (ooh big word)
about things.
I've been keeping an eye AFB for a while and I think this has helped me get
more interested again. The AF magazine has been the main thing to keep me
going with Amiga, plus some of the great WEB sites like Amiga Nutta. I wonder
how many people bombarded with freinds PC's, games machines etc have drifted
off to other machines?

The point is that my seemingly limitless enthusiasm for my Amiga was wavering,
so what the hell, I've never been to WOA before so this will be my first.
I'm going to upgrade my A1200, 060 50mhz and get a tower and a Piccaso IV card
even though AmigaNG is not to far away. So what ever I decide about NG my 
will do what I want a lot better than now, and have a laugh and do somthing
I've meant to do for ages.

See you there. Lets hope it will be a good one.

Message 13915

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:57:41 +0000
Hello All,

On 05-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:

> Hiya
> Not being pedantic, but it always makes me smile when people say "PIN
> number", when the N stands for number anyway. Much like the N in REN.
I know but PIN and REN just sound stoopid. Imagine saying to the bank that
you've lost your PIN.

UIN: 30044173

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 13916

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Abackup Optomised
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:08:43 +0000
Hello All,

On 05-Jun-99, Bill wrote:

> The 060 version will not work and the other version crashes.
If you were to replace that 68030/40 with 68030/33 then you config would be
the vert same as mine! Since Abackup works on mine it must be a software
problem. Remove any patches and try try again. Or you could boot with no
startup and try from there.

UIN: 30044173

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13917

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Bill got pied
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:13:25 +0000
Hello All,

On 05-Jun-99, Sam Brookes wrote:

>> We all know Bill Gates was wonderfully pied a while back, but how many of
> you have the MPEG video of it?

> Im sure it was on an AFCD somewhere but i dont know wot one - can some one
> please tell me.

Try AFCD25:-In_TheMag-/ReaderRequests/

UIN: 30044173

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13918

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:38:35 +0000
Hello All,

On 06-Jun-99, David Jackson wrote:

> Miami shows the connection speed at the bottom, but on mine it seems to
> show 57600 this I dow't very much as its only a 56000 modem and on
> freeserve????? possibly the speed between the Amiga and modem!! but
> voyager displays on the bottom line the transfer speed this seems to vary
> from 23000 to about 48000 which seems a little more practical.

This is the baud rate of your serial port! (I have mine set to 115200). You
have to add W2 (Not W0) to the modem init string to get the connect speed.

Eg AT&F&D2W2

UIN: 30044173

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13919

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:51:47 +0100
Hello David

On 06-Jun-99, David Jackson wrote:

> Miami shows the connection speed at the bottom, but on mine it seems to
> show 57600 this I dow't very much as its only a 56000 modem and on
> freeserve????? possibly the speed between the Amiga and modem!! but
> voyager displays on the bottom line the transfer speed this seems to vary
> from 23000 to about 48000 which seems a little more practical.

   My Init string for my SupraExpress 56ePRO in Miami is


   I think &C1 or &D0 changes mine, the S95=1 is for my loudspeaker volume.

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13920

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: 06 Jun 99 14:55:07 +0000
Hello Oliver Esberger, on 05-Jun-99 22:24:34 you said about: 
 [afb] Miami Connection Speed 


>I know this smells suspiciously like a rtfm question, but how can I find
>out at what speed my modem connects? I'm using Miami, and looking at the
>log files I could not figure out anything useful.

You need to add "W2" (without the quotes) to your init string to get
Miami to report the modem-modem speed and not serial port to modem speed
-this, I believe will work with most modems.

Also try MiamiControl, which is available from,
it will report the connect speed in a requester once you're online (as
long as you've got W2 in the init string)


 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Magicians are a vanishing species.

Message 13921

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:59:28 +0000
Bother said Oliver Esberger as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Napalm probs FIXED!! again...

>> /me thinks maybe I ought to start an amigan-guitarists egroup :)
>> Actually, maybe we should form a band and play at WOA99 - it'd
>> have to be better than Annex!

> Shouldn't be too hard! (I mean being better than this 'music'-group)
> But then again this is just my humble oppinion :)

Slightly less attractive though (which is of course just
/my/ humble opinion) ;)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13922

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: 05 Jun 99 11:35:56 +0500
Hi, Matt.

>>I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
>>for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip.
>Are you sure? I thought only the Mk3 was dual CPU compatible.. and besides,
>you can get the much faster Mk4 now anyway.

Never heard of the MK4. What has changed?

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 13923

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 15:32:01 +0100
Hello Jon

On 06-Jun-99, Jon Barker wrote:
> Hello David

> On 06-Jun-99, David Jackson wrote:

>> Miami shows the connection speed at the bottom, but on mine it seems to
>> show 57600 this I dow't very much as its only a 56000 modem and on
>> freeserve????? possibly the speed between the Amiga and modem!! but
>> voyager displays on the bottom line the transfer speed this seems to vary
>> from 23000 to about 48000 which seems a little more practical.

>   My Init string for my SupraExpress 56ePRO in Miami is

>   AT&F2&K3&C1&D0S95=1\r

>   I think &C1 or &D0 changes mine, the S95=1 is for my loudspeaker
> volume.

   Oops, let me try again :-)

   Q0         enable result codes
   V1         verbose mode
   W=2        for line speed

   This is for my Supra, but they look like Hayes commands

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13924

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:37:54 +0100
Hi 4.0,

> Recently, when I try to delete a file using the pull-down menus, =
workbench crashes. I've tried replacing thefile
> "delete" in my C drawer with the original of my Wb disks, but with no =
> I haven't installed any new software/hardware recently that could =
effect it.
> Can anyone help?
Is there anything using the file?

    Bomber Harris

Message 13925

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] {OT} THE (sin)BIN was Another problem.
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 12:51:29 +0100
Hi Alex F,

> Alternatively go for something like Globaltrash so you just drag the =
files to
> the rubbish bin (NOTE: refrain from saying Trashcan or Recycle Bin)
Whats wrong with "Trashcan/recycle bin?"
Trashcan is the American word for rubish bin
recycle bin to me means "the rubish has been selected for recycling"
Or even the original WB *?bin

    Bomber Harris

Message 13926

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] KCon was Essential Programs
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 13:10:19 +0100
Hi Neil B,

> > [KCON]
> >> Why force yourself to reach for the mouse to open a window that =
> >> uses the keyboard for input? A hotkey to open a shell is much more
> >> sensible.
I might just try this one
> > I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
> > path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
> > me (and I can type one-handed ;)).
Me too        (hehehehehe)=20

> But you normally have to type the command before the file path.
no you don't.
as I am usualy using the mouse when I need the shell (KCon), it's no =
problem to load it from the NC2 dock bar, and drag the command into it, =
then the file I want to use with it.

    Bomber Harris

Message 13927

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 13:56:33 +0100

> wrote:
> > >The cheque was never cashed.
> >=20
> > Thats good to know cause I spoke to the bank today and they charge =
=A38 to cancell a cheque!  How can they get away with that, its =
> I thought cheques were only valid for a month so I wasn't too =
They are valid for about six months AFAIK


Message 13928

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] OFF TOPIC
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 14:09:51 +0100
I bet you still read this, even with that subject :-P

Do you have a rodent (mouse /gerbil etc...)
with a metal wheel and metal support through it ?
put some margarine or butter around the spindle to stop it squeeking.

    Bomber Harris

Message 13929

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 14:20:37 +0100
Hi All,

> >        I noticed in WHSmiths this morning that VistaPro is on the =
cover CD
> > of Mac Format and a Future publishing PC title who's name I've =
> > for the moment. I was wondering what the chances of seeing it on =
> > Format as they're also part of Future?

I got it from CUCD-rom 14 it includes makepath, GeoMorph, stacks of DEMs

    Bomber Harris

Message 13930

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:55:52 +0000
Gerald Mellor scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: IRC :

> Any channels other than Amiga ones there then? I certainly couldn't find
> any...

ARC = AMIGA Relay Chat, meaning it's mainly Amiga channels. But if you take
a look at the website, you'll find a lot of non-Amiga channels there. They
just might not be as well attended. by the way

> And what would happen if you were there? That's the benefit of registering
> your nick.

And if I'd gone to DALNet with Agima and been told to change it because
someone else already had that nick registered, I'd have wound up with a
nickname no-one would've recognised. Owning a nickname is stupid. 

Like I said, I don't care if someone else uses Agima, but actually having to
register the fact that you "own" a nickname millions of others might want to
use is stupid.

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

That's not line noise, my modem's speaking in tongues.

Message 13931

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:59:46 +0000
Sam Brookes scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Albatross (was =
Read Me) :

Sam, you know what you were saying about some off-topic stuff being funny=
? =


Goes for the rest of you doing this dumb thread and all. I'm sure Ben pos=
for you all to stop it a couple of days ago.

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

    Male [ ]   Female [ ]   First Available [ ].

Message 13932

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 02:51:57 +0100
---- Original Message -----
From: Peter Price 
Sent: 06 June 1999 15:59
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

>Sam Brookes scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Albatross (was
>Read Me) :
>Sam, you know what you were saying about some off-topic stuff being funny?
>Goes for the rest of you doing this dumb thread and all. I'm sure Ben >posted
>for you all to stop it a couple of days ago.

For gods sake! I'm getting really pissed off with the amount of people on here
who complain! It's a bit of fun, the people who participated in it seem to
find it a slight source of amusment, and while you might not think it's funny,
it's bloody tough. Unsibscribe or something if you don't want to read it. If
someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be doing. The complaints
just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13933

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 16:28:14 +0100
> And if I'd gone to DALNet with Agima and been told to change it because
> someone else already had that nick registered, I'd have wound up with a
> nickname no-one would've recognised. Owning a nickname is stupid. 

The opposite situation though, is if someone joined Arcnet with the nick
'Agima', then everyone would "recognise" that personas you, when in fact it
could quite easily be someone else. On Dalnet if someone joins a channel
with a nick you recognise there is no doubt that it is who you think it is,
because Nickserv wouldn't allow it to be anyone else.

> Like I said, I don't care if someone else uses Agima, but actually having
> to register the fact that you "own" a nickname millions of others might
> want to use is stupid.

You might as well say the same about email addresses.


Message 13934

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 16:30:52 +0100
> For gods sake! I'm getting really pissed off with the amount of people on
> here who complain! It's a bit of fun, the people who participated in it
> seem to find it a slight source of amusment, and while you might not think
> it's funny, it's bloody tough. Unsibscribe or something if you don't want
> to read it. If someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be
> doing. The complaints just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.

But Ben *did* ask you to stop IIRC. There's good off-topic, then there's
off-topic for the sake of being off-topic. I hate moaners as much as you
do, but for heavens sake, give the Albatross stuff a rest!


Message 13935

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 03:27:29 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Mellor 
Sent: 06 June 1999 16:30
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

> But Ben *did* ask you to stop IIRC. There's good off-topic, then there's
> off-topic for the sake of being off-topic. I hate moaners as much as you
> do, but for heavens sake, give the Albatross stuff a rest!
> Thanks.
> Bauglir

Ok, I'll give the albatross stuff a rest (dunno about the rest of them) but it
wasn't just this particular thread people are complaining about, and thus
getting on my nerves. There's been plenty of others.


PS. Apologies if my postings seem a little 'bad mooded' I was up till 4AM and
got up again at 10:30 so I'm not in the best of moods.

Message 13936

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 17:20:21 +0000
Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about [afb] OFF
TOPIC again...

> I bet you still read this, even with that subject :-P

I have nothing better to do...

> Do you have a rodent (mouse /gerbil etc...)
> with a metal wheel and metal support through it ?

No, I'm not that cruel - or did this happen by accident?

> put some margarine or butter around the spindle to stop it squeeking.

I'm not surprised it's squeaking with bits of metal stuck through

Where exactly is a rodent's spindle?  And, how did you find
this out?  Have you got some kind of rodent fetish where you
go round rubbing buttery substances on rodents?  Or was this
just a case of unusually excessive boredom?



Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13937

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Back to work...
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 15:51:15 +0100
Hi Rob,

> I can't get back in on my old username 'cos I forgot the password (2 =
weeks is a long time!!)=20

Just to let you know that you don't need your password to access your =
account. Go to the sign up screen and click on "forgotten password" =
Enter your Email address and the code number you got the fist time you =
signed up, enter a new password, confirm it and hey presto you are into =
your account.=20

    Bomber Harris

Message 13938

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 16:48:59 +0100
Hi Oliver E,

> I know this smells suspiciously like a rtfm question,=20
   RTFM     hehehe =20

>but how can I find
> out at what speed my modem connects? I'm using Miami, and looking at =
> log files I could not figure out anything useful.
load up Amterm (it's available with the NC2 pack) or another terminal =
package and type in=20
You will then get a list of the last connection :-))=20

    Bomber Harris

Message 13939

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Hexen/Heretic
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 18:02:07 +0100

I am trying to run Heretic and Hexen on my A1200T with PPC and BVision.

I am using the WarpHeretic 2.4 and WarpExen 1.4.

With WarpExen 1.4 I get the following message:
bsd socket.library could not be opened correctly
and after it stops while on the shell I can read:
calling dmx_init.

WarpHeretic 2.4 just gives me the message:
could not open the doomsound.library.

I have checked and the doomsound.library is in my libs and in the prog dir.

I Have tried with the WarpUp compatible version and with the latest one.

Anything I can do to solve this problem?

Kind regards
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 13940

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 18:20:50 +0100
I am sorry, but apparently I have lost my latest mail download.
I would really appreciate if whoever has already answered the email below 
would send it back to me.

BTW, is there any way to re-download it?


first of all I want to to say that I am very pleased with the idea of
It is a great way to compare products and help us to make up our mind.
A good idea would be to do a comparison with all the web browser available
for Amiga.
Same for the e-mailer, newsreader etc.
Especially taking in consideration that the 3 major web browser are coming
out with huge improvements.

I am in procint of upgrading my printer and I was pleased with the review of
the Epson Stylus 700.
Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the 700 and 740 model
(apart the price)?
Ben mentioned how important is TurboPrint. A couple of years ago I bought
Studio Pro. Surely I could use it to improve the printing performance. Am I

Kind regards
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 13941

From: "Ian Shurmer"
Subject: [afb] Re: What happened to the AF Website?
Date: 6 Jun 99 12:35:05 +0100
I'm (very) new to the internet, and one of the first sites I tried to
visit was the AF website. However, it's not there, and I've just found
out that it's not on the CD anymore. Where did it go?

Also, why can I not view the FutureNet web pages with Voyager-NC?
All I can see is the border image. Something to do with VBScript?

|           Ian Shurmer           |

Message 13942

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 19:57:59 +0000
Bother said Vincenzo Morra as he realised we were talking about [afb]
AF125-INFO again...
> I am sorry, but apparently I have lost my latest mail download.
> I would really appreciate if whoever has already answered the email below 
> would send it back to me.

> BTW, is there any way to re-download it?

You could go to egroups site and read the replys there.  Just
do a search for that subject.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13943

From: colin clark
Subject: [afb] SpeakerFone
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 15:57:15 +0000
Hello, =

Anyone Using Dopus5 and a voice modem? If so get speakerFone from


It's the dogs b*****ks for hands free use of the phone whilst using you A=
miga :)

Best regards
-- =

Colin Clark             

                  Try a Visit to The DOPus OneStop Site
                  for all your Opus needs  #

                  There is also a mailing list

                  for light Dopus discussions ie. Tips, Likes, Dislikes E=

                  And #A Bookshop!#    And #The MAMMA Search Engine!#

Message 13944

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 18:09:10 +0000
Gerald Mellor scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: IRC :

> You might as well say the same about email addresses.

Cost me =A350 to get this one though. Plus if you don't get the address y=
want in one place, it's easy enough to get it on another ISP, or e-mail

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

"Well... Life as we know it is over..." - Methos

Message 13945

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 20:11:40 +0100
> Cost me 50 to get this one though. Plus if you don't get the address you
> want in one place, it's easy enough to get it on another ISP, or e-mail
> service.

Or similarly another IRC network? :-)


Message 13946

From: "Wesley Potter"
Subject: [afb] New Amiga Website!!!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 23:36:37 +0100
Sorry Ben in advance if this breaks any rules but you might be interested in
my new website which covers all thing technical about the Amiga's hardware
and software. Go to now!!!!

Support for all amigas, but mainly those with a Kickstart >2.0 preferably


Wesley Potter

P.S. I can't change my email address for afb in egroups

Message 13947

From: Chris Faircloth
Subject: [afb] Re: Motor Trade was 2b or not 2b...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 08:29:50 +1200
Hello Andy

>AM Erm, what about a certain model Ford (Fixed Or Repaired Daily).

Are you sure you don't mean that other famous Ford (Fixed Or Repaired
Daily).Edsel ( Every Day Something Esle Leaks)?

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 13948

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:37:37 +0100
Hello Neil

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Gerald Mellor 
> To: 
> Sent: 06 June 1999 16:30
> Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
>> But Ben *did* ask you to stop IIRC. There's good off-topic, then there's
>> off-topic for the sake of being off-topic. I hate moaners as much as you
>> do, but for heavens sake, give the Albatross stuff a rest!
>> Thanks.
>> Bauglir
> Ok, I'll give the albatross stuff a rest (dunno about the rest of them)
> but it wasn't just this particular thread people are complaining about,
> and thus getting on my nerves. There's been plenty of others.
> Neil
> PS. Apologies if my postings seem a little 'bad mooded' I was up till 4AM
> and got up again at 10:30 so I'm not in the best of moods.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
I agree

PS can we have some list rules please 

Message 13949

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:36:39 +0100
Hello Neil

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> ---- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Price 
> To: 
> Sent: 06 June 1999 15:59
> Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
>> Sam Brookes scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Albatross (was
>> Read Me) :
>> Sam, you know what you were saying about some off-topic stuff being
>> funny? THIS ISN'T!
>> Goes for the rest of you doing this dumb thread and all. I'm sure Ben
>>> posted for you all to stop it a couple of days ago.
> For gods sake! I'm getting really pissed off with the amount of people on
> here who complain! It's a bit of fun, the people who participated in it
> seem to find it a slight source of amusment, and while you might not think
> it's funny, it's bloody tough. Unsibscribe or something if you don't want
> to read it. If someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be
> doing. The complaints just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.
> Neil
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>     __                        Neil Bullock
> __  ///
> \\\///
> \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010
> #trogsoft
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
i agree

Message 13950

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:36:14 +0100
Hello Neil

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Samuel Brookes 
> To: 
> Sent: 06 June 1999 10:41
> Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
>>>>>>>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>>>>>> Constantinople
>>>>>> Take your foot off my head!
>>>>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
>>>> Blue green fishy duck
>>> These messages are just silver orange juice
>>> and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!
>> 59
> Christmas Tree
> Neil
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>     __                        Neil Bullock
> __  ///
> \\\///
> \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010
> #trogsoft
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
I agree

Message 13951

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was Albatross (was Read Me))
Date: 6 Jun 99 22:02:28 +0100
Neil Bullock ( wrote:
> > >>>>>>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> > >>>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> > >>>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
> > >>>>>>>> What flavour is it?
> > >>>>>>> Tuesday.
> > >>>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
> > >>>>> Constantinople
> > >>>> Take your foot off my head!
> > >>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
> > >> Blue green fishy duck
> > >These messages are just silver orange juice
> > >and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!
> > 59
> Christmas Tree

She wore, she wore, she wore a cherry ribbon. She wore a cherry ribbon in
the merry month of May!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13952

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 6 Jun 99 22:53:54 +0000
At 22:52:56 you said about [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here:
> > How about having the disclaimer as an IFF in the root called
> > "Start_Here", or couldn't you just put it in the CD case?
> And would you really click on it every CD? I don't think so...

Uh, no. But then I only ever read it once anyway. I defy you to find
anyway who actually reads it.
> Best of luck with the exams then.
Thanks v. much. My first is on Wednesday. Ooh, scary.....
> still young enough to have to be studying for finals, GCSE's
> A-Levels or whatever...
A-Levels for me :(
Who wants to set up a poll: What type of exams are you about to do?
(obviously irrelevant to many people, but all I can say is
"Albatross" ;-)
> Ben
... Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid doing altogether.

Message 13953

Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 21:55:00 -0000
> I am sorry, but apparently I have lost my latest mail download.
> I would really appreciate if whoever has already answered the email below 
> would send it back to me.
> BTW, is there any way to re-download it?

No there isn't, but you can view it on the website, just have a look through
today's mails.


Message 13954

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga Website!!!
Date: 6 Jun 99 23:03:21 +0100
Wesley Potter ( wrote:
> Sorry Ben in advance if this breaks any rules but you might be interested in
> my new website which covers all thing technical about the Amiga's hardware
> and software. Go to now!!!!
> Support for all amigas, but mainly those with a Kickstart >2.0 preferably
> >3.0
> Cheers
> Wesley Potter
> P.S. I can't change my email address for afb in egroups

Oh god no!! This site from the bloke who played around inside his PSU with
a screwdriver whilst it was switched on!!! And he blew the whole trip
circuit causing many problems for all present!!

I'm still growing back the eyelashes   ;-)

Unless, of course, this isn't the Wes Potter who attends the Wigan & West
Lancs Amiga User Group ....


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13955

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 22:15:46 +0100
Hi Ben

> > Also, some PC mags still have floppy versions, though this isn't very
> > these days. And, Win95/98 can't be installed on some machines without at
> > least a startup floppy disk, to tell the computer that there is a CD
> > there!
> If you have a reasonably up-to-date PC, why not simply set your BIOS to
> from CD?

Sorry, I should have worded my mail better. I have a reasonably up-to-date
PC and can do this, but I have come across some 486s which can run Win95 but
can't boot from CDs - the option isn't in the BIOS. That's what I meant,
sorry again for not describing it more clearly.


Message 13956

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] PSU fans
Date: 06 Jun 99 23:12:50 +0100
Hi all,

Getting back onto the topic of fans, the fan in my tower's PSU has begun
to start playing up, and to cut a long story short, I don't think it'll
be long before it packs in completely.

So, does anyone know the best/cheapest place to buy 80mm fans of the type
that PSUs use?  I know Maplins sell them, but at 13 I might as well buy
a new PSU instead!

Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any recommendations
of places to buy a PC PSU from?  Again, Maplins have them for 20, although
I've seen some mail order companies selling them cheaper than that.  As
you can probably guess, I'm looking to save money here as well, as there
is nothing wrong with my current PSU except that the fan is knackered.

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

Message 13957

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here)
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 23:44:34 +0100
Hi Paul.

> > Best of luck with the exams then.
> Thanks v. much. My first is on Wednesday. Ooh, scary.....
> > still young enough to have to be studying for finals, GCSE's
> > A-Levels or whatever...
> A-Levels for me :(
> Who wants to set up a poll: What type of exams are you about to do?
> (obviously irrelevant to many people, but all I can say is
> "Albatross" ;-)

As you may now know, I've done this. Hope I've covered all possibilities :-)


Message 13958

Subject: [afb] POLL: What Exams are you doing?
As it is exam season, Paul Cundle wondered how many of you are doing exams, and if so, which ones, so I've set up this poll to find out.

Please select one of the following:

   o GCSEs
   o A-Levels
   o University degree
   o Post-grad/doctorate, etc.
   o BTEC
   o City & Guilds
   o Other college course
   o Not doing exams

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13959

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 6 Jun 99 23:59:55 +0000
Hello peeps,
I've come up with (some slightly rude/offensive) anagrams of Amiga people
and someone on this list. I got them from
Please don't shout at me if any offend you. They're only supposed to
be funny :) And I /swear/ I didn't purposely try to make the Ben Vost
ones nasty.

*Ben Vost, Editor of Amiga Format:*
Fearsome vomiting or daft boat.
I'm a good, fattest, if brave moron.
Over-fed fatso aborting to maim.
/I'm a good, brave, if fattest moron./
/I'm a daft, abortive goof monster./
Abortive, fat, daft ego moronism.
Abortive egotist or off madman.
/O Dear Me! vomit boring, fat fatso./
Boo! O Dear Me! fat vomiting farts.
/To a fat, over-fed, moron bigamist./
/O Dear Me! fat moron if vast bigot./
I am a vomit or off-targeted snob.
/I'm a fat, over-fed, rotating bosom./ !

*James Paul Collas, president of Amiga Inc.*
So jolliest, pig-faced, maniacal superman.
Juiciest megalomaniac appals fondlers.
/Fanatical, morale-sapping, melodic Jesus./
/Jealous if malignant, spasmodical creep./
/O Jesus! a flipping, demoniacal smart-alec./
Judicial if complete an!l-p!rn massages. (work it out yourself!)
/Fanatical major decompiles sensual pig./?
Peaceful major in spasmodical genitals.
Ma is jealous, pig-faced, carnal simpleton.
One of the ten longest words was "semi-confidential"!

*Richard Drummond, new AF staff writer*
/Withdrawn fart or mesmeric dandruff./
Is warm, confirmed dandruff thwarter.
/Narrow-minded thwarter, if mad scruff./
I'm withdrawn scoff and fart murderer.
Warm thwarter finds confirmed fraud.
Longest words: mathematicians, wart-encrusted, manifestation.

*Alex Furmanski, AFB spammer of the year*
I am the foxy, unspeakable farmer Smarf.
/A hypermarket examines buffalo farms./
Foxy mainframes push remarkable feat.
Okay, as experimental farms buffer ham.
/Ahem! explanatory buff makes firearms./
/Mark examines fluffy Arab atmosphere./ !
Okay! am experimental farm buffers ash.
/Mummy explains fake Arab forefathers./
Longest word: Semi-reasonable, embarrassment, elephants-ears.

The ones which really make sense are in italic. I chose these out of 200
results for each search.

... Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you
enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

Message 13960

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here)
Date: 7 Jun 99 00:05:54 +0000
At 00:05:03 you said about [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here):
> Hi Paul.

> > Who wants to set up a poll: What type of exams are you about to do?
> > (obviously irrelevant to many people, but all I can say is
> > "Albatross" ;-)
> As you may now know, I've done this. Hope I've covered all possibilities :-)

God, that was quick. I only said it half an hour ago! Why are you
blaming me in the poll mail though?! You actually started the poll.
I feel obliged to answer it now - my first one ever.
>     Chrispy
... If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake
      him up.

Message 13961

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 17:43:37 +0100
Hey, Chris! Can I have some POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not??

> Sorry about that - I knocked the Enter key when I wanted to press

Ah, I knew I suggested 8 options :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... For a Spam reply, send a self-abused, stomped Crunchy Frog to...
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 37% - 7 tags in MontyPython.tags >>

Message 13962

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Hexen/Heretic
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 20:40:50 +0100
Hi Vincenzo

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> With WarpExen 1.4 I get the following message:
> bsd socket.library could not be opened correctly
> and after it stops while on the shell I can read:
> calling dmx_init.

bsdsocket.library is used for internet software. It sounds like the game is
being run in network mode or something. Get a program like #HexenPortal #from and this will allow you to specify what
options you run the program with, as well as edit the default keys, etc..

> WarpHeretic 2.4 just gives me the message:
> could not open the doomsound.library.
> I have checked and the doomsound.library is in my libs and in the prog dir.
> I Have tried with the WarpUp compatible version and with the latest one.

Not sure about this one, but I'd double check the docs - also try running
SnoopDOS - it might give you a clue. If you use #HereticPortal #from the same
site as above, this can also suggest answers as well... It told me about a
corrupted WAD file, after I couldn't think of anywhere else to look.


By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.

Message 13963

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: 7 Jun 99 02:41:45 +0100
Hi Ralph,

In reference to "[afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)",

> I agree
> PS can we have some list rules please 

How about decent quoting and less of the pointless two word "I agree"
emails which serve no useful purpose unless you've something to add. That
would be a start. 

On three replys as well. tut tut :)

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13964

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was Albatross (was Read Me))
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 09:09:54 +0100
Hi Kevin,

> She wore, she wore, she wore a cherry ribbon. She wore a cherry ribbon in
> the merry month of May!

I think this thread has been taken far enough. I will shoot the next person
who replies to it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 13965

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] AMOS Screenshot
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:55:40 +0100

Can anyone provide me with a screenshot of the AMOSPro monitor function. I
need it sometime before 2:15 today if possible. If you want to know what
it's for, then it's for an assignment for college. If you're going to send
one, send it in GIF format to



Message 13966

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:39:00 +0100
Hi Danny Shepherd

>> Not being pedantic, but it always makes me smile when people say "PIN
>> number", when the N stands for number anyway. Much like the N in REN.
>I know but PIN and REN just sound stoopid. Imagine saying to the bank that
>you've lost your PIN.

And no doubt somebody would say "Have you asked Stimpy?" if you started making
enquiries about your phone's REN.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13967

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:45:57 +0100
Hi Peter Price

>>Sam Brookes scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Albatross (was
>>Read Me) :
>>Sam, you know what you were saying about some off-topic stuff being funny?
>>Goes for the rest of you doing this dumb thread and all. I'm sure Ben >posted
>>for you all to stop it a couple of days ago.
>For gods sake! I'm getting really pissed off with the amount of people on here
>who complain! It's a bit of fun, the people who participated in it seem to
>find it a slight source of amusment, and while you might not think it's funny,
>it's bloody tough.

I think that thread has really done its death.  I find any threads with more
than 6 ">"s in the quotes tend to be a bit stale.

> Unsibscribe or something if you don't want to read it.

I think that's being a bit unrealistic - unsubscribing just cos you don't want
to read one thread.

> If
>someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be doing. The complaints
>just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.

I can't help but feel that's a bit drastic, but hey-ho!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13968

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:53:01 +0100
Hi Chrispy

>> > Also, some PC mags still have floppy versions, though this isn't very
>> > these days. And, Win95/98 can't be installed on some machines without at
>> > least a startup floppy disk, to tell the computer that there is a CD
>> > there!
>> If you have a reasonably up-to-date PC, why not simply set your BIOS to
>> from CD?
>Sorry, I should have worded my mail better. I have a reasonably up-to-date
>PC and can do this, but I have come across some 486s which can run Win95 but
>can't boot from CDs - the option isn't in the BIOS. That's what I meant,
>sorry again for not describing it more clearly.

I've never come across a CD that you can boot from (on a PC).  Do you have some
special need for wanting to do this?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13969

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:58:34 +0100
Hi Paul Cundle

>*Alex Furmanski, AFB spammer of the year*
>I am the foxy, unspeakable farmer Smarf.
>/A hypermarket examines buffalo farms./
>Foxy mainframes push remarkable feat.
>Okay, as experimental farms buffer ham.
>/Ahem! explanatory buff makes firearms./
>/Mark examines fluffy Arab atmosphere./ !
>Okay! am experimental farm buffers ash.
>/Mummy explains fake Arab forefathers./

I would put some of these in my sig, but people just wouldn't get them :-(

Didn't do any for yourself?  What about "Paul Cundle, leader of the Anti-Alex
Association" ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13970

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:00:18 +0100

>> Best of luck with the exams then.
>Thanks v. much. My first is on Wednesday. Ooh, scary.....

I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.

>> still young enough to have to be studying for finals, GCSE's
>> A-Levels or whatever...
>A-Levels for me :(
>Who wants to set up a poll: What type of exams are you about to do?
>(obviously irrelevant to many people, but all I can say is
>"Albatross" ;-)

I'd go for that, but make sure you know the edumakayshun system well, or there's
going to be a post-grad out there doing some extra stuff that'll be really
pissed off.  Like there always is.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13971

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:06:15 +0100
> >
> >For gods sake! I'm getting really pissed off with the amount of people
on here
> >who complain! It's a bit of fun, the people who participated in it seem
> >find it a slight source of amusment, and while you might not think it's
> >it's bloody tough.
> I think that thread has really done its death.  I find any threads with
> than 6 ">"s in the quotes tend to be a bit stale.

True. Hope no-one minds (course you don't mind, what am I thinking :), I've
taken the Albatross thread to my own egroup so I can carry it on. Only
problem is, no-one else is allowed to join cos it's a private trogsoft
egroup :)

> > Unsibscribe or something if you don't want to read it.
> I think that's being a bit unrealistic - unsubscribing just cos you don't
> to read one thread.
Ok, but I was in a bad mood at the time
> > If
> >someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be doing. The
> >just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.
> I can't help but feel that's a bit drastic, but hey-ho!

you've got a cheery attitude today haven't you? :)


Message 13972

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:13:34 +0100
I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's and
things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely it
would be possible to create a program which lets you select
the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it would
run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in the
selected drives, and check for a special file in it's root
(.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
sequence or something.

What do you think?


Message 13973

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:24:20 +0100
Already been done. Search on the aminet for Autostart and
you'll get about 10 different ones. Hopefully Haage&Partner
will have twigged and have designed a nice one for the 3.5
CD support feature. All modern OSes have autostarts for
removable media and it is piss easy to implement on an
Amiga through Commodities.library (just monitor the 


I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's and
things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely it
would be possible to create a program which lets you select
the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it would
run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in the
selected drives, and check for a special file in it's root
(.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
sequence or something.

What do you think?


Message 13974

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 07 Jun 99 10:22:22 +0100
On 07-Jun-99 11:00:18, Alex Furmanski ( wrote:

>I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.

I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 13975

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:28:28 +0100
Hi Neil,

> True. Hope no-one minds (course you don't mind, what am I thinking :),
> I've taken the Albatross thread to my own egroup so I can carry it on.
> Only problem is, no-one else is allowed to join cos it's a private
> trogsoft egroup :)

Hurrah, now you can talk rubbish to yourself all day and no-one will know!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 13976

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:29:35 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's and
> things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely it
> would be possible to create a program which lets you select
> the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it would
> run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in the
> selected drives, and check for a special file in it's root
> (.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
> sequence or something.

It's been proposed before, but no-one has yet done it. An autorun feature
would be nice if you could turn it off.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 13977

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:46:50 +0100
> Hi Neil,
> > I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's
> > things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely
> > would be possible to create a program which lets you
> > the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it
> > run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in
> > selected drives, and check for a special file in it's
> > (.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
> > sequence or something.
> It's been proposed before, but no-one has yet done it. An
autorun feature
> would be nice if you could turn it off.

Well Sealey, M said it had been done. I haven't a clue
whether it has or not, and can't be bothered searching
aminet ATM. But I'll make one if you want :) Feature
suggestions anyone?


Message 13978

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:43:59 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Well Sealey, M said it had been done. I haven't a clue
> whether it has or not, and can't be bothered searching
> aminet ATM. But I'll make one if you want :) Feature
> suggestions anyone?

Matt's right. There is a thing on Aminet to do it, but there's no CDFS that
supports one, which is what needs to happen for widespread acceptance.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
We want *your* reviews of your favourite
hardware and software. Get 'em in!

Message 13979

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:44:54 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 11:29 AM
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff

> Hi Neil,
> > I've been hearing loadsa stuff about autobooting CD's and
> > things (although I didn't read much of it) but surely it
> > would be possible to create a program which lets you select
> > the devices you want to autostart from wb and then it would
> > run in the background, detect when you insert a disk in the
> > selected drives, and check for a special file in it's root
> > (.autoboot or something) or maybe execute it's startup
> > sequence or something.
> It's been proposed before, but no-one has yet done it.

autostart.lha      disk/misc   30K  86 Executes a shell script everytime you
meautostart.lha    util/cdity  47K   2 Autostart function like Wind**s
autorun3.lha       disk/misc    9K  32 Execute script after inserting
AutoRunner.lha     util/boot   16K 347 Executes CLI command if disk is
inserted. V2
AutoRunNG.lha      util/cdity  13K   3 Execute script if you insert volume.

There are many others..

> An autorun feature would be nice if you could turn it off.

What you`d need is a standardised approach. It`s easy to do, a
commodity with a list of devices in would be great. Hold down
shift when you insert a disk to disable autorun, whatever.

The trouble is HOW you "autorun" these disks/devices. Win95
does it by using an autorun.inf file that contains a few command
options and it executes them. A CD would need to have that
to work properly, or obviously you could set up a CD to do that
with the commodity - like running an installer from your Quake
Addons CD when you insert it..

Hell, I might write one ;)

But I hope H&P implement one anyway. At least there would be
a mechanism there, whether it gets used or not..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13980

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:46:20 +0100
Hi Matt,

> But I hope H&P implement one anyway. At least there would be
> a mechanism there, whether it gets used or not..

I've just asked them, but don't hold your breath waiting for a reply...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13981

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:55:45 +0100
> Hi Neil,
> > Well Sealey, M said it had been done. I haven't a clue
> > whether it has or not, and can't be bothered searching
> > aminet ATM. But I'll make one if you want :) Feature
> > suggestions anyone?
> Matt's right. There is a thing on Aminet to do it, but
there's no CDFS that
> supports one, which is what needs to happen for
widespread acceptance.

But you don't *need* a CDFS to support it do you? At least
the way I'm thinking of doing it wouldn't need one. I've
done it before in some crappy pseudo OS I made when I was
bored (I must've been bored for a long time, it took about
7 months, and I lost the whole thing in a hard disk crash).
I'll have a go tonight, so now I'll be making about 4
programs all at the same time :)

Sorry about the 60 char wrap on this. It doesn't work with
higher for some reason.


Message 13982

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 12:13:37 +0100
Hi Neil,

> But you don't *need* a CDFS to support it do you? At least
> the way I'm thinking of doing it wouldn't need one. I've

No you don't, but if the OS or CDFS don't support it, then how are you going
to ensure that everyone runs your program to support autostart? It has to
be a default choice, not just something you can avoid installing.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13983

From: "Jillian Gibson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 12:20:41 +0100
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Vost 
Date: 04 June 1999 16:06
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation

>Hi Chris,
>>  My WHSmiths, (North Finchley, London), seems to have an ever expanding
>> Amiga Format presence.  They had about 8 copies glowing thier way off of
>> the top self this month.  Proudly alongside a few high profile computer
>> mags.
>What? They've already got AF125?
>All the best,
>Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
>Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> Try:
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
Hi good to see that other places know the value of the amiga too!!!
Leicester WHSmiths even gives the AMIGA its own section!! as obviously they
know that it is much more than just a computer!! Even if there is just one
magazine in it know (have you guessed which ine !!!)

On a different note, anyone ever used thew Siamise RTG system over the
serial network?? is it any good? and would it also work over a USB network ,
as I've noticed quite a few of the new PPC only cards planed have USB ports
which would go nicely with my Cerberus (well if I was going to buy a new PC
for work :( at least I should support an Amiga company ;).

Message 13984

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 12:39:58 +0100
> Hi Neil,
> > But you don't *need* a CDFS to support it do you? At least
> > the way I'm thinking of doing it wouldn't need one. I've
> No you don't, but if the OS or CDFS don't support it, then how are you
> to ensure that everyone runs your program to support autostart? It has to
> be a default choice, not just something you can avoid installing.

CDFS support need only be in the fact that it recognises disk changes, which
will automagically notify intuition etc. which can launch any helper app or
invoke a commodity to "autorun" that device.

OS support would be a configurable commodity - to disallow support on
your tape drive for instance. Removable media is removable media to the
OS so that would be essential.

But neither is  to be worked upon day and night for them
to be accomplished.. All filesystems support diskchanges properly
I`m sure and commodities are fairly generic in their operation. If my
screenblanker can un-blank when I insert a floppy then an AutoRun
commodity can. Finding out which device has been inserted is merely
a case of scanning the volume list and comnparing it to the last time it
checked. A trivial matter.. as I`m sure someone like Simon G. or John K.
will tell you (assuming they can program more than oscilloscopes and
digicam tools respectively ;)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13985

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 13:52:46 +0000

I have just came off the phone after having a rather interesting discussion
with one of the managers at BT-Internet.  If ppl are not aware, from the
6th June BT/BT-Internet are giving all there customers an 0800 number for
use with their ISP at weekends.  The only condition of course is that you
join up with BT Internet (BT's own ISP).  It is of my opinion, and
strangely enough of the opinion of most of the employees at BT-Internet
that this is not only unfair competition towards other ISP's but it is
penalising existing ordinary BT customers who wish to express there freedom
of choice and go with another ISP.  Not only that, but apparantly a memo
was passed round 2 months ago within BT and later as a press release that
BT would not at any time be allowing Free calls to ISP's of any nature as
this would not make sound economical sense.  Obviously it makes sound
economical sense if the free calls are only available to there own ISP.

I would be really interested to hear other peoples opinions on this as
although free calls at weekends is good news, having to use BT's own ISP to
get them is not.

Kind regards

Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13986

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:00:56 +0100
Hi Iain,

> that this is not only unfair competition towards other ISP's but it is
> penalising existing ordinary BT customers who wish to express there
> freedom of choice and go with another ISP. Not only that, but apparantly a

I'm sorry, while I agree with you that this represents unfair competition, I
don't see how it "penalises existing ordinary BT customers who wish to
express their freedom of choice and go with another ISP". If that were the
case, why not have a go at Freeserve for denying Demon users the ability to
use a free ISP? I've stuck with Demon for seven years now, and I'll
probably stay with them a good while longer, simply because it's the
address I've had the longest. Whether BT offer a free ISP or not is up to
them. It's also up to me whether I use it or not.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what
it means?

Message 13987

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] For those tired of the Albatross crowd
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:05:05 +0100
Hi People,

I'm sure I'm not alone here with this wish...

Those who have stupidly advised people who are quite rightly fed up of reading
the babble of random and ill thought messages with  increasingly large
off-topic mails to "unsubscribe", then here is my answer...

I have created a guide for my own personal viewing that others might like to
follow - if any person on this list sends more than ten wildy off-topic
messages in a day, then I am using the remote filter option in YAM to delete
their messages before I ever have to waste my time vainly looking for anything
relevant. I wouldn't call that quota *limiting* by any means on a mailing list
which has a general area of discussion.

So far two people have vanished from existence in this manner. I will not quote
names, however. For further information, I don't do this to "save my phonebill"
as some people have already mentioned as a reason, since it is indeed right
that the download time is negligible. It's simply that I tire of reading this
sort of nonsense. Try to increase your signal to noise ratio... please!


Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint. - Mark Twain

Message 13988

From: "i03427"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:26:39 +0100
> Hello,
> I have just came off the phone after having a rather interesting
> with one of the managers at BT-Internet.  If ppl are not aware, from the
> 6th June BT/BT-Internet are giving all there customers an 0800 number for
> use with their ISP at weekends.  The only condition of course is that you
> join up with BT Internet (BT's own ISP).  It is of my opinion, and
> strangely enough of the opinion of most of the employees at BT-Internet
> that this is not only unfair competition towards other ISP's but it is
> penalising existing ordinary BT customers who wish to express there
> of choice and go with another ISP.  Not only that, but apparantly a memo
> was passed round 2 months ago within BT and later as a press release that
> BT would not at any time be allowing Free calls to ISP's of any nature as
> this would not make sound economical sense.  Obviously it makes sound
> economical sense if the free calls are only available to there own ISP.

I think that is just stupid. BT, as you rightly say, shouldn't do this to
their customers. They shouldn't stop ISP's using 0800 number if they want
to. Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
number at off peak times. 

Now, just one question. Is this thing about you having to use BTInternet an
exclusive thing, in that you MUST use BTInternet and nothing else ever?

> I would be really interested to hear other peoples opinions on this as
> although free calls at weekends is good news, having to use BT's own ISP
> get them is not.

Well, for me, I don't think free calls only at weekends justifies the price
of BTInternet. Evenings, yes, that would justify it and i might join, but
just weekends is not good enough.

Incidentally, this is what my dad would say :)


Message 13989

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:30:43 +0100
> > of choice and go with another ISP.  Not only that, but apparantly a memo
> > was passed round 2 months ago within BT and later as a press release
> > BT would not at any time be allowing Free calls to ISP's of any nature
> > this would not make sound economical sense.  Obviously it makes sound
> > economical sense if the free calls are only available to there own ISP.
> I think that is just stupid. BT, as you rightly say, shouldn't do this to
> their customers. They shouldn't stop ISP's using 0800 number if they want
> to.

BT don`t stop ISPs using 0800 numbers. That is about the fact that BT won`t
be offering Free access to THEIR ISPs anytime soon. They have ownership
of a few I`m sure.

OFTEL say that if BT used 0800 numbers then it`s unfair to independant
telephone operators because they are capitalising a monopoly. They can
just about get away with this because it`s limited access, and obviously
that Tempo-sponsored ISP did it a few weeks ago.

> Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
> number at off peak times.

That`s them. What`s the ISP service called? (BTW did they tell you that
LocalTel is just licensing lines off BT - a reseller, not a real telco!! ;)

> Now, just one question. Is this thing about you having to use BTInternet
> exclusive thing, in that you MUST use BTInternet and nothing else ever?

You have to sign up to BTInternet, it`s 11.99 a month. And then you pay
call access on top, or not on weekends. Like Demon, but free on weekends?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13990

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:33:29 +0000
On 07-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> I'm sorry, while I agree with you that this represents unfair competition,
> I don't see how it "penalises existing ordinary BT customers who wish to
> express their freedom of choice and go with another ISP". If that were the
> case, why not have a go at Freeserve for denying Demon users the ability
> to use a free ISP? I've stuck with Demon for seven years now, and I'll
> probably stay with them a good while longer, simply because it's the
> address I've had the longest. Whether BT offer a free ISP or not is up to
> them. It's also up to me whether I use it or not.

It's not a case of them offering just a free ISP, they have had that for a
while with BT-Clickfree.  The point is that they are offering an 0800
number when they have stated catagorically that they won't allow free calls
to ISP's.  It's like transco offering Free Gas.  If BT wish to allow 0800
access to ISP's at weekends then it should be for all ISP's used by BT
customers and not just their own.


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13991

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:40:46 +0100

> > Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
> > number at off peak times.
> That`s them. What`s the ISP service called? (BTW did they tell you that
> LocalTel is just licensing lines off BT - a reseller, not a real telco!!

I noticed that on their website :) Screaming Net (the ISP) seem pretty fast
(I use them at home occasionally when Freeserve is bust) and overall, offer
a pretty good service. Localtel give you calls 10% cheaper than BT, and
free from 6PM to 8AM the next day, and on weekends. Now if that isn't cool,
I don't know what is :)


Message 13992

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:10:44 +0100
Hi People,

Just tried to take advantage of the spectacularly low prices listed in the
First computer advert in this month's Amiga Format. Sadly, they seem to be
cleaned out, since they didn't have any of the 10 bits of software that I
wanted - still, I managed to pick up a Protel teletext decoder which makes an
interesting little toy to mess about with.

As I surmised with such an "everything must go" message in their advert is
appears that they are indeed leaving the Amiga market, as I've just been
confirmed by "John" who just took my final order.

It's a shame they couldn't have hung on till Q4 1999, but who knows. When
things pick up I suspect we will see a lot of these companies return to the


Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 13993

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:44:25 +0100
Hi Ferenczy,

> It's a shame they couldn't have hung on till Q4 1999, but who knows. When
> things pick up I suspect we will see a lot of these companies return to
> the fold...

I'm not sure that would have been enough, but I'm sure that by summer next
year there will be enough products to keep an ad like First's going in AF.
We'll have to put up the ad rate... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Behaviorist psychology: 
      pulling habits out of rats

Message 13994

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:48:03 +0100
Iain H. penned in a flowing manner:

>It's not a case of them offering just a free ISP, they have had that for a
>while with BT-Clickfree.  The point is that they are offering an 0800
>number when they have stated catagorically that they won't allow free calls
>to ISP's.  It's like transco offering Free Gas.  If BT wish to allow 0800
>access to ISP's at weekends then it should be for all ISP's used by BT
>customers and not just their own.

What you have to remember is that BT is split into several parts...
The guys that offer BTClick/Free are not the same as the guys that
provide the actual phone lines and do the billing - same company,
but different hats - that is what the Oftel thing is all about....

The provider (telco) side can sell their services to anyone - other parts
of BT, me, you, anyone - it just costs money...

So BT(2) wants to offer 0800 numbers for access, they have to buy
them off of BT(1) at a particular price. Providing the revenue is coming
in to BT(2) from adverts, ISP subs, etc then they can do this....

Free ISPs may have some problem generating the income, until the
local loop is unbundled (ala US) and free....


Message 13995

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:47:43 +0100
> Hi,
> > > Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
> > > number at off peak times.
> >
> > That`s them. What`s the ISP service called? (BTW did they tell you that
> > LocalTel is just licensing lines off BT - a reseller, not a real telco!!
> ;)
> I noticed that on their website :) Screaming Net (the ISP) seem pretty

Because nobody is on it, no doubt. Not that many people want to change
telcos, beleive it or not.

> (I use them at home occasionally when Freeserve is bust) and overall,
> a pretty good service. Localtel give you calls 10% cheaper than BT, and
> free from 6PM to 8AM the next day, and on weekends. Now if that isn't
> I don't know what is :)

I don`t think it`s cool. I would have to pay BT line rental for 3 quarters
a "contract termination fee" based on how much they think an average
person spends on phone bills in those quarters (that`s 66 for the line
rental and about another 60 for the "missing" calls) because I got a cheap
line out of them. Just to move my line to LocalTel. It stinks, it does...

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13996

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:55:13 +0100
> As I surmised with such an "everything must go" message in their advert
> appears that they are indeed leaving the Amiga market, as I've just been
> confirmed by "John" who just took my final order.
Leaving... damn... I was wondering about that, but the person who served me
when I was there said he didn't think they were leaving the amiga. Shame.
I've now got no-where to go for Amiga stuff in this area :( have to start
my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)


Message 13997

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:51:52 +0100
> Leaving... damn... I was wondering about that, but the person who served
> when I was there said he didn't think they were leaving the amiga. Shame.
> I've now got no-where to go for Amiga stuff in this area :(

There`s always mail order..

>  have to start my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)

18 with a decent credit rating. I checked ;)


Message 13998

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:56:38 +0100
Matt S. penned (with a slanty, flowing script):

>>  have to start my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)

>18 with a decent credit rating. I checked ;)

Can't remember an age question on my forming a LTD company form....

Or on the IR forms, or the change company name forms....

Hmmmm - should be possible, but IANAA, so don't trust me :)


Message 13999

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 15:00:25 +0100
Here's a very quick and fast response for ya :)
> > Leaving... damn... I was wondering about that, but the person who
> me
> > when I was there said he didn't think they were leaving the amiga.
> > I've now got no-where to go for Amiga stuff in this area :(
> There`s always mail order..

Takes all the fun out of it. You can see other people browsing the Amiga
section when you're in person, talk to them ,etc. And of course, you get to
see any special offers earlier than people who just use the adverts :)

> >  have to start my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)
> 18 with a decent credit rating. I checked ;)

Only 11 months to wait. Get my girlfriend to set it up, then it can be done
in 9 time months instead :)


Message 14000

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU fans
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:05:37 +0100
Hi Oliver

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> So, does anyone know the best/cheapest place to buy 80mm fans of the type
> that PSUs use?  I know Maplins sell them, but at 13 I might as well buy
> a new PSU instead!
> Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any recommendations
> of places to buy a PC PSU from? 

You could try Greenweld's - they have a catalogue that always seems to have
bits and scraps in it... Very variable quality gear and you never know what's
going to turn up in there next, but it's extremely cheap.

No, I don't know the address (if indeed they have a net presence) - use a
search engine.


Always remember to pillage before you burn.

Message 14001

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:59:53 +0100
> Matt S. penned (with a slanty, flowing script):
> >>  have to start my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)
> >18 with a decent credit rating. I checked ;)
> Can't remember an age question on my forming a LTD company form....

No, but do you really expect to open a shop with no cash? Think
bank loans, etc. Hence credit rating, and you don`t HAVE a credit
rating until you can use something like a credit card or be eligible
for finance deals on cars and such like. Otherwise it`s hell to try
and get capital to lever up your business.

Unless you have a few grand lying about to rent a shop and fit it
out and buy the starting product base, advertise etc.

Message 14002

From: "R.S.Radford"
Subject: [afb] PPC Problems
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:57:13 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Peeps,

I know this has probably been discussed a 1000 times 
before, but I am suffering great problems with my PPC board.

Ive just bought a secondhand Blizzard PPC 240Mhz 603e+ 040 

After much frustration Ive got it to boot up. However I am 
suffering from large stability problems, especially when 
useing the PPC. In fact the only PPC software I have got to 
work is Memtest and Beniot. And there is only so many times 
I can be amazed at the speed of the memory, and fractal 
rendering. The card has Phase 5`s PPC kernal installed on 
flash (I can remember the version, however it is the update 
included on AFCD 40), is there any other software 
required, other than whats on flash rom, in order to get 
the board to work?. Its early days yet (only got the card 
yesterday) and I may be able to solve the problems myself 
by a process of elimination. However if anyone can tell me 
of any coomon problems, etc I would be greatful. I also 
have heard that my eyetech mark 3 interface may be a 
problem to.



Message 14003

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 15:06:24 +0100
> > There`s always mail order..
> Takes all the fun out of it. You can see other people browsing the Amiga
> section when you're in person, talk to them ,etc. And of course, you get
> see any special offers earlier than people who just use the adverts :)

Well you could always just ring a company up religiously, to the point that
they know who you are right away ;)

> > >  have to start my own shop up... wonder how old you have to be :)
> >
> > 18 with a decent credit rating. I checked ;)
> >
> Only 11 months to wait. Get my girlfriend to set it up, then it can be
> in 9 time months instead :)

Eee! A young `un! Jeez, they get younger and younger, don`t they. Mario S.
would hate this place ;)


Message 14004

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 15:15:11 +0100
Hello all,

Can someone kindly confirm to me the address of the Netconnect 2 mailing list. I subscribed with but have received no postings for several weeks, and wonder if this is still current. I sent a similar request
some 20 hours ago which appears to have disappeared into the ether;-).

This is another repeat, a further 20 hours later via another ISP as nothing
I have sent via Free4all over the last three days appears to have been
delivered. They say they have a backlog after problems with their mail
server. Forgive me if multiple copies turn up all at once.

Thanks for any help.

Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14005

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 15:25:20 +0100
Matt S. responded:

> > Can't remember an age question on my forming a LTD company form....
>No, but do you really expect to open a shop with no cash? Think
>bank loans, etc. Hence credit rating, and you don`t HAVE a credit
>rating until you can use something like a credit card or be eligible
>for finance deals on cars and such like. Otherwise it`s hell to try
>and get capital to lever up your business.

>Unless you have a few grand lying about to rent a shop and fit it
>out and buy the starting product base, advertise etc.

Ahhhh, us contractors are really annoying aren't we.....

Get a contract and wait for the cash to roll in.....
Lovely.....   :)

(Mind you - I have borrowed no money from anyone as yet - I'm
building up my own capital before I do anything! - roll on
November - then I should hopefully be able to do something


PS The above description of how easy it is to earn money
 is greatly exaggerated, and I have seen sight nor sound
of huge sums of money yet :(

Message 14006

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] two or more people
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 15:19:35 +0100
Is it possible to allow more than one person using the same computer to
post to Egroups and use separate names?


Message 14007

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: two or more people
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 15:33:46 +0100
Neil B. questioned:

>Is it possible to allow more than one person using the same computer to
>post to Egroups and use separate names?

Be a bit more concise with your question...
What hardware - PC/Amiga?
What software/version - Outlook/YAM, etc?

Basically yes, but we need some more info.....


PS Or you could look at the old AFB posts and look
for the postings to/fro "The Glanvilles" as this was
discussed to some length a while ago!

Message 14008

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 00:53:15 +0100
Greetings  Neil

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> trogladite said, 
>> Hi, I'm just curious about which commodities that come with Workbench
>> people use regularly.
> What about people that use third party replacements, or multi-function
> commodities?

I just love the way folks kick the shit out of these polls :)

> Neil


/PGP Key available on request/
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 14009

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: NETBSD
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 15:49:41 +0100
I am trying to install NETBSD/amiga and cannot seem to work out how to
change the screenmode from the 'loadbsd' command. atm I am using the
following command to boot into the miniroot.fs to start installing NETBSD
but am always getting a NTSC:Hires-Laced screen which isn't nice on my PAL
TV :)

anywasy the command is

loadbsd -b netbsd

anyone know the CLI switch to change the screen mode to PAL???? 


From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 14010

From: Mark
Subject: [afb] Re: two or more people
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:32:39 +0100 (BST)
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Neil Bullock wrote:

> Is it possible to allow more than one person using the same computer to
> post to Egroups and use separate names?

Yes it is, as long as they have different e-mail addresses and are both
subscribed to eGroups.

Subscribe to the Philippa Forrester Mailing List at:
or send a blank e-mail to:

Message 14011

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:32:08 +0100
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 10:53:01AM +0100, Alex Furmanski wrote:

> I've never come across a CD that you can boot from (on a PC).  Do you have some
> special need for wanting to do this?

It removes the need for any sort of floppy when installing a new operating
system, which is where it seems to have found its niche. Windows 98 and
most reasonably up to date Linux distributions can manage it, and I'd
assume that NT, Solaris and co can do the same. It's more convenient, but
I'd assume it also saves a considerable amount of money - I'm sure I read
somewhere that for even relatively small runs, CD duplications was
somewhat cheaper than floppies.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14012

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:36:11 +0100
Hi Matthew,

> I'd assume it also saves a considerable amount of money - I'm sure I read
> somewhere that for even relatively small runs, CD duplications was
> somewhat cheaper than floppies.

Absolutely - even with a full-colour cover!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14013

From: Chris Livermore
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:43:00 +0100 (GMT)
> > I've never come across a CD that you can boot from (on a PC).  Do you have some
> > special need for wanting to do this?
> It removes the need for any sort of floppy when installing a new operating
> system, which is where it seems to have found its niche. Windows 98 and
> most reasonably up to date Linux distributions can manage it, and I'd
> assume that NT, Solaris and co can do the same. It's more convenient, but
> I'd assume it also saves a considerable amount of money - I'm sure I read
> somewhere that for even relatively small runs, CD duplications was
> somewhat cheaper than floppies.

Solaris (Sparc) and other unix clones can certainly do it. The problem
with trying to boot from a CD-Rom on a PC is that most of the time you
need to load the drivers for the CD ROm from somewhere (i.e. hard disk) 
before you can use it, which makes it kind of difficult.

> -- 
> Matthew Garrett |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 14014

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:42:32 +0100
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 02:30:43PM +0100, Matt Sealey wrote:

> BT don`t stop ISPs using 0800 numbers. That is about the fact that BT won`t
> be offering Free access to THEIR ISPs anytime soon. They have ownership
> of a few I`m sure.

Yup - LineOne and BTInternet would be the "proper" ones that spring to
mind, and there's the BT Click! (gngk) things too.
> OFTEL say that if BT used 0800 numbers then it`s unfair to independant
> telephone operators because they are capitalising a monopoly. They can
> just about get away with this because it`s limited access, and obviously
> that Tempo-sponsored ISP did it a few weeks ago.

They can get away with it in this case as BT Internet is nominally paying
the going rate for 0800 access - presumably the cost of this comes out of
BT Internet's profits rather than BT's (are they separate entities
legally?). If OFTEL weren't satisfied of this being the case, they
presumably wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

At least, that's the non-cynical and open minded view...

> That`s them. What`s the ISP service called? (BTW did they tell you that
> LocalTel is just licensing lines off BT - a reseller, not a real telco!! ;) or something, I think.

> You have to sign up to BTInternet, it`s #11.99 a month. And then you pay
> call access on top, or not on weekends. Like Demon, but free on weekends?

That's the idea, yes. Last weekend LineOne customers could use it as well,
something that's been "fixed" now. And interestingly, the number is the
same as one of the 0800 numbers BT spent ages denying the existance of
last month.... (Take a look at if you don't have any
idea what I'm talking about. A search for 0800 ought to turn up some

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14015

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:21:14 +0100
Hi guys

>>> Yay! Now we'll be able to play crap internet-games on our Amigas too. Like
>>> "Rearrange the picture" and ... er ... has this ever been used for
>>> anything worthwhile?
>>Yeah, there's a really cool game called... "Where Has My Memory Gone"
>>and "How Slow Can You Download"... :-)
>And "did I really spend ten minutes waiting for this crap to

I've finally found something good - check out the downloads section of my
website for "dancer.exe".

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14016

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Foundation
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:38:35 +0100
Hi all

Anyone heard anything about Foundation of late?  There was a time when every AF
and CU CD would have a new version of the Foundation executable on them.  No
longer I see.
Also, anybody know any cheats for it?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14017

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:32:11 +0100
Hi Neil Bullock


>> > If
>> >someone else complains, that's certainly what I'll be doing. The
>> >just about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.
>> I can't help but feel that's a bit drastic, but hey-ho!
>you've got a cheery attitude today haven't you? :)

I'm always happy, me!  Must be those pills the doctor keeps giving me ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14018

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:44:56 +0100
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:36:11PM +0100, Ben Vost wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> > I'd assume it also saves a considerable amount of money - I'm sure I read
> > somewhere that for even relatively small runs, CD duplications was
> > somewhat cheaper than floppies.
> Absolutely - even with a full-colour cover!

Is this true in all cases, or does AF's use of DD disks just make things
even worse?

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14019

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:53:28 +0100
Hi guys

>> > But you don't *need* a CDFS to support it do you? At least
>> > the way I'm thinking of doing it wouldn't need one. I've
>> No you don't, but if the OS or CDFS don't support it, then how are you
>> to ensure that everyone runs your program to support autostart? It has to
>> be a default choice, not just something you can avoid installing.
>CDFS support need only be in the fact that it recognises disk changes, which
>will automagically notify intuition etc. which can launch any helper app or
>invoke a commodity to "autorun" that device.

There's no problem there: CDFS reports the diskinserted message - code $8 if my
memory serves me correctly.

>OS support would be a configurable commodity - to disallow support on
>your tape drive for instance. Removable media is removable media to the
>OS so that would be essential.

1- Someone writes the autorun handler and commodity, carefully following the
advice in the new "Program Perfection" tutorial ;-)
2- Said person sends it to Ben
3- Stuff added to the AFCD_Files script
4- Ben puts announcement in mag
5- Problem solved
6- Flood of complaints saying "It doesn't work"
7- Flood of complaints saying "I don't like MUI"
8- Flames for author
9- New problems created

Who was it that said "Every solution breeds a new problem"?  Damn clever chap

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14020

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:10:43 +0100
> Solaris (Sparc) and other unix clones can certainly do it. The problem
> with trying to boot from a CD-Rom on a PC is that most of the time you
> need to load the drivers for the CD ROm from somewhere (i.e. hard disk)
> before you can use it, which makes it kind of difficult.

Well if you have a modern PC it will do that for you. Boot from CDROM like
we have been doing since the CDTV came out, eh?

The trick is that it is a relatively new feature (2 or 3 years old?) and not
everybody can be guaranteed to have it. So they distribute CDs with
custom CD booting floppies with BeOS, Linux and Win98, so you can
install it.

And not all BIOSes come with CDROM support turned on, or even have
it easily accessible.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14021

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:11:10 +0100
Hi Matthew,

> Is this true in all cases, or does AF's use of DD disks just make things
> even worse?

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but we would make more money without
the DDs...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14022

From: "Matt Sealey"
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:14:04 +0100
> Hi guys
> >>> Yay! Now we'll be able to play crap internet-games on our Amigas too.
> >>> "Rearrange the picture" and ... er ... has this ever been used for
> >>> anything worthwhile?
> >
> >>Yeah, there's a really cool game called... "Where Has My Memory Gone"
> >>and "How Slow Can You Download"... :-)
> >
> >And "did I really spend ten minutes waiting for this crap to
> >download?"...
> I've finally found something good - check out the downloads section of my
> website for "dancer.exe".

Has nobody seen yet? THE prime example of Flash. makes great use of it, too, it really looks
as if you are using a Star Trek LCARS-style interface.

Me like flash, flash is my friend ;)

(BTW, in-the-know people will know who "Kimble" is and why he is connected
to our favourite machine)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14023

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:18:07 +0100
> Hi Matthew,
> > Is this true in all cases, or does AF's use of DD disks just make things
> > even worse?
> I'm not sure what you're talking about, but we would make more money
> the DDs...

BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!

For a start, it`s embarrassing to see floppy versions of a mag in the shops,
if and
when they stock it (by that I mean that shops can`t return unsold DD

Second of all, it attracts the same A500-owning SCUM (yes, I said SCUM) that
CU had a right good whinge at in their last issue.

Third of all you`re losing money on those old-hat DD floppies that could
well be
put into the mag, or aid lowering subscription costs (I didn`t realise how
expensive it was to sub to AF until the other MooBunniers pointed out some
other Amiga mag sub rates)

Alternatively, couldn`t you do floppy runs JUST for subscribers and back
I mean, do subs versions and round it up to the nearest 1000 so you have
to draw a back issue stock of?

Then again, a smaller run of disks could be more expensive than a much

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14024

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:28:56 +0100
Hi Matt,

> BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!

We can't yet. We still make money from them, and there are enough people
buying them to do so. If those people all went out and bought CD-ROM driv=
tomorrow there would be no-one happier than me and we could drop the
floppies like a hot potato, but if we jump drop them immediately we'll ju=
lose readers.

> For a start, it`s embarrassing to see floppy versions of a mag in the
> shops, if and when they stock it (by that I mean that shops can`t retur=
> unsold DD editions).

Is it not good just to see an Amiga mag in the shops?

> Second of all, it attracts the same A500-owning SCUM (yes, I said SCUM)=

> that CU had a right good whinge at in their last issue.

There are some people that just can't afford the =A340-50 they'd have to =
to get a drive... look at that poll - most people earn less than 10k a

> Third of all you`re losing money on those old-hat DD floppies that coul=
> well be
> put into the mag, or aid lowering subscription costs (I didn`t realise =
> expensive it was to sub to AF until the other MooBunniers pointed out s=
> other Amiga mag sub rates)

We're not losing money - we'd just be making more if we could be sure tha=
the floppy purchasers were going to buy the CD issue. As for lowering the=

subs rate, I don't think it would get any lower - what do you mean about
other mags subs rates?

> Alternatively, couldn`t you do floppy runs JUST for subscribers and bac=
> issues?
> I mean, do subs versions and round it up to the nearest 1000 so you hav=
> enough
> to draw a back issue stock of?

Nope, because not all the floppy issue purchasers are subscribers. Future=

also won't sell AF without a disk because they'd have to reduce the
coverprice and make it less profitable.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  If at first you don't succeed, bugger.

Message 14025

Subject: [afb] Sub Disk Virus
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:38:30 -0000
Hi folks,
just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent subs disk has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on it to get rid of the problem.


Message 14026

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:42:47 +0100

> just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent subs disk
> has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on it to get rid of
> the problem.

Thanks for letting me know. That certainly shouldn't be the case since all
the disks should be virus checked as they are being built. :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14027

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:44:59 +0100
> > BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!

> > For a start, it`s embarrassing to see floppy versions of a mag in the
> > shops, if and when they stock it (by that I mean that shops can`t return
> > unsold DD editions).

> Is it not good just to see an Amiga mag in the shops?

IF and WHEN they stock them. Some newagents look at me baffled when
I ask for the CD edition. They say they stopped stocking the floppy disk
ones because you can`t send them back. Anyway, Amigas can`t do CDs..

> > Second of all, it attracts the same A500-owning SCUM (yes, I said SCUM)
> > that CU had a right good whinge at in their last issue.
> There are some people that just can't afford the 40-50 they'd have to
> to get a drive... look at that poll - most people earn less than 10k a
> year.

I could afford the 40-50 to get a CD Drive, it was a comfort purchase
I had just lost my job. Fuck 'em I said, I`ll buy a CD drive anyway. Who
cares if
I`ll only have 25 to last me till I finish my A-levels..

> > Third of all you`re losing money on those old-hat DD floppies that could
> > well be put into the mag, or aid lowering subscription costs (I didn`t
> > how expensive it was to sub to AF until the other MooBunniers pointed
out some
> > other Amiga mag sub rates)

> We're not losing money - we'd just be making more if we could be sure that
> the floppy purchasers were going to buy the CD issue. As for lowering the
> subs rate, I don't think it would get any lower - what do you mean about
> other mags subs rates?

Like Amazing Computing/Amiga in the states, and that german AmigaOS mag.
They may be slightly lower quality, but.. aaah, check MooBunny..

> Nope, because not all the floppy issue purchasers are subscribers.

It would force floppy users to become subscribers, though. They`s save
a ton of money, and they are poor enough as it is. Half price? Yes please!

> Future also won't sell AF without a disk because they'd have to reduce the
> coverprice and make it less profitable.

?? I wouldn`t sell a computing mag without a covermount. Lowe price or
not, nobody would buy it.

What`s wrong with buyng the CD edition even without a CD drive anyway?
It has been said that the CDs are of limited use anyway, the mag is what
we pay for and the CD is a bonus. IMO if people are fickle enough to buy
a mag purely for the covermount then they deserve to be cut out. But the
world idn`t like that.. ah well..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14028

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:46:08 +0100

> Hi folks,
> just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent subs
> disk has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on it to
> get rid of the problem.

Is it on the actual disk, or the image from the CD? I haven`t
used either yet, and I want to make sure VirusZ is working 
before I unwrap the celophane..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14029

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 7 Jun 99 17:52:05 +0100
Ben Vost (ben=2Evost@futurenet=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> > BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!
> We can't yet=2E We still make money from them, and there are enough peopl=
> buying them to do so=2E If those people all went out and bought CD-ROM dr=
> tomorrow there would be no-one happier than me and we could drop the
> floppies like a hot potato, but if we jump drop them immediately we'll ju=
> lose readers=2E

I guess the price hike lost a few too, but it's no wonder you make money
from the purchasers of the floppy copy   ;-)

(cue Ben whinging at me about the cost of floppies in this day and age ;)

> > For a start, it`s embarrassing to see floppy versions of a mag in the
> > shops, if and when they stock it (by that I mean that shops can`t retur=
> > unsold DD editions)=2E
> Is it not good just to see an Amiga mag in the shops?

True, and we'll be seeing another "soon" I believe, but I don't know if
that is going to cater for the meandering non-CD owning "masses"  ;-)
> > Second of all, it attracts the same A500-owning SCUM (yes, I said SCUM)
> > that CU had a right good whinge at in their last issue=2E
> There are some people that just can't afford the =A340-50 they'd have to =
> to get a drive=2E=2E=2E look at that poll - most people earn less than 10=
k a
> year=2E

That's people online! How many people who AREN'T online don't have a CD
drive? Do you actually know? Probably not, as the reader surveys you
receive won't be from an accurate cross-representation of the population
whole=2E Standard statistics fault=2E Offhand I'd guess that the majority o=
respondees did so to show off their kit, IYKWIM   :)

Oh, and how many of the people online are students? I know as a student I
earned ahell of a lot less than 10k (1k if I was lucky!) but now I earn
more cos I've got a job!!
> > Third of all you`re losing money on those old-hat DD floppies that coul=
> > well be
> > put into the mag, or aid lowering subscription costs (I didn`t realise =
> > expensive it was to sub to AF until the other MooBunniers pointed out s=
> > other Amiga mag sub rates)
> We're not losing money - we'd just be making more if we could be sure tha=
> the floppy purchasers were going to buy the CD issue=2E As for lowering t=
> subs rate, I don't think it would get any lower - what do you mean about
> other mags subs rates?

Why not do a special deal with Eyetech or PowerC so that subscribers to the
CD edition from the floppy edition when it vanishes can get hold of a 4x or
2x "used" cd drive with interface dirt cheap? Okay, it might not be the
best bit of kit I admit, and it wont be for everyone (eg A500 owners or
something) but it'll be a start! Okay you'll still lose some people, but
this is just a theory without any time or thought given to the logistics of
sourcing, packaging and redistributing said drives, as well as the aspects
of warranties etc=2E that have to be considered!   :)
> > Alternatively, couldn`t you do floppy runs JUST for subscribers and bac=
> > issues?
> > I mean, do subs versions and round it up to the nearest 1000 so you hav=
> > enough
> > to draw a back issue stock of?
> Nope, because not all the floppy issue purchasers are subscribers=2E Futu=
> also won't sell AF without a disk because they'd have to reduce the
> coverprice and make it less profitable=2E

Can't you cut it down to one disk then? something cheeky like that?   ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14030

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:54:14 +0100
Hi Matt,

> I could afford the =A340-50 to get a CD Drive, it was a comfort purchas=
> because
> I had just lost my job. Fuck 'em I said, I`ll buy a CD drive anyway. Wh=
> cares if
> I`ll only have =A325 to last me till I finish my A-levels..

That's easy enough for you, but if you've only got fifty quid to last you=
month *and* you've got a wife and kiddies to support...

>> you mean about other mags subs rates?

> Like Amazing Computing/Amiga in the states, and that german AmigaOS mag=
> They may be slightly lower quality, but.. aaah, check MooBunny..

Amazing doesn't come with a CD, except once a year, and it's mainly black=

and white. I'm not sure that AmigaOS does either. Also, you have to bear =
mind that the USPS has a special bulk rate for companies to mail stuff ou=
on, so the postage part of the subscription is cheaper in the States.

> It would force floppy users to become subscribers, though. They`s save
> a ton of money, and they are poor enough as it is. Half price? Yes plea=

Too poor to be able to afford the outlay for a subscription all at once I=


> What`s wrong with buyng the CD edition even without a CD drive anyway?
> It has been said that the CDs are of limited use anyway, the mag is wha=
> we pay for and the CD is a bonus. IMO if people are fickle enough to bu=
> a mag purely for the covermount then they deserve to be cut out. But th=
> world idn`t like that.. ah well..

I quite agree, especially seeing as I spend a large proportion of my waki=
hours actually working on the sodding thing.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Behaviorist psychology: =

      pulling habits out of rats

Message 14031

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:57:26 +0000
Hello Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

> What you have to remember is that BT is split into several parts...
> The guys that offer BTClick/Free are not the same as the guys that
> provide the actual phone lines and do the billing - same company,
> but different hats - that is what the Oftel thing is all about....
> The provider (telco) side can sell their services to anyone - other parts
> of BT, me, you, anyone - it just costs money...
> So BT(2) wants to offer 0800 numbers for access, they have to buy
> them off of BT(1) at a particular price. Providing the revenue is coming
> in to BT(2) from adverts, ISP subs, etc then they can do this....
> Free ISPs may have some problem generating the income, until the
> local loop is unbundled (ala US) and free....

No, that's the thing, you see.  According to the manager I spoke to at
BT-Internet.  The go-ahead for this scheme came from those on high at BT
themselves and not BT-Internet bosses :/


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 14032

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:29:11 +0100
Hi Jillian

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On a different note, anyone ever used thew Siamise RTG system over the
> serial network?? is it any good? and would it also work over a USB network ,
> as I've noticed quite a few of the new PPC only cards planed have USB ports
> which would go nicely with my Cerberus (well if I was going to buy a new PC
> for work :( at least I should support an Amiga company ;).

Serial - would be very slow, but useable if all you wanted to do was share data
between the two machines. For better speed use SCSI - even a small drive will
help immensely.

USB? Well, it's still early days on that one. Remember that when these cards
come out, it will more than likely just be the hardware at first. Hopefully
people will start programming some drivers for all their favourite pieces of
equipment shortly after that.

Any programmers out there capable of such a task really ought to centralise
their efforts, and they could put together a collection of drivers in a much
more organised fashion. Or at least stick them all on a universal (no pun
intended) web page, like TUMULT does with MUI mcc classes.

Not a great fan of the Cerebus, but then again, if it's a companies intention
to buy a PC, then I'd rather see them buy something which also caters for the
Amiga as well.


I couldn't possibly be wrong. I use an error correcting modem!

Message 14033

From: "Andrew Guard"
Subject: [afb] URL problems with Multiuser 2
Date: 6 Jun 99 09:18:00 +0000
I can not access the Multiuser 2 URL on AF-CD=2E  I have tryed
http://www=2Etwinkletstar=2Edemon=2Eco=2Euk/Multiuser/ as on there=2E
It dons't exists also I tryed for argument sake
http://www,twinkletstar=2Edemon=2Eco=2Euk/ which as well dosn't exist=2E

Do you what it should be?

As you can guess I have some interest in this subject=2E  There is
update of PPW just about to get released soon=2E  Which has lot more
features then last one=2E  Do any of you want to be beta testers for the
new version of PPW?
Think about it, ProPassWord=2E mailto:ppw-subscribe@egroups=2Ecom
Satanic Dreams http://zap=2Eto/sds
\\//Amiga\\// Team Amiga RC5
603e+ 233/040=A0PowerUP, 32 Meg, BVision, Zip, DVD, Kickstart 3=2E1
Pace56 External voice, ISP http://www=2Ewirenet=2Eco=2Euk/
ICQ 21765436

Message 14034

Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:19:27 -0000
 > > Hi folks,
> > just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent subs
> > disk has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on it to
> > get rid of the problem.
> Is it on the actual disk, or the image from the CD? I haven`t
> used either yet, and I want to make sure VirusZ is working 
> before I unwrap the celophane..
> -- 
> Matt 

Not sure.  I unpacked the file to Ram from the disk and scanned it with Virus_CheckerII (REGISTERED! (I'm getting my act together!)).  Then went back and checked the disk itself to get rid of it there as well.  

I'm not sure what you mean by "image from the CD".  Sorry.  (Do you mean the archive in the Subs folder?)


Message 14035

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:54:18 +0200
Hello  Matt,

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:
> Like Amazing Computing/Amiga in the states, and that german AmigaOS
> mag. They may be slightly lower quality, but.. aaah, check MooBunny..

I'm a subscriber to amigaOS as well, and they are the first proper
german amiga mag to appear for a long time. I wouldn't say it is
lower quality, in fact it is very good. But you simply can't compare it
with Amiga Format for other reasons:

- It's only 70 pages
- There are only 11 issues a year
- Their CD appears only every three months and is only available to

BTW. they are using PageStream to do their layout, and it looks very
professional. (I can remember someone saying on this ML, Amiga Survivor
looks bad because they're using Pagestream)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 14036

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:58:11 +0100
Hi Kevin,

>> There are some people that just can't afford the =A340-50 they'd have =
>> spend to get a drive... look at that poll - most people earn less than=

>> 10k a year.

> That's people online! How many people who AREN'T online don't have a CD=

> drive? Do you actually know? Probably not, as the reader surveys you
> receive won't be from an accurate cross-representation of the populatio=
> whole. Standard statistics fault. Offhand I'd guess that the majority o=
> respondees did so to show off their kit, IYKWIM   :)

Ah well, I don't reckon anyone has the right to moan about the statistics=
our survey unless they've actually sent one in. Have you Kev?

> Oh, and how many of the people online are students? I know as a student=
> earned ahell of a lot less than 10k (1k if I was lucky!) but now I earn=

> more cos I've got a job!!

Absolutely, but their priorities are a lot different too, wanting to spen=
money on cheap beer and dodgy dope. I know... I was young once, honest.

> Why not do a special deal with Eyetech or PowerC so that subscribers to=

> the CD edition from the floppy edition when it vanishes can get hold of=
> 4x or 2x "used" cd drive with interface dirt cheap? Okay, it might not =
> the best bit of kit I admit, and it wont be for everyone (eg A500 owner=
> or something) but it'll be a start! Okay you'll still lose some people,=

> but this is just a theory without any time or thought given to the
> logistics of sourcing, packaging and redistributing said drives, as wel=
> as the aspects of warranties etc. that have to be considered! :)

And that of a profit to be made by Eyetech or Power. What do they get out=
the deal?

> Can't you cut it down to one disk then? something cheeky like that?   ;=

Now that would be really cheeky! Maybe we should just make it a single HD=

floppy... (it'd be cheaper)

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I'd like to change the world, =

but they won't give me the source code.

Message 14037

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: 07 Jun 99 18:23:55 +0100
On 07-Jun-99 15:15:11, Bob Rickman ( wrote:

>Can someone kindly confirm to me the address of the Netconnect 2 mailing
>list. I subscribed with but have received no postings
>for several weeks, and wonder if this is still current.

It should be

>This is another repeat, a further 20 hours later via another ISP as nothing
>I have sent via Free4all over the last three days appears to have been
>delivered. They say they have a backlog after problems with their mail
>server. Forgive me if multiple copies turn up all at once.

The mail is being delivered, but as you said there is a delay. This is partly
due to us moving the server to a new machine, and partly due to the problems
that Freeserve and Demon among others had with their servers, meaning a lot of
mail has been difficult to deliver.



Andy Sillwood, Free4all Tech Support
Technical Support - Telehpone: 0845 3011670

Message 14038

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:33:02 +0100
Hello Vincenzo

> Ben mentioned how important is TurboPrint. A couple of years ago I
> bought Studio Pro. Surely I could use it to improve the printing
> performance. Am I right?

I would say its just as good only TurboPrint looks more user friendly
(i've got Studio as well got it before Turbo' came out)

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14039

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] OS3.5 Aweb
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:41:49 +0100

    I note in the new OS3.5 there will be a new version of AWeb will this
be able to view many sites that I cannot get into namely online banking
like 'Barclays'. I've tried all the Amiga browsers and none will work!

See You
                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 14040

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:14:32 +0100
Good greetings

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> I can't be arsed voting via the website, so i'll have my say here :)
> What's the point of replying then? It won't count towards the final
> vote.

Erm, because I wanted to make my opinion known to the list.

Or is that not allowed anymore?



/PGP Key available on request/
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

Message 14041

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 7 Jun 99 18:46:06 +0000
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:42:32 +0100, Matthew Garrett wibbled...

> That's the idea, yes. Last weekend LineOne customers could use it as well,
> something that's been "fixed" now. 

Really? Well, there's another 0800 for LineOne now :)

Mr Wibble's Websites...
The Wibble - ICQ: 28589940
Wibblers ML -
Tork Radi-oh - *coming soon* -

Message 14042

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: URL problems with Multiuser 2
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:00:05 +0100
Hello Andrew

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I can not access the Multiuser 2 URL on AF-CD.  I have tryed
> as on there.
> It dons't exists also I tryed for argument sake
> http://www, which as well dosn't exist.
> Do you what it should be?

Erm. Bit of a typo there, methinks.



Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14043

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:07:34 +0100
 Matt Sealey said:

> put into the mag, or aid lowering subscription costs (I didn`t realise how
> expensive it was to sub to AF until the other MooBunniers pointed out some
> other Amiga mag sub rates)

You're not really comparing like to like. Sure it's cheaper to subscribe to a
magazine that is smaller than AF, mainly B&W and doesn't have a CD, what
do you expect? Sure, if AF sold 150,000 copies and had 150 pages of ads it
could probably cut another tenner of the yearly rate, but as things stand, AF
subs are great value. When was the last time you could buy an Amiga mag with
a CD on the cover for 3.33?


Andrew Korn

Message 14044

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (WAS AF125 - It's here)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:18:02 +0100
Hi Paul.

> God, that was quick. I only said it half an hour ago! Why are you
> blaming me in the poll mail though?! You actually started the poll.

I'm not *blaming* you as such, just pointing out that it was your suggestion
for the poll. Sorry if I offended you in that respect - it wasn't the
intention. Aren't you proud though, to have effectively (if indirectly)
started an AFB poll?

> I feel obliged to answer it now - my first one ever.

While you're at it, you wouldn't answer my other poll, would you? It's about
printed manuals. I've only got 18 votes so far in 2 days, whereas the exams
poll has had 14 in less than a day! Looks like I'll get more votes in the
exam poll than the manuals one. Ho-hum, maybe I'll just have to wait a while
longer... :-)


Message 14045

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Miami Connection Speed
Date: 7 Jun 1999 18:14:26 +0100
ben said, 

>> Erm no. The only thing I can see in the text area is "Miami ist jetzt
>> online" (Miami is online now). I tried the different gui modules too.
>> Are you sure you didn't install any extra programs? Or am I getting it
>> all wrong?

> In that case, you need to set your modem to show connection speeds. I'm
> buggered if I can remember the Hayes command set to that detail, so have a
> look at your modem's manual, or ask Neil Bothwick... :)

Someone's already answered this, add W2 (not &W2) to your modem init string.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 38: Government organization

Message 14046

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 7 Jun 1999 18:41:19 +0100
Iain Hamilton said, 

> It's not a case of them offering just a free ISP, they have had that for a
> while with BT-Clickfree.  The point is that they are offering an 0800
> number when they have stated catagorically that they won't allow free calls
> to ISP's.  It's like transco offering Free Gas.

It's not the same. BTInternet are a separate company, they will have to pay BT
the going rate for these 0800 calls, just like the specialist ISPs that have
provided 0800 access for years. OFTEL won't let BT use its position to exert
unfair competition on other companies. 0800 calls are *not* given free by BT,
they are charged to the recipient. the fact that the recipient is a BT
subsidiary makes no difference.

> If BT wish to allow 0800
> access to ISP's at weekends then it should be for all ISP's used by BT
> customers and not just their own.

That's just how it is. Any company, ISP or not, can order 0800 numbers from BT
There's nothing to stop Demon offering a similar deal, if they feel it
would be worth paying the cost of the 0800 calls. They would probably get a
better rate since their parent, Scottish Telecom, isn't subject to the same
level of restriction as BT.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 41: Good grief

Message 14047

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:45:39 +0100
on 04-Jun-99, Gerald Mellor skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] Re: IRC: 

> As for warez and kiddie porn, you're unlikely to encounter it unless you
> actively go looking for it, so why should it bother you?

I do hate to argue (well, not really ;) but a couple of times i have logged
on to Dalnet, forgotten to set the invisible flag, and i was continually
/MSG'ed with
porn addresses! Also, if you look on the channel list, It is sickening :(

Thanks for your time...
Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks*, Member of teamAMIGA  |
ARCnet #Amiga  |
Member of the Amiga RC5 team effort, Motorola Motivated!  |
Creator of Amiga Showcase  |

Message 14048

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:22:15 +0100
Hi Alex.

> >Who wants to set up a poll: What type of exams are you about to do?
> >(obviously irrelevant to many people, but all I can say is
> >"Albatross" ;-)
> I'd go for that, but make sure you know the edumakayshun system well, or
> going to be a post-grad out there doing some extra stuff that'll be really
> pissed off.  Like there always is.

Well, I know the system reasonably well, and just in case, I've put in some
'other' options. Hope I've covered every possibility for you :-)


Message 14049

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:29:46 +0100
Hi Alex.

> I've never come across a CD that you can boot from (on a PC).  Do you have
> special need for wanting to do this?

Basically, yes. I built my own PC (and one for a mate) and bought Win98 for
it. For installation, this needs a startup disk, or being able to boot from
the CD drive. Win95 startup disks aren't compatible with Win98 (typical M$!)
and I did't know anyone woth Win98 already installed so's I could make a
startup disk. If I'd had an older computer  I might have been stuck in a
vicious circle: can't install the OS without a startup disk, and can't
create a startup disk without installing the OS! Thankfully, my PC can boot
from CD, but it hust goes to show what blinkered lame-brains work for M$ :-(
So now you know...


Message 14050

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:12:18 +0000
Hello Oliver

On 05-Jun-99, you wrote:

> The WB delete command doesn't use C:Delete (it does the deletion by
> calling a function available in dos.library - i.e. ROM resident).

so replacing that might solve the problem?

> Sounds like a bizarre problem... Are you sure you haven't installed
> anything that patches requesters and the like? As using WB delete brings
> up a confirmation requester, I'm guessing that it's crashing before (or
> at) that point?

The problem only started happening recently, and the only system altering
patch i've installed is MagicASL. But this has been in use for quite a while
with no ill effects.


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14051

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] It sticks out!!!
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:22:31 +0000
Hiya everyone (again)

Not so much a problem this time, just an anoyance.
I recently installed my old 520mb hard disk back into my A4000 to be used to
keep backups on. It takes up the bottom HD space on the mounting bracket
next to the power supply. Now the problem is my CD-Rom won't fit all the way
back in and sticks out about an inch. I could get it to fin all the way in
IF I could get "angled" power connectors or ones that just dont take up as
much room. I asked at PC World, but as you can imagine, they weren't very
Does anyone know if "angled" power connectors exist. Or will I have to ditch
my CD-Rom or HD ?


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14052

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:33:40 +0000
Hello Ken

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> mine came Thurs am managed to stop the postie trashing it my forcing it
> through the letter box 

Yeah, i hate it when the postie does that. I have to lie in wait, ready to
ambush him or her (preferably her) . By subscribing I lost the "sellotape
removal" damage, and gained the "psycho postie" damage... Well I think I'll
just take a chainsaw to the letterbox, and If that don't work, I'll take it
to the postie... >:-D  hehehe


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14053

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: Hexen/Heretic
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:46:02 +0100
Hello Craig

On 06-Giu-99, Craig Bowling wrote:

> Hello Vincenzo
> On 06-Jun-99, Vincenzo Morra wrote:
>> HELP....
>> I am trying to run Heretic and Hexen on my A1200T with PPC and BVision.
>> I am using the WarpHeretic 2.4 and WarpExen 1.4.
>> With WarpExen 1.4 I get the following message:
>> bsd socket.library could not be opened correctly
>> and after it stops while on the shell I can read:
>> calling dmx_init.
> Whenever I get the bsd socket thingy it means I don't have Miami running.
> Just load up Miami, u don't have to connect, and the try Heretic see if
> that works...

It does. But unfortunately it still stops at:
calling dmx_init (what the hell does it mean God knows!!)

While WarpHeretic now stops at:
I_Init Sound:

Any idea of what to do?
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 14054

From: Alan Day
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:58:59 +0100

Matthew Garrett wrote:

> They can get away with it in this case as BT Internet is nominally paying
> the going rate for 0800 access - presumably the cost of this comes out of
> BT Internet's profits rather than BT's (are they separate entities
> legally?). If OFTEL weren't satisfied of this being the case, they
> presumably wouldn't have allowed it to happen.
 OFTEL did not even know about it until journalists started ringing them
on the day of BTI`s announcement.


Message 14055

From: Alan Day
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:54:45 +0100

Matt Sealey wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > > Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
> > > > number at off peak times.
> > >
> > > That`s them. What`s the ISP service called? (BTW did they tell you that
> > > LocalTel is just licensing lines off BT - a reseller, not a real telco!!
> > ;)
> >
LocalTel are not a reseller.  Euphony is a reseller C&W over BT lines is
a reseller (not C&W Cable, obviously) which require you to dial an
access number to use their network.
LocalTel uses the Call&Access scheme recently introduce by OFTEL.  The
official term for LocalTel is a 
BT Independent Service Provider.

> I don`t think it`s cool. I would have to pay BT line rental for 3 quarters
> and
> a "contract termination fee" based on how much they think an average
> person spends on phone bills in those quarters (that`s 66 for the line
> rental and about another 60 for the "missing" calls) because I got a cheap
> line out of them. Just to move my line to LocalTel. It stinks, it does...

I think this has changed now.  I think we had a post recently about this
to the CUT list and the max. you pay is now 19.  Also LocalTel have
changed their agreement - it was a 12 month contract, but now it
parodies BT`s contract ie you can change back at any time (at a penalty,
which is also 19 I think).

Alan Day - Dumfries & Galloway,  Scotland,  UK
Team AMIGA                   ICQ uin  23996342 

A member of CUT - Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications
( in the UK ) please register your support for UNMETERED calls at

Message 14056

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 20:27:35 +0100
Hi Martin,
> > I bet you still read this, even with that subject :-P
> I have nothing better to do...
> > Do you have a rodent (mouse /gerbil etc...)
and in the cage as well you have a metal wheel
> > with a metal wheel and metal support through it ?
> > put some margarine or butter around the spindle to stop it =
> I'm not surprised it's squeaking with bits of metal stuck through
> it.
The Wheel not the rodent

> Where exactly is a rodent's spindle?=20
through the wheel.

> And, how did you find
> this out?  Have you got some kind of rodent fetish where you
> go round rubbing buttery substances on rodents?  Or was this
> just a case of unusually excessive boredom?
    Bomber Harris

Message 14057

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 20:10:42 +0100
Hi Vincenzo,

> I am sorry, but apparently I have lost my latest mail download.
> I would really appreciate if whoever has already answered the email =
> would send it back to me.
> BTW, is there any way to re-download it?
Go to the web site and do a search on the "subject"=20
then download the results [:-)

    Bomber Harris

Message 14058

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 22:57:33 +0100
On 29-Jun-99, Ralph Wrote........

[=> PS can we have some list rules please 

What a bunch of arse!  90% of people follow the rules of "Common Sense". 
Personally I quite like the "Off Topic" subjects, Why?  Because they break
the monotony of listening to moaning bastards whinging on in a god like
attitude!  I don't reply to mail very often as I am not trying to win the
"Most Email Sent to AFB" competition.  I try to offer advise on the subjects
I know about.  If you don't like the off topic mails.... Skip 'em, the same
as the rest of us ;).  I agree that the Albatross one Is taking the piss a
bit now... "Bet you were feeling good for a minute Neil ;)".  What's the
next moan going to be I wonder?  Probably the Amount of BandWidth wasted by
me moaning on at you :).

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
"That was the stun setting." *bleep* "This is not."-Data

Message 14059

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Siamese RTG (was Circulation)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:15:55 +0000
Bother said Jillian Gibson as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Circulation again...

[big snip]

> On a different note, anyone ever used thew Siamise RTG system over the
> serial network??

Yeah, V2.1 only though.

> is it any good?

When it works, it's reasonable.  It's not unbearably slow
but if it was any slower it would be.

However, when I first installed it, it failed to work and
I had to get some updated files from Siamese Systems.  And,
although it worked well for some time after that, I have since
had to install a more recent version of Win95 and now I can't
get it working at all. :(


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14060

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 20:26:38 +0100
Iain H. wrote:

>> What you have to remember is that BT is split into several parts...
>> The guys that offer BTClick/Free are not the same as the guys that
>> provide the actual phone lines and do the billing - same company,
>> but different hats - that is what the Oftel thing is all about....

>> So BT(2) wants to offer 0800 numbers for access, they have to buy
>> them off of BT(1) at a particular price. Providing the revenue is coming
>> in to BT(2) from adverts, ISP subs, etc then they can do this....

>No, that's the thing, you see.  According to the manager I spoke to at
>BT-Internet.  The go-ahead for this scheme came from those on high at BT
>themselves and not BT-Internet bosses :/

They HAVE to operate as seperate entities even though they have the same
management structure. The difference is that there is: (not accurate!)

1/	Provisioning section
2/	Dial access section
3/	Systems selling

3 buys from 2, and 2 has bought all the facilities and had it installed by
Everyone works for XXX, but when they do the budgets and look at the
profit and loss columns, they appear as separate companies as part of 
one big one - that is the whole point of the legislation that brought about
BT Internet are part of 3.... but they have the same bosses as 1 & 2. So
when the guys at BT Internet said "one of the big BT bosses said so", they
meant their bosses, bosses boss - the chairman of BT...
Does that make sense?


Message 14061

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:46:35 +0100
Hi there  fool

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about [afb] OFF
> TOPIC again...
And was this buttered rodent related to an Albatross..?

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in May!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14062

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virus on Subs Disk 125
Date: 7 Jun 99 20:47:15 +0000
Hi All,

I checked the disk with Virus Checker II version 2.0 and also expanded the
Quickflix files to Ram and checked from there.

No sign of a virus.



Message 14063

From: Pete Sullivan
Subject: [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was Albatross (was Read Me))
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:49:57 +0100
Hi there  Kevin

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Neil Bullock ( wrote:
>>>>>>> >>>>>> > PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>> >>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>> >>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>>> >>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>>>> >>> Tuesday.
>>>>>>> >> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>>>>>> > Constantinople
>>>>>>> Take your foot off my head!
>>>>>> Not until you call off your Yashmak.
>>>>> Blue green fishy duck
>>>> These messages are just silver orange juice
>>>> and floppy dicks and ought to be stopped!
>>> 59
>> Christmas Tree
> She wore, she wore, she wore a cherry ribbon. She wore a cherry ribbon in
> the merry month of May!
> Kev

You haven't quite got hold of the right end of the cucumber on this Kev!

Pete :-)


The home of VitalConnect!
New version of VitalConnect due in May!

A2000 - 060/50
2Mb Chip - 66Mb Fast
CDR,PicassoIV, Paloma, PabloIV.
Zip, HD, Pace 56k
Running Netscape and IE on Fusion
Everything in a Full Tower

Message 14064

From: "Primo Busancano"
Subject: [afb] Re the new Amiga.
Date: 7 Jun 99 20:07:29 +0000
I've read the report in  AF125 regarding the advent of a new Amiga
In that report it was stressed that we should  not wait for the new
machines but instead go and up grade our present computers because the
new machines would be,up to a point, be compatible.And in doing so we
would be helping the retailer stay afloat. Now I've heard this
argument before in the past.But look what is happening now.more and
more retailers are pulling out of the Amiga market,I believe "First
Computers" are doing just that just now.
I've done my bit in the past to support retailers.I've bought
monitors,HD's.Cd drive,accelerators etc,etc,both for my A1200 and my
A500+.And all we hear is that it is coming soon,It's in it's final
stage it will be hear soon.Well the only way I'll belive it is when I
can actually see it.Until then I'm keeping my cash in my pocket.
Or am I being to negative?What do other Amigans think?

Message 14065

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: two or more people
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 04:26:58 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** 
Sent: 07 June 1999 15:33
Subject: [afb] Re: two or more people

> Neil B. questioned:
> >Is it possible to allow more than one person using the same computer to
> >post to Egroups and use separate names?
> Be a bit more concise with your question...
> What hardware - PC/Amiga?
> What software/version - Outlook/YAM, etc?
> Basically yes, but we need some more info.....

Okeydokey. That was just a quick question asked on the spur of the moment in
my last few minutes at college today. I'm at home now and here's some
extra stuff for you.

PC where there are several users set up using that crappy
Windows profiles thingy. I just want two of the users (me and someone
else) to be able to post to afb. Using Outlook Express 5, btw

> PS Or you could look at the old AFB posts and look
> for the postings to/fro "The Glanvilles" as this was
> discussed to some length a while ago!

I would but for some reason, at home I can't get access to ANY websites
which aren't hosted by freeserve :( I've had this problem before, and
it sorts itself out usually, though.


Message 14066

From: "Gavin Williams"
Subject: [afb] BVision Blues
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 21:09:55 +0100
Hi all

Hurrah! Thankyou to all who helped me with my BVision problem. Strike up
another victim of the dreaded power supply feed (or lack thereof). I've
unplugged the LED adapter form my Power Tower and plugged the 5 volt floppy
connector in instead and voila. Only problem now is to get a better air flow
in there as the fan I've got obviously isn't man enough as the system hangs
after a while. Wherein lies my problem...

Has anyone found a workaround for the adapter/floppy connector so that I can
directly feed the motherboard AND use the LED adapter. I like to see
flashing lights for my HD. Is it possible to plug the 5 volt feed onto the
adapter (scream!).

Incidentally I rang Power Computing who reckoned the power fix was utter
rubbish and has never worked. Ho hum.



Message 14067

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU fans
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:28:59 +0100
On 06-Jun-99, Oliver Roberts Wrote........

[=> Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any
[=> recommendations of places to buy a PC PSU from? Again, Maplins have them
[=> for 20, although I've seen some mail order companies selling them
[=> cheaper than that. As you can probably guess, I'm looking to save money
[=> here as well, as there is nothing wrong with my current PSU except that
[=> the fan is knackered.

Hehehe,  Well Oliver... I can solve Two Problems for you there!!!  Psu Fans,
I Have 16 of them sat here doing nothing as I use them to cure Airflow
problems in Tower cased PC's/Miggy's.  So if you want one send me A mail
with you're address and I'll send you one for nuffin ;).  As for General
computer repairs... I do those!  If anybody is in the Shropshire area and
needs Cheep stuff for their PC or Amiga... I have a good contact for those
;).  TTFN   

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Does your mom know you're reading this filth?

Message 14068

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: First Computers have left the building...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:43:33 +0100
> As I surmised with such an "everything must go" message in their advert is
> appears that they are indeed leaving the Amiga market, as I've just been
> confirmed by "John" who just took my final order.
> It's a shame they couldn't have hung on till Q4 1999, but who knows. When
> things pick up I suspect we will see a lot of these companies return to
> the fold...

I actually thought First Computers had packed it in some time last year, so
I was surprised to see them advertising again. I had ordered a number of
items from them last summer (DOpus, ink cartridges, etc) but after waiting
3 months was told that they had shut down, although I never received
official word from the company itself.


Message 14069

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 20:53:51 +0100
>> Thank goodness for some phone companies like Localtel offering 0800
>> number at off peak times.
> That`s them. What`s the ISP service called?

> You have to sign up to BTInternet, it`s 11.99 a month. And then you pay
> call access on top, or not on weekends. Like Demon, but free on weekends?

It's undoubtedly worth the move IMHO, but I'm not about to start hopping
around different ISPs whenever there's a new offer available. Twelve quid
for what could amount to over 100 worth of calls seems like a pretty good
deal though. And BTInternet's bound to be better than Freeserve... hmmm...
on second thoughts, I might take a look at them after all :)


Message 14070

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:02:36 +0100
> It's not a case of them offering just a free ISP, they have had that for a
> while with BT-Clickfree. The point is that they are offering an 0800
> number when they have stated catagorically that they won't allow free
> calls to ISP's. It's like transco offering Free Gas. If BT wish to allow
> 0800 access to ISP's at weekends then it should be for all ISP's used by
> BT customers and not just their own.

Any ISP is free to offer 0800 numbers to their service if they wish. Like
X-Stream does on occasion.


Message 14071

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga Website!!!
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:27:58 +0100
on 05-Jun-99, Wesley Potter skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] New Amiga Website!!!: 

> hardware and software. Go to now!!!!
ARGH!!! I never thought any self respecting amiga owner would even
contemplate having a url such as ""! 

Now just look at it, and read it back to yourself..... Doesnt it sound silly

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14072

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 7 Jun 99 21:54:19 +0100
Ben Vost (ben=2Evost@futurenet=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> >> There are some people that just can't afford the =A340-50 they'd have =
> >> spend to get a drive=2E=2E=2E look at that poll - most people earn les=
s than
> >> 10k a year=2E
> > That's people online! How many people who AREN'T online don't have a CD
> > drive? Do you actually know? Probably not, as the reader surveys you
> > receive won't be from an accurate cross-representation of the populatio=
> > whole=2E Standard statistics fault=2E Offhand I'd guess that the majori=
ty of
> > respondees did so to show off their kit, IYKWIM   :)
> Ah well, I don't reckon anyone has the right to moan about the statistics=
> our survey unless they've actually sent one in=2E Have you Kev?

I wasn't moaning about any survey in particular, just pointing out a couple
of things so that no-one started using the results of that to start saying
"oh but 88% of amiga owners have a cd drive!" (assuming the results of the
survey said 88% of people who answered the survey have a cd drive)=2E

And I hope you didn't check up on all the results looking for my entry Ben=
Okay, I admit I didn't get around to sending it in=2E I started filling
it in but didn't finish it off! It's on my list of "things to do at some
point" along with learn Esperanto  ;-)

> > Oh, and how many of the people online are students? I know as a student=
> > earned ahell of a lot less than 10k (1k if I was lucky!) but now I earn
> > more cos I've got a job!!
> Absolutely, but their priorities are a lot different too, wanting to spen=
> money on cheap beer and dodgy dope=2E I know=2E=2E=2E I was young once, h=

I don't know about the dodgy dope, but I admit to going for the pound a
pint beer! It didn't stop me spending =A3250 on a Viper MkI with a 4Mb SIMM
(the latter of which cost =A3100!) mere days before the MKII was announced
(bah humbug!), as well as God knows how much on other stuff like the =A3150
4x CD-ROM drive and the software, magazines, hardware =2E=2E=2E
> > Why not do a special deal with Eyetech or PowerC so that subscribers to
> > the CD edition from the floppy edition when it vanishes can get hold of=
> > 4x or 2x "used" cd drive with interface dirt cheap? Okay, it might not =
> > the best bit of kit I admit, and it wont be for everyone (eg A500 owner=
> > or something) but it'll be a start! Okay you'll still lose some people,
> > but this is just a theory without any time or thought given to the
> > logistics of sourcing, packaging and redistributing said drives, as wel=
> > as the aspects of warranties etc=2E that have to be considered! :)
> And that of a profit to be made by Eyetech or Power=2E What do they get o=
ut of
> the deal?

First of all they get the advertising and potential of more advertising
(names and addresses anyone?)=2E They also have the chance of offering load=
of cheap CD's to those who have just acquired a CD drive=2E It might also b=
a good way of getting rid of end-of-line stocks and cheaper/older stuff
like 8x or 16x drives now that everyone's going for 32x and 40x =2E=2E=2E

Like I said, I just typed it without thinking the whole logistics through=
Isn't that part of your job as full editor of the mag to work out things
like this?   ;-)
> > Can't you cut it down to one disk then? something cheeky like that?   ;=
> Now that would be really cheeky! Maybe we should just make it a single HD
> floppy=2E=2E=2E (it'd be cheaper)

Then you get the problem of "but we don't have a hd drive and can't afford
the =A360 to get one" arguments! I don't know how compressed the stuff is o=
the floppies these days, but I think the AUI way of really squeezing things
on and using Diskspare to get the last few extra bytes was very clever! Any
chance of you copying that?  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14073

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:52:54 +0100
on 03-Jun-99, skillfully scrawled something
along the subject of [afb] RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?: 

> Are you going to WOA '99?
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>   o Yes - On the Saturday.
>   o Yes - On the Sunday.
>   o Yes - On both days.
>   o Hopefully.
>   o No - But I want to.
>   o No - I don't even want to.
>   o No - I'll be at Amiwest.

You forgot one:

     o No - I am off to Tenerife for 10 days, and i intend to forget about
computers and spend the             whole of the time getting pissed :))

thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14074

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Localtel threatens BT
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:58:23 +0100
Free Internet call provider LocalTel has threatened BT with legal action for
processing less then 10 percent of the requests from customers who want to
ditch BT and join LocalTel.

The move came days before BT launched its own free-call ISP service called
Plan Unlimited. LocalTel teamed up with electrical retailer Tempo at the
end of April to launch an ISP offering free off-peak phone calls along with
free unlimited access to the Internet.

Tempo launched its Internet service -- -- in response to the
phenomenal success of Freeserve, the free Internet access service offered
by Dixons.

During its first year, Freeserve has registered over a million subscribers
and as an ISP has been valued by industry analysts somewhere between 250
million and 1 bn.

Since its launch at the end of April, has been signing up
between 1000 and 3000 subscribers a day, all of whom are committed to
dropping BT in favour of LocalTel in order to take advantage of the
free-call service.
"It is in the hands of the lawyers now," said a LocalTel spokesman. "BT
committed itself to handling LocalTel customers but it is only processing
about 250 requests per day. There was an initial discussion and the figures
were between 2000 and 3000 per day, but BT denied this later."

LocalTel says it is having to deal with unhappy customers who were expecting
to enjoy completely free off-peak Internet access a week after registering.
"We made a commitment that out customers would be connected to LocalTel
after eight days, but now we are getting people asking why they are not yet
connected," the spokesman said. BT admits it has been slow to process the
transfer requests from LocalTel subscribers, but it says that it was not
expecting so many people to jump ship. However, BT has now allocated more
resources to deal with the huge waiting list.

Liz Fidler, Internet and e-commerce analyst at Dataquest, believes
LocalTel's popularity will be short lived because the concept of paying for
an Internet connection will disappear very soon. "Everyone will have free
Internet access and connection soon."

Although it has made no comment, BT is strongly tipped to provide its own
free to air service imminently

Message 14075

From: "nick colton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Harsh?
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:20:52 +0100
>> Does anyone here think I was being unduly harsh in Ben Speaks this month?
>> I was only singling out the afb members, but to be honest I get much the
>> same feeling of apathy from most Amiga users...
>Just a tad m8, some of us have other charitable causes to put our pound to,
>like food, clothes and heating for our family. If I could have spared it I
>would have sent it, unfortunately current circumstances and bank balance
>kind of prevent it.

and your not the only one ...


Message 14076

From: "nick colton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Postcard From Amiga Format
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 10:44:05 +0100
> >Hiya Ben
> >
> >While I was tidying the pit which is my bedroom, I came across a small
> >envelope with "Amiga Format live 93" printed on it, and inside was 5 AF
> >postcards in mint condition. Now I was wondering if its ok for me to scan
> >them and put them onto my website and/or upload them to the aminet. I'm
> sure
> >most of the ppl on [afb] would like to see 'em.
> >
> I have only one of these left, (the one with the stone columns on) would
> mind if Ben gives you the ok, giving me your website add, and i'll check
> out!
> (don't you just hate it when the sig is bigger than the mail!)

i also have all thes cards
shows how long af has been going
and how many tousands we have spent on it =)


Message 14077

From: "nick colton"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 10:46:11 +0100

PS The simms are 60ns EDO and cost 50 each from Maplins - and if they're
still that price it's a bit of a bargain cos they're rocketing up back to
their old levels. I remember (eeee when i were a lad!) paying 100 for a
4mb simm, and that was only in 1993!! Naturally, a couple of months later
the price fell a hell of a lot, so i've been caught both ways it seems with
simm prices   ;-)

my 32 meg simms are 60 ns edo and they were 28 quid from a local comp shop a
few months back

wot a bargin =)


Message 14078

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 13:34:24 +0100

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote

> Best of luck with the exams then. BTW, that goes out to everyone on
> this list still young enough to have to be studying for finals,
> GCSE's A-Levels or whatever...

Thanks Ben, my last was this morning so now i can sit around all day
reading afb.. oh and i can finally find the time to send my Bvision
back to WK, who i guess will send it back to Phase5 which means I'll
be gfx cardless for a bout 6 weeks..... now where did I put all that
alcohol... =))


A1200T 240Mhz PPC, AGA :( - #NEW# UIN 39795033 -IRC Amike
Member of #Team# #AMIGA# -=- Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor

Message 14079

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 13:58:15 +0100
Hi Gerald,

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote

>> And if I'd gone to DALNet with Agima and been told to change it

> The opposite situation though, is if someone joined Arcnet with the
> nick 'Agima', then everyone would "recognise" that personas you,

No they wouldn't, most people on ArcNET are intelligent enough, or
have been there long enough to recognise Peter's IP ?

> when in fact it could quite easily be someone else. On Dalnet if
> someone joins a channel with a nick you recognise there is no doubt
> that it is who you think it is, because Nickserv wouldn't allow it
> to be anyone else.
>> Like I said, I don't care if someone else uses Agima, but actually
>> having to register the fact that you "own" a nickname millions of
>> others might want to use is stupid.
> You might as well say the same about email addresses.

BUt thats just dumb :)


A1200T 240Mhz PPC, AGA :( - #NEW# UIN 39795033 -IRC Amike
Member of #Team# #AMIGA# -=- Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor

Message 14080

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: 7 Jun 99 22:38:03 +0000
According to Alex, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!.
> Hi Paul Cundle

> Didn't do any for yourself?
Nah, can't think of anything good.
>  What about "Paul Cundle, leader of the Anti-Alex Association" ;-)
Nice idea - who wants to join?
Actually, I was going to do other people as well
but with 200 results each it takes a while to wade through them! And
you did make the claim yourself to sending the second-most mails to
this list.
> Tatty byes
Ta ra,

... Surfing the internet is like spending and entire day at a magazine rack.

Message 14081

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 18:54:41 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Vost 
Date: 07 June 1999 11:30
Subject: [afb] Re: Bloody birds (was Albatross)

>Hi Neil,
>> True. Hope no-one minds (course you don't mind, what am I thinking :),
>> I've taken the Albatross thread to my own egroup so I can carry it on.
>> Only problem is, no-one else is allowed to join cos it's a private
>> trogsoft egroup :)
>Hurrah, now you can talk rubbish to yourself all day and no-one will know!

There r more ppl on that list than just him - almost 10 :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14082

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 7 Jun 99 22:41:03 +0000
MSGTO: Andy Sillwood
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
> On 07-Jun-99 11:00:18, Alex Furmanski ( wrote:
> >I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.
> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/

Excuse ignorance - is this University?
If so - are you craaaazy?

As Ben said somewhere - Good luck to everyone.

No tagline because Tag-O-Miga has gone haywire!

Message 14083

From: "Alan Anthony"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 7 Jun 99 22:38:52 -0500
Hi Ben

> Right, so anyone can get it and thus remove the point of having a
> subscriber-only disk? It won't matter in two months anyway...

Perhaps I'm being a bit dim or missed part of the thread here, but
whats happening in two months? 


Alan Anthony

Message 14084

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:01:16 +0100
> I would say its just as good only TurboPrint looks more user friendly
> (i've got Studio as well got it before Turbo' came out)

Doesn't it depend on the printer you're using? Since Studio is pretty old I
doubt it has support for all the new printers that Turboprint does. Or is
Studio still being updated as well?


Message 14085

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:04:58 +0100
> I do hate to argue (well, not really ;) but a couple of times i have
> logged on to Dalnet, forgotten to set the invisible flag, and i was
> continually /MSG'ed with porn addresses! 

Well I've never experienced that. Once or twice I've been messaged with
stuff like that but it's fairly easy to ignore.

> Also, if you look on the channel list, It is sickening :(

That's your opinion. Though personally I never look at the channel list.


Message 14086

From: Barrie Rhodes
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 23:4:17 +0000
>> mine came Thurs am managed to stop the postie trashing it my forcing it
>> through the letter box 
>Yeah, i hate it when the postie does that. I have to lie in wait, ready to
>ambush him or her (preferably her) . By subscribing I lost the "sellotape
>removal" damage, and gained the "psycho postie" damage... Well I think I'll
>just take a chainsaw to the letterbox, and If that don't work, I'll take it
>to the postie... >:-D  hehehe

How do you expect the postman to get it through the box when most of them are the size of a matchbox !

Message 14087

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:09:47 +0100
> Well, I know the system reasonably well, and just in case, I've put in
> some 'other' options. Hope I've covered every possibility for you :-)

You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?


Message 14088

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Re the new Amiga.
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:27:17 +0100
> I've done my bit in the past to support retailers.I've bought
> monitors,HD's.Cd drive,accelerators etc,etc,both for my A1200 and my
> A500+.And all we hear is that it is coming soon,It's in it's final
> stage it will be hear soon.Well the only way I'll belive it is when I
> can actually see it.Until then I'm keeping my cash in my pocket.
> Or am I being to negative?What do other Amigans think?

I wouldn't call myself an 'Amigan'... but I'll answer anyway :)

There are 4 possibilities here:
1 - No new machines released, you haven't upgraded.
2 - No new machines released, you have upgraded.
3 - New machines released, you haven't upgraded.
4 - New machines released, you have upgraded.

Option 1 means you're stuck with an out of date computer.
Options 2 & 4 mean you have an up-to-date computer, with 4 giving you the
added benefit of future compatibility.
Option 3 will allow you to buy a new Amiga, but your current Amiga will be
obsolete and the new Amigas won't have the range of software you're used to
at first.

So I reckon you have nothing to lose by upgrading now. Besides, why doubt
Amiga's intentions? It seems Gateway are finally taking their purchase of
Amiga seriously.


Message 14089

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Localtel threatens BT
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:40:51 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Mellor 
To: AFB 
Sent: 07 June 1999 21:58
Subject: [afb] Localtel threatens BT

> Free Internet call provider LocalTel has threatened BT with legal action for
> processing less then 10 percent of the requests from customers who want to
> ditch BT and join LocalTel.

You're a literal mine of information you are :) Someone I know has told BT to
switch him to Localtel and afyter about 4 weeks, they still haven't. Can't
take legal action for this aswell a Localtel?

Thanks for the info


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14090

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:42:49 +0100
>> The opposite situation though, is if someone joined Arcnet with the
>> nick 'Agima', then everyone would "recognise" that personas you,
> No they wouldn't, most people on ArcNET are intelligent enough, or
> have been there long enough to recognise Peter's IP ?

All very well if they're there when he joins, but do you seriously do a
/whois on everyone you see on IRC? And what about people who use more than
one ISP, or who don't always use the same computer...


Message 14091

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:44:14 +0100
>> Right, so anyone can get it and thus remove the point of having a
>> subscriber-only disk? It won't matter in two months anyway...
> Perhaps I'm being a bit dim or missed part of the thread here, but
> whats happening in two months? 

They're dropping the subs disk.


Message 14092

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:47:56 +0100
> How do you expect the postman to get it through the box when most of them
> are the size of a matchbox !

Round here all our postmen are the same size as normal people.


Message 14093

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 06 Jun 99 13:19:14 +0000
On 04-Jun-99 14:35:01, Ben Vost said:
>Hi Philip,

>> It must be and end-of-line thing - I can only find DSDD disks in my very
>> small local computer shop, RJ Computers, and they normally only have 1 box
>> at most. The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?

>It's about the only format using floppies at all.

I'm sure ST advocates would argue against that one! 

There's still a load of those little things sitting in bedroom studios
around the world!


Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 14094

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 01:40:17 +0100
Help! I'm trapped in Neil's Albatross! Get me out of here!

> complains, that's certainly what I'll be doing. The complaints just
> about outnumber the off topic crap we get here.

Doesn't that tell you something?

And besides, I think that Peter was getting at your quoting habits. 10
level quotes might look good, but they were in no way be relevent to
what you were typing, and they waste bandwidth. I don't mind OT posts,
but overquoting, I object to.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... DeJaNews: The feeling you've read this Usenet posting before
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 25% - 259 tags in Definitions.tags >>

Message 14095

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 00:17:27 +0100
We are the Furmanski. Windows and manuals is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

>> Is this your personal preference? ;)

> I find pictures help my to "hold my interest" ;-)

Ah, right. So you don't read a manual by just looking at the pictures,
then? ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... Windows Error #01B: Illegal error. Do not get this error.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 35% - 80 tags in Windows.tags >>

Message 14096

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 7 Jun 99 13:10:24 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:24:34 -0000 about [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?


o CrossDOS
> This is a tricky one. I doubt that very many people run the CrossDOS commodity,
> although they will probably be running the DOSdriver...

I do if this includes CrossDOS 7 ??

I paid money for it, so I'm going to use it:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14097

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 7 Jun 99 13:18:16 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Danny Shepherd wrote on Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:19:10 +0000 about [afb] Re: Subs mag

Hi Danny Shepherd

> I personally think the floppy as we know it has served it's purpose. It's
> time to move onto LS120 the new FUJI drives etc. If they only had the
> ability to read old Amiga disks aswell as MSDOS 1.44/720k the change would
> be so much easier.

I'm not sure about the LS120, but I feel that the Zip drive has become
more common a place than most drive's:)
> I think that the DD version should be dropped ASAP too. Most people have
> CD Drives or at least access to one. (I have one to sell, mail me off-list).

I dropped DD drives ages ago, I have HD drive's on both my machine and
I don't use them either, the main drive's I use are Zip's, Syquest's
and CD's, but then again I have had to spend quite a bit on upgrading
to all these, but who hasn't ?

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14098

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 12:35:38 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Stephens 
Sent: 07 June 1999 14:10
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?

> In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:24:34 -0000 about [afb]
Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
> Hi
> o CrossDOS
> >
> > This is a tricky one. I doubt that very many people run the CrossDOS
> > although they will probably be running the DOSdriver...
> I do if this includes CrossDOS 7 ??
> I paid money for it, so I'm going to use it:)

Well, the original poll was asking which Workbench commodities people used,
i.e. which ones do you use that were bundled with workbench. It's up to you
really :)


Message 14099

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: BVisionPPC
Date: 05 Jun 99 00:46:56 +0000

On 04-Jun-99 18:17:17, Gavin Williams ( wrote:

> I've just installed my A1200 into a Power Tower. Has anyone had a
> problem where the system hangs as soon as you select a CGfx screenmode.
> The system is nice and stable in AGA with the PPC running so I don't
> think there is a heat/power problem. I've flashed the ROM on the 603e.

1) Make sure the BVision is seated firmly
2) Done the floppy power hack?
3) My system hangs when I play Quake with the case on, despite having 3
fans.  Try leaving the case off, and perhaps adding a fan somewhere (I used
string to suspend one inside the tower :) to see if this helps.
4) Try re-installing CGX
5) If none of the above help, the board is probably broken


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 32273 2^28 blocks done
Always glad to share my ignorance - I've got plenty.

Message 14100

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat transcript hosting
Date: 05 Jun 99 01:02:18 +0000

On 03-Jun-99 12:02:17, Neil Bullock ( wrote:

[IRC logs]
> Okay, but I did think about that. They can always be edited, but let me
> know what you think

I wrote a nice little script to cook AmIRC channel logs into a nice table
format if anyone's interested.


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 32277 2^28 blocks done
Q: How many Bill Gates' does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One - He holds the bulb and lets the world revolve around him.

Message 14101

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Grrrrrr Mail Problems AGAIN!
Date: 07 Jun 99 18:03:39 +0000

On 05-Jun-99 12:36:00, Alex Furmanski ( wrote:

> Somehow, the problem seems to have fixed itself!  Not even a 2 call to
> tech support needed.  Yay!

> /me goes off skipping through the long grass in "happy" mode

Next time, open a telnet client and type the following:

USER myusername
PASS mysecretpass

From here you'll get a list of all the mail in your mailbox. You might find
the problem mail(s) has a size of 0 or is really small.

You can use the RETR command to check any duff mail, e.g:


Once you're sure you want to delete it, use DELE , i.e.


Then you send the QUIT command and hope for the best.

I once recovered from a very corrupt mailspool doing this (200+ corrupt
messages a day).


Editor,  AmiSITE <---------->
Freaky on ARCNet <---------->
RC5: 33271 2^28 blocks <---->
New HD detected. Select mode: (G)rind to Dust, (S)pin Dry, (E)conomy Wash?

Message 14102

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: 07 Jun 99 18:46:31 +0000

On 04-Jun-99 01:01:51, Gerald Mellor ( wrote:

>> The network that has you killed for using the wrong nick, and has the
>> worst reputation for lagging, splits, warez, kiddie porn and all sorts
>> of other unsavoury stuff? No, not even if you payed me.

> Haha, maybe so, but it's a lot more fun than arcnet is :)

Well, if you like that sort of thing... 

> And it doesn't have you killed for using the wrong nick,

No? This is why I'm flooded with kill messages when I connect with server
notices on?

> you are just forced to choose another... seems sensible to me.

Why?  IRC servers force you to do this anyway, and it doesn't leave massive
security holes in the network like NickServ does.  Letting IRC servers do it
also means everyone has an equel oppertunity for a nick - I can be Freaky
when no one else is using it (I've not once found it to be in use when I was
on DalNet - just nickserv bitching about it), or any different version when
someone else is.  Works well for most networks (including IRCNet, which is
about 3 times bigger!), why not DALNet?

> Lagging and splits are annoying, but tbh most of the time everything's
> fairly stable.

Maybe, but I've lost count of the number of people I've seen leave DalNet
because "it's so laggy".

> As for
> warez and kiddie porn, you're unlikely to encounter it unless you
> actively go looking for it, so why should it bother you?

Private messages offering them are common, and I don't support networks who
support porn and warez.


Editor,  AmiSITE <---------->
Freaky on ARCNet <---------->
RC5: 33276 2^28 blocks <---->
Never learn to do anything. If you don't learn, you will always find someone
else to do it for you. -- Mark Twain

Message 14103

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: 08 Jun 99 00:39:10 +0000

On 07-Jun-99 15:14:32, Andy Kinsella ( wrote:

>>> I can't be arsed voting via the website, so i'll have my say here :)
>> What's the point of replying then? It won't count towards the final
>> vote.

> Erm, because I wanted to make my opinion known to the list.

> Or is that not allowed anymore?


The list will shortly be moving over to Newspeak to prevent such occurances
happening again.


Big Brother

Message 14104

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU fans
Date: 08 Jun 99 00:49:13 +0100
On 07-Jun-99 02:05:37 BST, Ferenczy wrote:

> On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> So, does anyone know the best/cheapest place to buy 80mm fans of the
>> type that PSUs use?  I know Maplins sell them, but at 13 I might as
>> well buy a new PSU instead!
>> Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any
>> recommendations of places to buy a PC PSU from? 

> You could try Greenweld's - they have a catalogue that always seems to
> have bits and scraps in it... Very variable quality gear and you never
> know what's going to turn up in there next, but it's extremely cheap.
> No, I don't know the address (if indeed they have a net presence) - use a
> search engine.

There's, but I think it may now be a no go, as I
also found the following:

Greenweld Electronic Components
I have today (9th May 1999) received notification that Greenweld have
ceased trading, so this site is no longer active.

Melanie Dymond Harper
Herald Information Systems

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

    Pace 56 Solo mailing list ==>

Message 14105

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:54:26 +0100
> Why? IRC servers force you to do this anyway, and it doesn't leave massive
> security holes in the network like NickServ does.

What security holes?

> Letting IRC servers do
> it also means everyone has an equel oppertunity for a nick - I can be
> Freaky when no one else is using it (I've not once found it to be in use
> when I was on DalNet - just nickserv bitching about it), or any different
> version when someone else is. Works well for most networks (including
> IRCNet, which is about 3 times bigger!), why not DALNet?

Ah well, I don't like equal opportunities. I don't want someone in America
with free access joining Dalnet as Bauglir and staying there forever so
that when I join I can't use it. I like being able to kick someone else off
the network if they're using my nick. :-)

> Maybe, but I've lost count of the number of people I've seen leave DalNet
> because "it's so laggy".

Yeah I've heard that too. All I can say is that most of the time I'm not
bothered by it.

> Private messages offering them are common, and I don't support networks
> who support porn and warez.

Fair enough :)
I don't support networks that restrict freedom of speech :)


Message 14106

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:36:45 +0100
Good greetings  Oliver

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello  Matt,
> On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:
> BTW. they are using PageStream to do their layout, and it looks very
> professional. (I can remember someone saying on this ML, Amiga Survivor
> looks bad because they're using Pagestream)

Pagestream 3.3 kicks arse. The use of pagestream could not cause any
magazine to look crap. Only the ineptitude of the feller doing the layout
could do that.

> Regards


/PGP Key available on request/
This was a much used tagline about sculpting an elephant. I am sick of the
sight of it, so I have deleted it.

Message 14107

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:40:55 +0100
Good greetings  Gerald

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> I would say its just as good only TurboPrint looks more user friendly
>> (i've got Studio as well got it before Turbo' came out)
> Doesn't it depend on the printer you're using? Since Studio is pretty
> old I doubt it has support for all the new printers that Turboprint
> does. Or is Studio still being updated as well?

I think Studio is still updated from time to time. 

> Bauglir



/PGP Key available on request/
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

Message 14108

Subject: [afb] Re: Foundation
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:59:28 -0000
<004901beb0fc$1ab6fe40$5d42a8c-@furmanski> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Hi all
> Anyone heard anything about Foundation of late?  There was a time when every AF
> and CU CD would have a new version of the Foundation executable on them.  No
> longer I see.
> Also, anybody know any cheats for it?

The latest Foundation is 1.24c I think, mainly for gfx cards and high end
systems, it uses a new routine for giving lovely shaded landscapes and shadows
etc etc, like the Settlers 2 landscapes.

There are no cheats, Paul Burkey told me he took them out after testing the

Message 14109

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga Website!!!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:32:48 +0000
Hi Robert,

> ARGH!!! I never thought any self respecting amiga owner would even
> contemplate having a url such as ""! 

It's not that bad!  There might be an answer to this problem though in the
other email I've sent to the list... ;)

> Now just look at it, and read it back to yourself..... Doesnt it sound
> silly ;)
> Thanks for your time...

And yourself for yours.... :)

All the best...


Message 14110

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] &
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:34:20 +0000

Some of you may have seen me asking about this on some of the IRC channels
or even other mailing lists but for those who haven't I'd like to pick your
brains about it here on this list...

I recently purchased the "" and "" domains with a
view to providing free web services to the Amiga community.

I plan to start a scheme through which I can give Amiga users a url which
others can use to access their site (a la "" or "" but
reliable) and may also include the ability to use CGI scripts and possibly
even SSI on some of their pages. I would probably also offer email aliasing
for the and domains so users will be able to
have an email address for life at no cost to themselves!

With my current host it is easy to add extra sub-domains to the site (e.g. and while they may be fast, they aren't so
reliable :(

If I change hosts then I'd probably only be able to offer subdirectories of
the domain e.g. (or subdomains for
a $20 one off fee).

Depending on how I decide to implement this, users may also be able to make
use of either a selection of cgi scripts or will be able to add their own
(most likely the first option though, I've written quite a few good scripts
and will add more as requested).

The only catch is that users availing of this offer would either have to
have a 10/15 second delay before they are redirected to their space while
an ad is displayed or they would have to place a small banner ad on the
three main pages of their site.

Well, what do you think about this scheme?  Is it a good idea?

What way should it be implemented, sub-domains (but no so reliable) or
subdirectories (100% reliable but don't sound as "cool" :) )?

I eagerly await your feedback...

All the best...

*Conor Kerr*
MD, Mystique Corporation International Ltd.

Message 14111

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:45:02 +0000
Hi there!

After all this time I've finally joined the AF list so I'd just like to say
a big hello to all those not on any of the other lists I'm on (especially
Ben - how ya doin' big man? ;) ).

I've been on the CU-List for over 2 years now and I never knew that AF had a
proper list of its own!  Of course I'd heard things about it, but the very
name of the list put me off joining.  Upon visiting the AF "website"
(there's not much to it is there? ;) ) I only ever found a link to a
"bulletin" mailing list, which of course I assumed to be an announcement
list.  (Well, that was only reasonable given that a bulletin is "a short
statement of news" :) )

Anyhoo, I've found out how wrong I was, this list seems lively indeed. :)

Nice to be here and all that.

All the best...


Message 14112

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb
Date: 8 Jun 1999 0:42:54 +0100
Ken Walsh said, 

>     I note in the new OS3.5 there will be a new version of AWeb will this
> be able to view many sites that I cannot get into namely online banking
> like 'Barclays'. I've tried all the Amiga browsers and none will work!

Barclays use Java on their site, and there's no usable Java
implementation on the Amiga. AWeb will support Daytona when it's
released. At that time it will probably possible to use Barclays
online banking service.

Banking sites that use JavaScript but not Java now seems to work with
AWeb and the latest MiamiSSL.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Message 14113

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: &
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:30:51 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Conor Kerr 
Sent: 08 June 1999 01:34
Subject: [afb] &

[biiiiig snip]

> I eagerly await your feedback...

I think it's a cool idea. I would be inclined to go with the method though if the subdomain is unreliable.


Message 14114

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: 8 Jun 99 04:23:46 +0000
Hi aaron, you wrote=2E=2E=2E=2E

> PS The simms are 60ns EDO and cost =A350 each from Maplins - and if they'=
> still that price it's a bit of a bargain cos they're rocketing up back to
> their old levels=2E I remember (eeee when i were a lad!) paying =A3100 fo=
r a
> 4mb simm, and that was only in 1993!!

I bought the A501 0=2E5Mb Ram Expansion for =A3250, way back in 1987!!



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM=2E=2E=2E=2E
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

Message 14115

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 08 Jun 99 07:38:31 +0100
On 07-Jun-99 23:41:03, Paul Cundle ( wrote:

>MSGTO: Andy Sillwood
>SUBJECT: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
>> On 07-Jun-99 11:00:18, Alex Furmanski ( wrote:
>> >I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.
>> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/

>Excuse ignorance - is this University?
>If so - are you craaaazy?

In my case its A-Levels, I don't know about Alex though. Module 3 is Friday
morning, and module 4 next thursday morning. As well as Chemistry, I'm doing
maths and Physics too :)



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 14116

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:10:37 +0000
Hello Gerald

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Round here all our postmen are the same size as normal people.

Oh ho ho... We've got a comedian in the house ;-)



A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 14117

From: Tim Seifert
Subject: [afb] no mail
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:38:14 +0930

I've not been receiving any mail from here for the last couple of days,
yet e-groups says I'm already subscribed, but going to their web site
yields empty pages, as if I'm not subscribed to anything from e-groups
anymore.  My opinion of e-groups has never been good, and this just
cements it.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 14118

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 09:08:50 +0100
> > I could afford the 40-50 to get a CD Drive, it was a comfort purchase
> > because I had just lost my job. Fuck 'em I said, I`ll buy a CD drive
> > anyway. Who cares if I`ll only have 25 to last me till I finish my
> > A-levels..

> That's easy enough for you, but if you've only got fifty quid to last you
> month *and* you've got a wife and kiddies to support...

I guess you`re right, but that doesn`t justify my sacrifice - can you
imagine being an 18 year old student with no money to spare? For
6 months???

> > It would force floppy users to become subscribers, though. They`s save
> > a ton of money, and they are poor enough as it is. Half price? Yes

> Too poor to be able to afford the outlay for a subscription all at once I
> think.

Well they manage to fork out 6 a month and the trek to the newsagents
each month (it costs me 1.05 to get into town) then they can afford to
save up a little and get a subscription. Just 5 a month for a year and
you can have a kewl subscription.. it`s a wait, but they can`t moan..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14119

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: URL problems with Multiuser 2
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:25:27 +0100
Hi Andrew,

> I can not access the Multiuser 2 URL on AF-CD.  I have tryed
> as on there.
> It dons't exists also I tryed for argument sake
> http://www, which as well dosn't exist.

> Do you what it should be?

Just having a guess here, perhaps it's meant to be "twinklestar"?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want samples? Copyright free ones?

Message 14120

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:29:15 +0100
Hi Phil,

> I do if this includes CrossDOS 7 ??

> I paid money for it, so I'm going to use it:)

But do you run the text translation commodity? 

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 14121

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:31:28 +0100
Hi Oliver,

> BTW. they are using PageStream to do their layout, and it looks very
> professional. (I can remember someone saying on this ML, Amiga Survivor
> looks bad because they're using Pagestream)

Amiga .info in Sweden uses PageStream 3 as well and that was very good.
OTOH, Amiga Informer in the states used it and that was ugly...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      If at first you don't succeed, 
      try the switch marked "Power"

Message 14122

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:33:29 +0100
Hi Alan,

> LocalTel uses the Call&Access scheme recently introduce by OFTEL.  The
> official term for LocalTel is a BT Independent Service Provider.

Oh great. Another ISP acronym...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
The worst thing about censorship is xxxx
xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxx.

Message 14123

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:36:22 +0100
Hi Thomas and others,

>> Haha, maybe so, but it's a lot more fun than arcnet is :)

> Well, if you like that sort of thing... 

Please can you take this rather fruitless IRC discussion to an IRC channel?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 14124

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] X, C, & V
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 09:30:46 +0100
Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.


Message 14125

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re the new Amiga.
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:38:58 +0100
Hi Primo,

> In that report it was stressed that we should  not wait for the new
> machines but instead go and up grade our present computers because the
> new machines would be,up to a point, be compatible.And in doing so we
> would be helping the retailer stay afloat. Now I've heard this
> argument before in the past.But look what is happening now.more and
> more retailers are pulling out of the Amiga market,I believe "First
> Computers" are doing just that just now.

But why? If they were still making a profit in the Amiga market, don't you
think they would stay?

> I've done my bit in the past to support retailers.I've bought
> monitors,HD's.Cd drive,accelerators etc,etc,both for my A1200 and my
> A500+.And all we hear is that it is coming soon,It's in it's final
> stage it will be hear soon.Well the only way I'll belive it is when I
> can actually see it.Until then I'm keeping my cash in my pocket.
> Or am I being to negative?What do other Amigans think?

We're in a strange limbo right now and keeping your hand in your pocket
could be the thing that just kills the Amiga stone dead.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Save up to 44% when you subscribe to AF!
Ring: 01458 271102 right now to save...

Message 14126

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virus on Subs Disk 125
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:40:09 +0100
Hi Bill,

> I checked the disk with Virus Checker II version 2.0 and also expanded the
> Quickflix files to Ram and checked from there.

> No sign of a virus.

Hmm, that's what our compiler says too. What Virus Checker were you running

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14127

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:41:05 +0100
Hi Bauglir

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Well, I know the system reasonably well, and just in case, I've put in
>> some 'other' options. Hope I've covered every possibility for you :-)
> You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
> So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?

Bunch of Sassenachs!


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14128

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Aweb
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 03:43:34 -0500 (CDT)
On 8 Jun 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Barclays use Java on their site, and there's no usable Java
> implementation on the Amiga. AWeb will support Daytona when it's
> released. At that time it will probably possible to use Barclays
> online banking service.

  Unfortunate, but understandably Barclays are very strict about the
browsers that can use thier IBank service.

  I get denied access (and was even banned for a while) for using Netscape
though linux here.  They're strict about browser versions too, so even
using IE or Netscape on a PC isn't always enough. 

  A shame, but when it's my money at stake I can handle using somebody
else's PC for a while :)

  It would be nice for Barclays to switch to an SSL protected HTML/
JavaScript front end, but as they've just spent a fortune redoing the Java
one (which is quite nice) it's doubtfull that Amigas (in their current
capacity will do it).

  Alough (I've just had a thought), by spoofing as one of the known
platform/browser combinations you may get around this.  ...and probably
get me banned again for trying it! 


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14129

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:46:40 +0100
Hi Kevin,

>> Ah well, I don't reckon anyone has the right to moan about the statist=
>> of our survey unless they've actually sent one in. Have you Kev?

> I wasn't moaning about any survey in particular, just pointing out a
> couple of things so that no-one started using the results of that to st=
> saying "oh but 88% of amiga owners have a cd drive!" (assuming the resu=
> of the survey said 88% of people who answered the survey have a cd driv=

Ah but if everyone filled in the survey and sent it in, that would be
plausible. It's only the people who don't that skew the results...

> And I hope you didn't check up on all the results looking for my entry
> Ben. Okay, I admit I didn't get around to sending it in. I started fill=
> it in but didn't finish it off! It's on my list of "things to do at som=
> point" along with learn Esperanto ;-)

Ah Esperanto is easy. Only thirteen rules to learn, no exceptions to them=
The only trick is learning enough vocab, and there are online dictionarie=
to do that. I learnt Epseranto when I was about thirteen, when the UN sai=
that they were going to use it as their international language (to save o=
interpreting bills I think). However they dropped it and since no-one els=
I knew spoke it I gave up. I seem to recall that "peniso capo" means

> I don't know about the dodgy dope, but I admit to going for the pound a=

> pint beer! It didn't stop me spending =A3250 on a Viper MkI with a 4Mb =
> (the latter of which cost =A3100!) mere days before the MKII was announ=
> (bah humbug!), as well as God knows how much on other stuff like the =A3=
> 4x CD-ROM drive and the software, magazines, hardware ...

The Viper I was better than the Viper II anyway.

>> Now that would be really cheeky! Maybe we should just make it a single=
>> floppy... (it'd be cheaper)

> Then you get the problem of "but we don't have a hd drive and can't aff=
> the =A360 to get one" arguments! I don't know how compressed the stuff =
is on
> the floppies these days, but I think the AUI way of really squeezing
> things on and using Diskspare to get the last few extra bytes was very
> clever! Any chance of you copying that? ;-)

I was only kidding about the floppy. Diskspare might be a good idea, but
you're all CD-ROM owners, what do you care? :)

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47
other dangerous words.

Message 14130

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:51:53 +0100
Hi Conor,

> After all this time I've finally joined the AF list so I'd just like to
> say a big hello to all those not on any of the other lists I'm on
> (especially Ben - how ya doin' big man? ;) ).

Top o' the mornin' to ya Conor! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 14131

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:53:09 +0100
Hi Chris,

> I bought the A501 0.5Mb Ram Expansion for =A3250, way back in 1987!!

=A3250? Are you sure it wasn't =A3150? I got three of them for free becau=
se FMG
- Commodore's repair company at the time were so crap that they left thre=
of them in machines I'd sent away for repair...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Save up to 44% when you subscribe to AF!
Ring: 01458 271102 right now to save...

Message 14132

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:54:19 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Well they manage to fork out =A36 a month and the trek to the newsagent=
> each month (it costs me =A31.05 to get into town) then they can afford =
> save up a little and get a subscription. Just =A35 a month for a year a=
> you can have a kewl subscription.. it`s a wait, but they can`t moan..

Eh? A fiver a month? sixty quid? No, it's only thirty.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14133

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:09:55 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 9:54 AM
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag

>Hi Matt,

eh-oh Ben

> > Well they manage to fork out 6 a month and the trek to the newsagents
> > each month (it costs me 1.05 to get into town) then they can afford to
> > save up a little and get a subscription. Just 5 a month for a year and
> > you can have a kewl subscription.. it`s a wait, but they can`t moan..

> Eh? A fiver a month? sixty quid? No, it's only thirty.

Alright, but you have to buy Amiga Format in the meantime, right?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14134

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:13:14 +0100
Anyone got schematics for it?

I`m not paying 25 for a box I could make
myself for 5.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14135

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:20:44 +0100
Matt S. wrote:

>Anyone got schematics for it?

Have a look at:

When I was there last, there was a .hlp file for W95 that had
more details than a very big book of details!

>I`m not paying =A325 for a box I could make
>myself for =A35.

Epic sell them for =A315...


Message 14136

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 04:27:11 -0500 (CDT)
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> interpreting bills I think). However they dropped it and since no-one else
> I knew spoke it I gave up. I seem to recall that "peniso capo" means
> "head"...

  Ha ha ha.  I have visions of everyone with their new found language
talking like the policeman in Allo allo!

  "Good Moaning. I have come to arrost your Mither.  She has been pissing
furged bank notes in the hit ship."

  So basically, to speak esparanto, you choose a base language and when
you can't think of the right word you slip one of you own in (altering the
inflections and adding bad accent!).


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 14137

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:27:51 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Matt S. wrote:
> >Anyone got schematics for it?
> Have a look at:
> When I was there last, there was a .hlp file for W95 that had
> more details than a very big book of details!

You could also tr5y this from Aminet:

ami2vga.lha        hard/hack    7K 387 Build an Amiga to Multisync VGA buffered cab

Message 14138

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Blizzard 4030
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:29:05 +0100
Hey All

I have just obtained a Phase5 Blizzard 4030 (030/50) for my other A4K.
Unfortunately, there is no documentation with it.
It has a couple of jumpers on it (which are unlabelled!) and I would
like to know what they do....

I have checked out the hardware links from the cucug site and all I can
get is info about the card - not about the jumper config.

Does anyone have one of these or have a copy of the docs so they
could tell me?


Message 14139

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:29:18 +0100
> >Anyone got schematics for it?
> Have a look at:

> When I was there last, there was a .hlp file for W95 that had
> more details than a very big book of details!

I have the HWB here, and therefore pinouts. I want to have
a "second opinion" of how to do it so I don`t blow a perfectly
good (free!) monitor up by connecting a cable somewhere
I shouldn`t.

> >I`m not paying 25 for a box I could make
> >myself for 5.
> Epic sell them for 15...

+ 7.50 postage and packing, no doubt.

It`s still a tenner more than I`d like. It`s only
a few wires and a bit of solder, for crying out loud.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14140

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 10:32:04 +0100
Hi Chris,

>  So basically, to speak esparanto, you choose a base language and when
> you can't think of the right word you slip one of you own in (altering the
> inflections and adding bad accent!).

It helps if you know other Romance or generally western European languages.
The Esperanto word for dog is "hundo" which can kind of be extrapolated
from hound or hund (german). The nice thing about Esperanto (and one of its
thirteen rules) is that the plural of any word (which can have a plural
obviously) is constructed by adding a j to the end of the word - thus
"hundoj" (pronounced "hundoy"). Easy huh? If your facility for languages is
mainly devoted to slavic tongues then you'd probably be better off trying
out Volapuk, which is a similarly constructed language but uses slavic
vocab as its basis.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14141

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:36:50 +0100
> > When I was there last, there was a .hlp file for W95 that had
> > more details than a very big book of details!
> I have the HWB here, and therefore pinouts. I want to have
> a "second opinion" of how to do it so I don`t blow a perfectly
> good (free!) monitor up by connecting a cable somewhere
> I shouldn`t.

Tell you what, somebody download/print the pinouts for
Amiga video and VGA (15) and tell me if I have this correct:

pins, vga - amiga

1 - 3
2 - 4
3 - 5
4 /
5 - 16
6 - 17
7 - 18
8 - 19
9 (key, no pin)
10 - 20
11 /
12 /
13 - 11
14 - 12
15 /

or should I be using the DDC version of the specs and connecting pin
9 (VGA) with +5v from pin 23 (AVO)?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14142

From: Nigel Bent
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 10:53:16 +0000
Hello Conor Kerr

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi there!
> After all this time I've finally joined the AF list so I'd just like to
> say a big hello to all those not on any of the other lists I'm on
> (especially Ben - how ya doin' big man? ;) ).

And what's wrong with saying hello to those of us who are on the other
lists?  I'm hurt :(

Anyway - hello :)
> Anyhoo, I've found out how wrong I was, this list seems lively indeed.
> :)

Ain't that the truth....but don't start moaning.  They don't seem to like
that here ;-)
> Nice to be here and all that.

Nice to have you Conor (oo-er), but please - try to keep the goats out of
it :)

Nigel Bent

Powered by Amiga

Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
-- Woody Allen

Message 14143

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:39:30 +0100
Hi Ben

>> BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!
>We can't yet. We still make money from them, and there are enough people
>buying them to do so. If those people all went out and bought CD-ROM drives
>tomorrow there would be no-one happier than me and we could drop the
>floppies like a hot potato, but if we jump drop them immediately we'll just
>lose readers.

What about if the results of the reader survey showed 90% of people had a CD-ROM
and 5% were definitely going to buy one?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14144

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:47:30 +0100
Hi Chrispy

>> I've never come across a CD that you can boot from (on a PC).  Do you have
>> special need for wanting to do this?
>Basically, yes. I built my own PC (and one for a mate) and bought Win98 for
>it. For installation, this needs a startup disk, or being able to boot from
>the CD drive. Win95 startup disks aren't compatible with Win98 (typical M$!)
>and I did't know anyone woth Win98 already installed so's I could make a
>startup disk. If I'd had an older computer  I might have been stuck in a
>vicious circle: can't install the OS without a startup disk, and can't
>create a startup disk without installing the OS! Thankfully, my PC can boot
>from CD, but it hust goes to show what blinkered lame-brains work for M$ :-(
>So now you know...


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14145

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Anagrams of Amigans!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:58:15 +0100
Hi Paul Cundle

>> Didn't do any for yourself?
>Nah, can't think of anything good.
>>  What about "Paul Cundle, leader of the Anti-Alex Association" ;-)
>Nice idea - who wants to join?
>Actually, I was going to do other people as well
>but with 200 results each it takes a while to wade through them! And
>you did make the claim yourself to sending the second-most mails to
>this list.

And I was as surprised as you are, which is why I demanded a re-count.  But blow
me if it didn't come out as me again!

When I get back to college, I'll try out these:

"Petro Tyshtywatsit, unpronouncable Amiga bloke"
"Neil Bothwick, top bearded internet bloke"
"Bill Gates, bastard"

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14146

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:04:40 +0100
Hi Neil Bullock

>> o CrossDOS
>> >
>> > This is a tricky one. I doubt that very many people run the CrossDOS
>> > although they will probably be running the DOSdriver...
>> I do if this includes CrossDOS 7 ??
>> I paid money for it, so I'm going to use it:)
>Well, the original poll was asking which Workbench commodities people used,
>i.e. which ones do you use that were bundled with workbench. It's up to you
>really :)

That's a bit of a dodgy poll then, if the questions are left open to
interpretation by the people filling them out.  They shouldn't have to think
about what they're being asked or what choice to make.  That's why I think 8 is
a reasonable limit for choices.

Yet another poll annihilated by Team AFB!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14147

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Foundation
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:07:36 +0100

>> Anyone heard anything about Foundation of late?  There was a time when every
>> and CU CD would have a new version of the Foundation executable on them.  No
>> longer I see.
>> Also, anybody know any cheats for it?
>The latest Foundation is 1.24c I think, mainly for gfx cards and high end
>systems, it uses a new routine for giving lovely shaded landscapes and shadows
>etc etc, like the Settlers 2 landscapes.

Hmm, my version says 1.66b (but that's the AGA version).  I'm off to his

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14148

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Grrrrrr Mail Problems AGAIN!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:17:49 +0100
Hi Thomas Hurst

>> Somehow, the problem seems to have fixed itself!  Not even a 2 call to
>> tech support needed.  Yay!
>> /me goes off skipping through the long grass in "happy" mode
>Next time, open a telnet client and type the following:
>USER myusername
>PASS mysecretpass
>From here you'll get a list of all the mail in your mailbox. You might find
>the problem mail(s) has a size of 0 or is really small.
>You can use the RETR command to check any duff mail, e.g:
>RETR 13
>Once you're sure you want to delete it, use DELE , i.e.
>DELE 13
>Then you send the QUIT command and hope for the best.
>I once recovered from a very corrupt mailspool doing this (200+ corrupt
>messages a day).

I think I'll have to make a new folder in OE : "Tips when your PC buggers"
Geez you guys are great!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14149

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:10:10 +0100

>>> >I've got Chemistry module1 today.  In 2 hours time in fact.
>>> I've got Chemistry module 2 at 2:30 this afternoon :-/
>>Excuse ignorance - is this University?
>>If so - are you craaaazy?
>In my case its A-Levels, I don't know about Alex though. Module 3 is Friday
>morning, and module 4 next thursday morning. As well as Chemistry, I'm doing
>maths and Physics too :)

Yes mine are A-levels.  Me am doing Computing, Maths and Electionics as well.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14150

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:19:45 +0100
Hi Chrispy

>> Well, I know the system reasonably well, and just in case, I've put in
>> some 'other' options. Hope I've covered every possibility for you :-)
>You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
>So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?

[cough cough] ...... I told you so.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 14151

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: 8 Jun 1999 11:2:28 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

>> >I`m not paying 25 for a box I could make
>> >myself for 5.
>> Epic sell them for 15...

> It`s still a tenner more than I`d like. It`s only
> a few wires and a bit of solder, for crying out loud.

Maybe, maybe not. The original C= adaptors also contained buffering
electronics. some of the third party ones did while others were
simply adaptors. Some monitors wouldn't work with the non-buffered

15 should get you a buffered one, although ISTR the C= ones were
around 20.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Multitasking?? But I only have one PC!

Message 14152

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 8 Jun 1999 11:3:59 +0100
Richard Drummond said, 

> Bunch of Sassenachs!

Are you related to Richard "I'm not Scottish, I'm from Bristol" Drummond?


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was.

Message 14153

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 11:6:42 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Oh great. Another ISP acronym...

IKWYM. These TLAs and ETLAs are a PITA. IMHO TLA users should be


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If Yoda so strong in force is, why words in right order he cannot put?

Message 14154

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: 8 Jun 1999 11:9:23 +0100
james said, 

> Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
> and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)

CutNPaste.dopus5 is a module to add this facility Opus popup menus.

> Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.

Too late.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Oxymoron: Reagan memoirs.

Message 14155

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Will Amigactive "make it"
Date: 8 Jun 99 12:48:25 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on ??? about [afb] POLL: Will Amigactive "make it"

> The subject of whether or not Amigactive will "make it" came up at the
> SWAG pub meeting last Thursday and made me wonder what you lot think -
> how well, in your opinion,  will it Amigactive do....
> This isn't meant as a serious poll, it's just out of curiousity.
> ----
> Please select one of the following:

>    o Other...

Sorry, not online ATM, but I would hope that although at first it will
probably only have a very small circulation, that you persvere and
take onboard any critisuim given and make the mag a great read, so
that it will flourish.

However saying that, you have to consider the Classic Amiga will
probably only be in the mainstream another two years max and then
after that it will probably take a back seat to the Amiga NG.

Hope this help's ?

And if you need any help, I'll try to help, not sure what I can do
though, but email me privately ok ?


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14156

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: ZipTools Format
Date: 8 Jun 99 12:48:33 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Bill wrote on 6 Jun 99 01:39:02 +0000 about [afb] ZipTools Format

Hi Bill
> Hi All,
> I do not normally use the SquirrelZipTools program to format with but the long format
> function does not work and results in the screen locking up.
> The program worked correctly when I had the Classic cable link but played up
> upon using the Surf Squirrel cable.
> Has anyone else had/got this problem?

I can't say that I actually use the Zip tools provided, only the dos
driver's to read the Zip's, I've been using them on just about every
SCSI card that I have owned.

It was worth the money just for them IMO.


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14157

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: SpeakerFone
Date: 8 Jun 99 12:48:52 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format colin clark wrote on Sun, 06 Jun 1999 15:57:15 +0000 about [afb] SpeakerFone

Hi colin clark
> Hello, 
> Anyone Using Dopus5 and a voice modem? If so get speakerFone from
> #HTTP://
> It's the dogs b*****ks for hands free use of the phone whilst using you Amiga :)

I'm using Magellan here, but might give it a go anyway to see if it
works and what it's like:)



Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14158

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: 8 Jun 99 12:48:59 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format 4-0 wrote on Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:22:31 +0000 about [afb] It sticks out!!!

Hi 4-0

> Does anyone know if "angled" power connectors exist. Or will I have to ditch
> my CD-Rom or HD ?

I can think of another way, buy a tower !

You will have loads of room for expansion then m8, trust me it's what
I did and of added loads since then, tower's are not just for A1200
owner's :)


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14159

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 12:56:13 +0100
Hi Alex,

> What about if the results of the reader survey showed 90% of people had a
> CD-ROM and 5% were definitely going to buy one?

If that was borne out by the sales figures then yes, we would drop the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is 
NOT our friend!

Message 14160

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Will Amigactive "make it"
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 12:58:35 +0100
Hi Phil,

>> how well, in your opinion,  will it Amigactive do....

> Sorry, not online ATM, but I would hope that although at first it will
> probably only have a very small circulation, that you persvere and
> take onboard any critisuim given and make the mag a great read, so
> that it will flourish.

Presumably you didn't mean to send this mail to the list?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]

Message 14161

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:02:06 +0100
4-0 (I AM NOT A NUMBER) wrote:

>I recently installed my old 520mb hard disk back into my A4000 to be used
>keep backups on. It takes up the bottom HD space on the mounting bracket
>next to the power supply. Now the problem is my CD-Rom won't fit all the
>back in and sticks out about an inch.

Have you got an HDD in the top slot as well? I assume you have....
If so - then apart from mounting it in the bottom floppy space...
get a tower.....


Message 14162

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:23:23 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: Matt Sealey 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 11:00 AM
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga 23pin Video-Out to 15pin VGA

> Matt Sealey said,
> >> >I`m not paying 25 for a box I could make
> >> >myself for 5.
> >> Epic sell them for 15...
> > It`s still a tenner more than I`d like. It`s only
> > a few wires and a bit of solder, for crying out loud.
> Maybe, maybe not. The original C= adaptors also contained buffering
> electronics. some of the third party ones did while others were
> simply adaptors. Some monitors wouldn't work with the non-buffered
> adaptors.

I`ve checked for that, the buffering chippy-ness costs 2.50. That`s
half the 5 because the other half is the female D23 connector and
the wires. I have VGA monitor cables I can hack, solder etc.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

> 15 should get you a buffered one, although ISTR the C= ones were
> around 20.
> Neil
> --
> Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
> Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
> --
> Multitasking?? But I only have one PC!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 14163

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:25:54 +0100
> In PRIV.Amiga Format 4-0 wrote on Sun, 06 Jun 1999 03:22:31 +0000 about
[afb] It sticks out!!!
> Hi 4-0
> > Does anyone know if "angled" power connectors exist. Or will I have to
> > my CD-Rom or HD ?

Angled? You mean like the 90degree PCMCIA adapters are "angled"?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14164

From: Alan R Barr
Subject: [afb] Hi and ibrowse ML
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 12:23:10 +0000
Hello Fellow Amigans

Just a quick hello to all , just joined the list on Sunday , been a
subscriber to AF for some time , and it was about time we had a mail list ,
anyway all the best to all , and just a quickie , is the ibrowse mail list
going still , haven't had a mail from it for yonks .

Kindest Regards ,


#Amiga and WIRENET Make it a Reality#
Alan R Barr
#A4000# with various "bits" attached
Team #AMIGA#

Message 14165

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Re: Ebola virus in QuickFlix
Date: 8 Jun 99 13:39:40 +0000
Hi All,

The Release-Notes of Brainfile v2.13 for VIrus_CheckerII states:
"The bug in the Ebola virus recognition has been fixed".

I had this problem prior to this update whence I was told there was the Ebola
virus in the DVD-Player file.



Message 14166

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hi and ibrowse ML
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 13:47:14 +0100
Hi Alan,

> Just a quick hello to all , just joined the list on Sunday , been a
> subscriber to AF for some time , and it was about time we had a mail list
> , anyway all the best to all , and just a quickie , is the ibrowse mail
> list going still , haven't had a mail from it for yonks .

Welcome Alan.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    Have you sent in your AFCDSurvey?
      Every bit of feedback helps

Message 14167

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Sky subscriptions
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 11:05:36 +0100
on 03-Jun-99, Chris Pratt skillfully scrawled something along the subject=
[afb] Sky subscriptions: =

> Hi all.
>    Just a gem I thought you may be interested in...
> =

>    My sister works at Currys, and tonight she was telling me about a
> couple who had been in their store. When they were asked if they were
> interested in Sky Digital, they said they had it and were only paying =A3=
> a month for the full package. When the salesperson asked how they had
> managed to get such a cheap subscription, it transpired that they had r=
> Sky and said they wished to cancel. Apparently they said if the
> subscription was cheaper they would have kept it, but they couldn't
> afford/justify the price. Sky turned round and offered them the full
> package for only =A320 a month.
>    So if any of you have Sky, here's a way to pay less :-)

This can be done with many Large ISP's too. A couple of my PC owning frie=
phoned up AOL to cancel their subscriptions, and one of them got 7 months=

free, and the other got 18 months free!
(Now i wonder if Wirenet will fall for that ;)

>    Hope this may help some of you. If you try it and it works, please
> tell me, as mum pays our Sky subs so I can't try it myself.

If your sister works for Currys, you should be able to subscribe to the f=
sky package for =A316p/m, for a year.  Its on staff deal ATM :)

Thanks for your Time...
-- =

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | =

|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14168

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 11:13:46 +0100
on 04-Jun-99, Philip Edwards skillfully scrawled something along the subj=
of [afb] Re: Subs mag: =

> Hi Richard,
> =

>> Errr, yesterday actually. I bought a pack from Dixons in Ipswich =A33.=
>> for a box of ten. And no they're not HD but real DD ones.
> =

> It must be and end-of-line thing

No, it is true, Currys in Kings Lynn (where i Work) occaisionally get 3.5=
DD disks into stock. They are the PC Line Brand, which is DSG own brand. =

Also, if anyone wants DD disks, pop down to your local Dixon or Currys, a=
see if they have some. If they dont, ask them to do a local area search,
and the computer will tell u anywhere in the area with the disks :)

Thanks for your Time...
-- =

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | =

|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14169

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 11:17:25 +0100
on 04-Jun-99, Danny Shepherd skillfully scrawled something along the subject
of [afb] Re: Subs mag: 

> There is probably some obscure people still using those dodgy Acorns. Most
> of the ones in our school only had DD drives (800k).

At my 6th form, we did our entire Computing A-Level on Acorns, using mainly
We have 3(!!) Computer rooms full of Acorns on a Econet Network. Econet is
possibly the SLOWEST network ever in the history of computing :(

Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 14170

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: Nationality crisis (wa AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:28:35 +0100
Hi Neil

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Richard Drummond said, 
>> Bunch of Sassenachs!
> Are you related to Richard "I'm not Scottish, I'm from Bristol" Drummond?

You can see why I'm such a confused individual :-b

And anyway, I've never claimed that "I'm from Bristol". Perish the thought!
I had the misfortune of being born and living the first five years of my
existence there. Right now, working in Bath, I'm far closer to the place
than I would ever wish to be.

I came to the conclusion a few years ago that I'm not really "from"
anywhere. I've lived in so many different places that I've lost count.

I am going to amend my passport to "Nationality: None".


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 14171

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Nationality crisis (wa AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:32:09 +0100
Hi Richard,

> I am going to amend my passport to "Nationality: None".

Shurely shome mishtake? It should read:

"Nationality: what an outmoded concept!" (presumably along with "Sex: Yes,

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 14172

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Probs with e-groups
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:28:15 +0100
Can some one please tell me how to contact E-Groups directly with my problem
as i seem to remember that we were told to do that instead of posting the
probs to this list - but i forgot the addy.

Seems as though i have been unsubscribed from the AFB listing (according to
the e-groups web site), but i still get the mails...

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14173

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Emulation
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:36:46 +0100
Hi dewdy ppl out there, i have recently gone emulatio mad :) starting with
my PC i got loadsa console emulators, like megadrive, snes, master system
ect and i got loadsa roms and i love the megadrive and snes stuff and play
on it every day.

I recently heard of a few megadrive emulators for the Amiga and i found one
on this months AFCD (i think) and i found a snes one on a slightly older

What i wanna know is, are there any Acorn emulators for the Amiga? i have
loadsa other emus for computers on miggy as well as console - but i cant
find an Acorn one - can u please let me know if there are any and where they
can be found.


 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14174

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] PPC delivery
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:30:00 +0100
Hi, i am ordering my new PPC in a few days and i just wanna ask a simple
question :)

I am ordering it from Eyetech and i wanna know if it will arrive in a few
days (after cheque) has cleared or will i have to wait for a few weeks as
there is such a high demand for them?

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14175

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Probs with e-groups
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:36:31 +0100
Hi Samuel,

> Can some one please tell me how to contact E-Groups directly with my
> problem as i seem to remember that we were told to do that instead of
> posting the probs to this list - but i forgot the addy.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what
it means?

Message 14176

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC delivery
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:37:06 +0100
Hi Samuel,

> I am ordering it from Eyetech and i wanna know if it will arrive in a few
> days (after cheque) has cleared or will i have to wait for a few weeks as
> there is such a high demand for them?

You may have to wait a while while phase 5 builds it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Is there another word for synonym?

Message 14177

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Emulation
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:38:03 +0100
Hi Samuel,

> What i wanna know is, are there any Acorn emulators for the Amiga? i have
> loadsa other emus for computers on miggy as well as console - but i cant
> find an Acorn one - can u please let me know if there are any and where
> they can be found.

What sort of Acorn are you talking about? Atom, Electron, BBC, Archimedes?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
The worst thing about censorship is xxxx
xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxx.

Message 14178

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Probs with e-groups
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:44:00 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Vost 
Date: 08 June 1999 14:38
Subject: [afb] Re: Probs with e-groups

>Hi Samuel,
>> Can some one please tell me how to contact E-Groups directly with my
>> problem as i seem to remember that we were told to do that instead of
>> posting the probs to this list - but i forgot the addy.

bloody quick response - 3 mins after posting it i got a reply!!

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes       
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14179

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Emulation
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:45:50 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Vost 
Date: 08 June 1999 14:41
Subject: [afb] Re: Emulation

>Hi Samuel,
>> What i wanna know is, are there any Acorn emulators for the Amiga? i have
>> loadsa other emus for computers on miggy as well as console - but i cant
>> find an Acorn one - can u please let me know if there are any and where
>> they can be found.
>What sort of Acorn are you talking about? Atom, Electron, BBC, Archimedes?

Soz, forgot to mention that - Archimedes

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14180

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Upgrading
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 01:57:56 +0100

I want to seriously upgrade my Amiga (hopefully soon). Here's what it is at
the moment. I would say I have about 300 to spend as a base, if I sell some
old equipment, I'll have more money.

A1200 (C= Case) 18MB Memory, Power Typhoon Mk1, Eyetech CD-Plus and Eyetech
4-way IDE splitter. Annoyingly loud PC Power supply. 810MB Hard disk of which
first 200MB was lost when the drive buggered up a while ago.

First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?
One of those Zorro thingies? How much are they?
Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 14181

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Emulation
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:56:12 +0100
Hi Samuel,

> Soz, forgot to mention that - Archimedes

In that case, no I don't believe so.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 14182

From: Bob Rickman
Subject: [afb] Re: Netconnect 2 Mailing list
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:10:07 +0100
Hello Andy

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On 07-Jun-99 15:15:11, Bob Rickman ( wrote:
>> Can someone kindly confirm to me the address of the Netconnect 2 mailing
>> list. 
> It should be

Thanks, I'll try this once problem below is resolved.

>> nothing I have sent via Free4all over the last three days appears to have
>> been delivered. They say they have a backlog after problems with their
>> mail server. 

> The mail is being delivered, but as you said there is a delay. This is
> partly due to us moving the server to a new machine, and partly due to the
> problems that Freeserve and Demon among others had with their servers,
> meaning a lot of mail has been difficult to deliver.

This appears to be ongoing, have still not had earlier messages delivered,
and having perused all recently received mails, the only stuff from your ISP
is your own stuff. Are you bypassing the queue?
> Regards,
> Andy
> --
> Andy Sillwood, Free4all Tech Support
> EMail:
> Technical Support - Telehpone: 0845 3011670

Bob Rickman
Devon UK

Message 14183

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:12:30 +0100
> Hi,
> I want to seriously upgrade my Amiga (hopefully soon). Here's what it is
> the moment. I would say I have about 300 to spend as a base, if I sell
> old equipment, I'll have more money.


> A1200 (C= Case) 18MB Memory, Power Typhoon Mk1, Eyetech CD-Plus and
> 4-way IDE splitter. Annoyingly loud PC Power supply. 810MB Hard disk of
> first 200MB was lost when the drive buggered up a while ago.

Get a new HD first, I wouldn`t trust one like that for very long ;)

> First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?

The new Micronik ones look ace, a Power Tower might be good. Eyetech ones
are WAY too big IMO.

> One of those Zorro thingies? How much are they?

No, no, no.

> Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?

You won`t get a decent PPC for 300.
That said, you won`t get a decent 68060 for 300 either.

Although.. you could get a cheapo PPC with a slowish 040
on and it would at least be faster than your current 030. Can
you bear to lose the SCSI capability, though (even though it
doesn`t look like you have it installed)?

Once you have a PPC, you can get a BlizzardVision. And
you never had to contend with any of that Zorro on an
A1200 crap.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14184

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:29:05 +0100
On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 11:17:25AM +0100, Robert Simmonds wrote:

> At my 6th form, we did our entire Computing A-Level on Acorns, using mainly

As far as BASIC goes, Acorn's implementation of it is pretty damn good,
and as far as I'm concerned teaching computing on something other than a
PC is a good thing - or am I alone in thinking that you should be learning
the principles behind computing rather than "You click on this icon to
load Word"?

> We have 3(!!) Computer rooms full of Acorns on a Econet Network. Econet is
> possibly the SLOWEST network ever in the history of computing :(

Ooh no. Slowest in common usage, probably :) Still, it works - I never
understood why my old school ripped out all their econet in order to
install ethernet at great expense, especially as they'd already decided to
stick with Acorns rather than going for PCs. *sigh*...

> Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...

Not quite, but it certainly did have some nice features. The concept as
applications as directories, anyone?

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14185

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Emulation
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:32:30 +0100
On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 02:56:12PM +0100, Ben Vost wrote:
> Hi Samuel,
> > Soz, forgot to mention that - Archimedes
> In that case, no I don't believe so.

There's one available for Unix systems including the source - I'm not sure
how well it works, since I only ever got it to boot ARM Linux rather than
RiscOS. In any case, there's working code available for anyone that feels
overly enterprising...

Matthew Garrett |

Message 14186

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:37:07 +0100
Hello Ben

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
>>> Ah well, I don't reckon anyone has the right to moan about the
>>> statistics of our survey unless they've actually sent one in. Have you
>>> Kev?
>> I wasn't moaning about any survey in particular, just pointing out a
>> couple of things so that no-one started using the results of that to
>> start saying "oh but 88% of amiga owners have a cd drive!" (assuming the
>> results of the survey said 88% of people who answered the survey have a
>> cd drive).
> Ah but if everyone filled in the survey and sent it in, that would be
> plausible. It's only the people who don't that skew the results...

I have 3 CD rom's conected ( to a A1200 030 not my PPC cos it don't work )
would that screw up the figs ?


Message 14187

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:46:35 +0100
Hi Ralph,

> I have 3 CD rom's conected ( to a A1200 030 not my PPC cos it don't work )
> would that screw up the figs ?

No because we only ask if you have a CD. There's no provision for someone
with more than one. You'd only skew the figures if you sent in three
surveys all about the same machine.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 14188

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 03:00:48 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Sealey 
Sent: 08 June 1999 15:12
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> > A1200 (C= Case) 18MB Memory, Power Typhoon Mk1, Eyetech CD-Plus and
> Eyetech
> > 4-way IDE splitter. Annoyingly loud PC Power supply. 810MB Hard disk of
> which
> > first 200MB was lost when the drive buggered up a while ago.
> Get a new HD first, I wouldn`t trust one like that for very long ;)

Good plan. Of course, I tend to use one of the partitions on my PC for
a lot of stuff through Network PC, but that's a tad slow.

> > First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?
> The new Micronik ones look ace, a Power Tower might be good. Eyetech ones
> are WAY too big IMO.

I'd noticed that. Have to climb up them to open the CD-ROM drive door :)

> > One of those Zorro thingies? How much are they?
> No, no, no.

Okeydokey then :)

> > Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?
> You won`t get a decent PPC for 300.
> That said, you won`t get a decent 68060 for 300 either.
> Although.. you could get a cheapo PPC with a slowish 040
> on and it would at least be faster than your current 030. Can
> you bear to lose the SCSI capability, though (even though it
> doesn`t look like you have it installed)?

I do actually. Power kindly gave me the SCSI one for the price of a normal one
because they'd run out of normal ones. Although I don't have any SCSI stuff,
so I probably could bear to lose it. I hope

> Once you have a PPC, you can get a BlizzardVision. And
> you never had to contend with any of that Zorro on an
> A1200 crap.

Great! Sounds good. Thanks for the advice

Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock :)

Message 14189

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 03:04:27 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Garrett 
Sent: 08 June 1999 15:29
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag

> > We have 3(!!) Computer rooms full of Acorns on a Econet Network. Econet is
> > possibly the SLOWEST network ever in the history of computing :(
> Ooh no. Slowest in common usage, probably :) Still, it works - I never
> understood why my old school ripped out all their econet in order to
> install ethernet at great expense, especially as they'd already decided to
> stick with Acorns rather than going for PCs. *sigh*...

The school where my dad works has a room full of Acorns, I think they're
ethernetted now. Speaking of this school, we have normal computers at college
powerful that this schools server!

Of course, college haven't just placed an order for 55000 of new PIII PC's
like the school where my dad works has. And that can only be a good thing. Now
all we need are to get rid of this shitty 486's we've got dotted all over at
college, and replace em with better ones. Or better still, with A4000's :)


Message 14190

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:29:53 +0000
Gerald Mellor scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: IRC :

> All very well if they're there when he joins, but do you seriously do a
> /whois on everyone you see on IRC? And what about people who use more than
> one ISP, or who don't always use the same computer...

You use notify, then you check the address of the "Agima" which comes up if
there's one online. For example, if it's an Agima at a Demon domain, you
know it isn't me. If it's an Agima at a U-Net domain, chances are it is.
Then you whois Agima to see if "Peter Price" is the real name. There are
other things about my login which make it easy to spot it's me as well.

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*
ICQ: 15849650                   PGP5 Key available - just ask :)

What are 12 Liberals in a basement? A whine cellar!

Message 14191

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:04:46 +0100
> > Get a new HD first, I wouldn`t trust one like that for very long ;)
> Good plan. Of course, I tend to use one of the partitions on my PC for
> a lot of stuff through Network PC, but that's a tad slow.

OOoh, painful. Don`t you wish we had 100mbps ethernet?

> > > First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?
> >
> > The new Micronik ones look ace, a Power Tower might be good. Eyetech
> > are WAY too big IMO.
> I'd noticed that. Have to climb up them to open the CD-ROM drive door :)

I`ve just been looking round. Get the Power Tower. I can`t find anywhere
sells the Micronik II, and besides Power's one has that neat bevelled LED
thing going. I want one, so I think I might want you to want one too?

> > > Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?
> >
> > You won`t get a decent PPC for 300.
> > That said, you won`t get a decent 68060 for 300 either.


> > Once you have a PPC, you can get a BlizzardVision. And
> > you never had to contend with any of that Zorro on an
> > A1200 crap.
> Great! Sounds good. Thanks for the advice

Be prepared for some almighty configuration hassles with
the PPC, Vision and the WarpUp/Warp3D systems, though.

Nothing we can't help you with anyway.

> Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock

Alt-I, S, M. I use it all the time ;)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14192

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 01:35:58 +0000
Hi Nigel,

> And what's wrong with saying hello to those of us who are on the other
> lists?  I'm hurt :(

I thought someone might say this ;)
> Anyway - hello :)

A BIG hello to you too then! :)

>> Anyhoo, I've found out how wrong I was, this list seems lively indeed.
>> :)
> Ain't that the truth....but don't start moaning.  They don't seem to like
> that here ;-)

It's only the TA list that I find a little hard to cope with sometimes, this
seems fine so far.

> Nice to have you Conor (oo-er), but please - try to keep the goats out of
> it :)

Hey! I asked you to keep that quiet!  Why I oughta... 


All the best...

*Conor Kerr*
MD, Mystique Corporation International Ltd.

Message 14193

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: &
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 01:50:23 +0000
Hi Neil,

>> I eagerly await your feedback...
> I think it's a cool idea. I would be inclined to go with the
> method though if the subdomain is unreliable.

How did I know that you'd comment on this Neil? ;)

I saw your comments on the trogladite site about wanting some CGI space and
tried to find you on IRC to ask you about it then.  I don't know why I
didn't bother to email you then, well who cares, you've got the message now

The reason I said that subdomains wouldn't be so reliable is that only my
current web host has the facilties to offer subdomains in the capacity that
I anticipate I would need them and my current host wasn't very reliable up
until now due to the large number of upgrades occuring as they expanded

Things seem to have settled now and I'm considering staying with them for
good.  The only reason I was asking about subdirectories was to gauge the
popularity of each option, most hosts can offer subdirectories for no cost
so if I was changing to a proven reliable host this would be the only
option.  However, so far everyone has opted for subdomains if possible and
given that my web host seems to have completed its upgrades I think I'll
stick with them and offer both options, each being as reliable as the other
(it was the host that was unreliable not the feature).

My host uses NT, which is a possible security hazard but it's very fast and
there are plenty of (FREE!) upgrade options available for sites I consider
to be deserving :)

Sorry about the length of that.  Basically "both options will be available".
Okay? :)

I'll send out a press release when I've got a system in place.

All the best...


Message 14194

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 01:54:06 +0000
Hi Ben,

>> After all this time I've finally joined the AF list so I'd just like to
>> say a big hello to all those not on any of the other lists I'm on
>> (especially Ben - how ya doin' big man? ;) ).
> Top o' the mornin' to ya Conor! :)

You should come over and visit Ireland sometime.  Really, we don't ALL speak
like Darby O'Gill :)

Okay, okay, maybe I do but most other people don't. :)

Anyway I'm off to feed the pigs before me mother gets home from the well
with the day's water ;)

All the best...


Message 14195

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sky subscriptions
Date: 8 Jun 1999 16:23:52 +0100
Robert Simmonds said, 

> This can be done with many Large ISP's too. A couple of my PC owning friends
> phoned up AOL to cancel their subscriptions, and one of them got 7 months
> free, and the other got 18 months free!
> (Now i wonder if Wirenet will fall for that ;)

It might do, provided no-one from Wirenet is reading this list...

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Use the Force, Luke, Don't give in to the DOS side.- ObiWan Kenobi

Message 14196

From: colin clark
Subject: [afb] Using html
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:40:12 +0000

What happened to using_html ? It's not on The CD!

Best regards

Colin Clark             

                  Try a Visit to The DOPus OneStop Site
                  for all your Opus needs  #

                  There is also a mailing list
                  for light Dopus discussions ie. Tips, Likes, Dislikes Etc

                  And #A Bookshop!#    And #The MAMMA Search Engine!#

Message 14197

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: 23 to 15 adapter
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:26:56 +0200
Hello neko 

A copy of an old mailing of this topic

On 28-Jan-99, wrote:
> Does anyone know if the Microvitec 1438 it supposed to have a 14 or 15 pin
> plug, as mine has 14 pins and it looks like one's missing. I can't test it
> until I order an adaptor, is there any information somewhwere about wiring
> this monitor to a A1200, without paying someone 10+P&P for the adaptor.
No idea, but as needed pins are 1 Red 2 Green 3 Blue 13 HSync 14 VSync
5,6,7,10,11 Gnd, you have a fair chance to have it working!
Amiga equivalents are 3,4,5  11,12  16-20 in same order.
This is when signal goes from Amiga to VGA, Ihave done it also visa versa
(mirrored) for my M1438 to be connected to PicassoIV.


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91

Message 14198

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Heeeeeelllo!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:40:28 +0100
Hi Conor,

>>> (especially Ben - how ya doin' big man? ;) ).
>> Top o' the mornin' to ya Conor! :)

> You should come over and visit Ireland sometime. Really, we don't ALL
> speak like Darby O'Gill :)

Sure, and youse started it, with yer "big man" bit... :) Anyway, enough now.
Cead mille Failte (sorry if it's misspelt).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14199

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] AFB stats again
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:42:04 +0100
Hi all

Couldn't help but laugh - our top subject is "Re: Irrelevance".

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14200

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:35:48 +0100
Hi Gerald.

> > Well, I know the system reasonably well, and just in case, I've put in
> > some 'other' options. Hope I've covered every possibility for you :-)
> You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
> So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?

Sorry, I never studied in Scotland. Any chance you might know what the
English equivalents are, so any Scottish students could put the nearest
The same request goes to anyone studying in other countries - tell us what
exams you do and if you know what they are equivalent to in England. Maybe
next year I can do another poll and attempt to redress the balance for
everyone :-)


Message 14201

From: "Andrew McCombe"
Subject: [afb] autorun
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:00:47 +0100
Hi everyone

I know this isn't directly related to amiga's, but does anyone know hot to
make a HTML file autorun on a win95 cd?  I know about the autorun.inf file,
but I don't know how to make it run a html file.

Secondly, can the amiga autoboot cd@s.

Thirdly, I can't seem to delete directories off my PC formatted Zip disks.
Is there any reason  a) why and b)how?


Message 14202

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bring Back AF Binders was A4000 memory
Date: 8 Jun 99 16:49:31 +0000
> Hi Chris,
> > I bought the A501 0=2E5Mb Ram Expansion for =A3250, way back in 1987!!

Hi Ben, you wrote=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

> =A3250? Are you sure it wasn't =A3150? I got three of them for free
> because FMG - Commodore's repair company at the time were so crap
> that they left three of them in machines I'd sent away for repair=2E=2E=
> All the best,
> --=20
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Opps=2E=2E=2E=2Esilly me=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Eit was =A3150 :)

Btw, I've got AF 1 - 64 in the binders, (AF1 - 11 in the white binder,
remember the white one?), the rest are in black=2E  That means I've got
AF65 - 125 sitting in a pile in the corner of the room=2E  Whats the
chance of bringing back the binders, Ben??

I've even got a good chance of fitting a year's worth of mag's in the
binder thid time=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2EI don't care what AF said at the time=
could only get 11 issue's to fit in!!  ;)



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM=2E=2E=2E=2E
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

Message 14203

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC delivery
Date: 8 Jun 99 16:58:06 +0000
Hi Samuel Brookes, you wrote......

> Hi, i am ordering my new PPC in a few days......

Welcome to the world of PowerPC Amiga......:))))  




Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 14204

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:58:30 +0100
Hi Matthew Garrett

>> Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...
>Not quite, but it certainly did have some nice features. The concept as
>applications as directories, anyone?

I'll never forget how amazed my friends looked when I held down SHIFT and double
clicked the Lemmings icon - and there was all the pics and music!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14205

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:54:20 +0100
Hi Robert Simmonds

>> There is probably some obscure people still using those dodgy Acorns. Most
>> of the ones in our school only had DD drives (800k).
>At my 6th form, we did our entire Computing A-Level on Acorns, using mainly
>We have 3(!!) Computer rooms full of Acorns on a Econet Network. Econet is
>possibly the SLOWEST network ever in the history of computing :(
>Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...

Yes, come to think of it.  The high school I went to had Acorns on an Econet
network.  Never once in my five years there did RISC OS crash on me.  Apart from
when I crashed the network and got banned from the computers for a term.  Ooops.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14206

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sky subscriptions
Date: 8 Jun 99 17:05:53 +0000
Hi Neil, you wrote........

> > (Now i wonder if Wirenet will fall for that ;)
> It might do, provided no-one from Wirenet is reading this list...
> Neil
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
> Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
> --

Hmmmm, my annual sub with Wirenet is up on 2nd September......and I'm
tempted by the "BT ISP/0800" deal....Howzabout a reduced yearly sub,
then Neil??  :))



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 14207

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: autorun
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:12:57 +0100
> Hi everyone
> I know this isn't directly related to amiga's, but does anyone know hot to
> make a HTML file autorun on a win95 cd?  I know about the autorun.inf
> but I don't know how to make it run a html file.

I assume you know how to make a proper autorun file, right? It`s easy..

OPEN="IEXPLORE.EXE drive:\path\file.html"

IIRC. You could always compile the HTML using those neat HTML compilers.
Then reference raw HTML files out of them. It`s been so long since I made
an autorun CD (just a bit of a larf really).

> Secondly, can the amiga autoboot cd@s.

Yes, if it`s a CD32 or an A1200/4000 running CD32 emulation

> Thirdly, I can't seem to delete directories off my PC formatted Zip disks.
> Is there any reason  a) why and b)how?

Can you do it on the PC?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 14208

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bring Back AF Binders was A4000 memory
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:09:11 +0100
Hi Chris,

> Btw, I've got AF 1 - 64 in the binders, (AF1 - 11 in the white binder,
> remember the white one?), the rest are in black.  That means I've got
> AF65 - 125 sitting in a pile in the corner of the room.  Whats the
> chance of bringing back the binders, Ben??

None at all I'm afraid. Still, Ikea do do some nice cardboard magazine rack
things that are cheap...

I might need to borrow an issue or two of you Chris. We're missing a couple
in the thirties...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what
it means?

Message 14209

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 03:46:17 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Sealey 
Sent: 08 June 1999 16:04
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> > Good plan. Of course, I tend to use one of the partitions on my PC for
> > a lot of stuff through Network PC, but that's a tad slow.
> OOoh, painful. Don`t you wish we had 100mbps ethernet?

It is a bit slow... useful for sending stuff to AFCD though since my miggy
isn't netted up, I can use NetPC to lha files directly from Amiga to PC, and
upload em to the futurenet ftp site. Very useful. And yes, I do with we had
100mbps ethernet :) We do at college, and while the computers may be fast, the
network admin people arent. They play quake all day :) I've seen em...

> I`ve just been looking round. Get the Power Tower. I can`t find anywhere
> that
> sells the Micronik II, and besides Power's one has that neat bevelled LED
> thing going. I want one, so I think I might want you to want one too?

Hmmm. Excerising your grip over humanity and all things that are living? :)

> Be prepared for some almighty configuration hassles with
> the PPC, Vision and the WarpUp/Warp3D systems, though.
> Nothing we can't help you with anyway.

Good. Be prepared for some serious PPC related questions in the coming months
then :)

> > Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock
> :)
> Alt-I, S, M. I use it all the time ;)

Damn :)


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Cool, it works :) Increases the message size by a few K as well :)

Message 14210

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: &
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 04:42:43 +0100
> How did I know that you'd comment on this Neil? ;)

I can't imagine :)

> I saw your comments on the trogladite site about wanting some CGI space and
> tried to find you on IRC to ask you about it then.  I don't know why I
> didn't bother to email you then, well who cares, you've got the message now
> :)

Yep indeedy :)

> The reason I said that subdomains wouldn't be so reliable is that only my
> current web host has the facilties to offer subdomains in the capacity that
> I anticipate I would need them and my current host wasn't very reliable up
> until now due to the large number of upgrades occuring as they expanded
> rapidly.
> Things seem to have settled now and I'm considering staying with them for
> good.  The only reason I was asking about subdirectories was to gauge the
> popularity of each option, most hosts can offer subdirectories for no cost
> so if I was changing to a proven reliable host this would be the only
> option.  However, so far everyone has opted for subdomains if possible and
> given that my web host seems to have completed its upgrades I think I'll
> stick with them and offer both options, each being as reliable as the other
> (it was the host that was unreliable not the feature).

Ahhhhh. Well, subdomains would be better than directories, but I really
don't mind either way

> My host uses NT, which is a possible security hazard but it's very fast and
> there are plenty of (FREE!) upgrade options available for sites I consider
> to be deserving :)
> Sorry about the length of that.  Basically "both options will be available".
> Okay? :)


> I'll send out a press release when I've got a system in place.

I'll look forward to it :)


Message 14211

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] UKOnline - webspace info
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:34:50 +0100
Hi People,

This particularly goes out to other UKOnline users. I need a bit of info on the
webspace that UKOnline offers. Here's my questions - 

1. Where do you FTP your uploads to?

2. How much webspace do you get?

3. Are there any extra facilities that might be of use, for example CGI stuff?

4. Any restrictions on what I can put up there? Not asking this for illegal
purposes, like gun-running obviously (!), but say I wanted to put up
commercial stuff there would that be a problem?

5. What's the web address going to be? I guess at given what some people have quoted at the
bottom of their emails... Correct?

Feel free to mail me privately over this, unless you feel that the info may be
of use to others on the list... Many thanks.


"Bother," said Pooh, as the whole of creation disintegrated.

Message 14212

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:41:45 +0100
Hi Ben

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent subs disk
>> has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on it to get rid of
>> the problem.
> Thanks for letting me know. That certainly shouldn't be the case since all
> the disks should be virus checked as they are being built. :(

Cool! I will have to check out that virus - the last one I saw was CCCP back in
1992, I think... That was a right pain at the time, with only Steve Tibbet's
VirusX to fight it off with... ;-)

BTW, don't take my enthusiasm as a wish to have virii on next month's disk! ;-)


If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to pans?

Message 14213

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] 2 things
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 04:52:07 +0100

1) Can you put a scalable AF logo or three on the CD? We can produce our own
stickers then :)

2) bringing someone else on to this list from this computer, as I figured out
how to do it :) Expect to hear from her (yes, her :) soon. I bet she's the
youngest on the list too...


Message 14214

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 8 Jun 99 17:39:08 +0000
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:29:05 +0100, Matthew Garrett wibbled...

> > Bomb proof OS on the Acorn though...
> Not quite, but it certainly did have some nice features. The concept as
> applications as directories, anyone?

Yeah, we liked that. The teachers used to delete all of the games from the
HD because they said that they reconfigured the system. Lies!

Anyway, we got a load of DD disks, put the games on them, and waited for
them to be deleted off the HD. Then it was simply a matter of
shift-clicking on Impression Publisher, and putting the contents of our
floppies I SAID FLOPPIES into the Impression folder, where they stayed for
months. Probably years - I haven't been into the computer room for a couple
of years, and I've only got 3 A-Level exams left now :)
Mr Wibble's Websites...
The Wibble - ICQ: 28589940
Wibblers ML -
Tork Radi-oh - *coming soon* -

Message 14215

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: 2 things
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:56:09 +0100
Hi Neil,

> 1) Can you put a scalable AF logo or three on the CD? We can produce our
> own stickers then :)

We don't have it in a scalable format. Why not try tracing it in a 3D

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
If at first you do succeed, try to hide
your astonishment.

Message 14216

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hexen/Heretic
Date: 08 Jun 99 00:15:20 +0000
On 06-Jun-99 19:40:50, Ferenczy said:
>Hi Vincenzo

>On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> With WarpExen 1.4 I get the following message:
>> bsd socket.library could not be opened correctly
>> and after it stops while on the shell I can read:
>> calling dmx_init.

>bsdsocket.library is used for internet software. It sounds like the game is
>being run in network mode or something. Get a program like #HexenPortal #from
> and this will allow you to specify what
>options you run the program with, as well as edit the default keys, etc..

I seem to remember that a early version of WarpHexen was compiled with a
bug in it that meant you had to have a tcp stack running at the same time.
This may be what has happened here.


Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 14217

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:20:43 +0100
Greetings  Alex

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Ben
>>> BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!
>> We can't yet. We still make money from them, and there are enough
>> people buying them to do so. If those people all went out and bought
>> CD-ROM drives tomorrow there would be no-one happier than me and we
>> could drop the floppies like a hot potato, but if we jump drop them
>> immediately we'll just lose readers.
> What about if the results of the reader survey showed 90% of people had
> a CD-ROM and 5% were definitely going to buy one?

Maybe the reason the floppy issue still sells is because by the time you
get to whsmiths or wherever, all the CD issues have sold out, so you
gotta buy the floppy. . .



/PGP Key available on request/
Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 14218

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: 8 Jun 99 17:40:37 +0100
4-0 ( wrote:
> Hiya everyone (again)
> Not so much a problem this time, just an anoyance.
> I recently installed my old 520mb hard disk back into my A4000 to be used to
> keep backups on. It takes up the bottom HD space on the mounting bracket
> next to the power supply. Now the problem is my CD-Rom won't fit all the way
> back in and sticks out about an inch. I could get it to fin all the way in
> IF I could get "angled" power connectors or ones that just dont take up as
> much room. I asked at PC World, but as you can imagine, they weren't very
> helpful.
> Does anyone know if "angled" power connectors exist. Or will I have to ditch
> my CD-Rom or HD ?
> Cheers

Do neither. Get yourself a nice A4000 tower case. You'll have room for your
CD drive as well as your hard drives, and many many other add ons! You'll
also get a beefy PSU to power all of those add-ons too!

Now I know that tower cases are expensive, so if you're interested I might
just cut my own throat and sell you mine ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14219

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 8 Jun 99 18:15:59 +0100
Ben Vost (ben=2Evost@futurenet=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> Hi Kevin,

Hello again Ben=2E
> >> Ah well, I don't reckon anyone has the right to moan about the statist=
> >> of our survey unless they've actually sent one in=2E Have you Kev?
> > I wasn't moaning about any survey in particular, just pointing out a
> > couple of things so that no-one started using the results of that to st=
> > saying "oh but 88% of amiga owners have a cd drive!" (assuming the resu=
> > of the survey said 88% of people who answered the survey have a cd driv=
> Ah but if everyone filled in the survey and sent it in, that would be
> plausible=2E It's only the people who don't that skew the results=2E=2E=

Okay then, out of the 100% of people who bought AF, what % actually
returned the survey? I know I didn't, on the grounds that I was far too
busy getting a major system at work Y2K compliant, and I forgot=2E Is it
still open for submission? If so I'll fill it in now then forget to post
it tomorrow, cos I've got another load of stuff lumped on my plate at the
minute    ;-)

> > And I hope you didn't check up on all the results looking for my entry
> > Ben=2E Okay, I admit I didn't get around to sending it in=2E I started =
> > it in but didn't finish it off! It's on my list of "things to do at som=
> > point" along with learn Esperanto ;-)
> Ah Esperanto is easy=2E Only thirteen rules to learn, no exceptions to th=
> The only trick is learning enough vocab, and there are online dictionarie=
> to do that=2E I learnt Epseranto when I was about thirteen, when the UN s=
> that they were going to use it as their international language (to save o=
> interpreting bills I think)=2E However they dropped it and since no-one e=
> I knew spoke it I gave up=2E I seem to recall that "peniso capo" means
> "dickhead"=2E=2E=2E

Very interesting, but where were you living when you learnt it then? Surely
not somewhere in the UK - I wouldn't have thought any schools or the
government in fact using resources on teaching pupils Esperanto unless they
were forced into it=2E I mean, they hardly force French, German or Spanish
onto people, and they're part of the National Curriculum! I wish I'd kept
up with my French lessons, if you know what I mean  ;-)

Oh, and I only mentioned the Esperanto thing as a Red Dwarf-style joke =2E=
> > I don't know about the dodgy dope, but I admit to going for the pound a
> > pint beer! It didn't stop me spending =A3250 on a Viper MkI with a 4Mb =
> > (the latter of which cost =A3100!) mere days before the MKII was announ=
> > (bah humbug!), as well as God knows how much on other stuff like the =
> > 4x CD-ROM drive and the software, magazines, hardware =2E=2E=2E
> The Viper I was better than the Viper II anyway=2E

Was it? I don't recall ever thinking that - the MkII had autoconfiguring
memory so you didn't have to set it by hand with jumpers (and on the MkI
the PCB had incorrectly labelled jumper configurations for memory sizes
anyway!); the MkI was incompatible with the PCMCIA slot should you want
more than 4Mb RAM; and the MkII was faster and all version came with an
MMU=2E And this was at the same price I paid for my non-MMU MkI!

What I do know is I eventually saved up, upgraded to a MkI, and when I
finally found someone to buy the MkI off me at a real knock-down price it
had died from a broken heart at being left forlornly on the shelf =2E=2E=2E=
> >> Now that would be really cheeky! Maybe we should just make it a single=
> >> floppy=2E=2E=2E (it'd be cheaper)
> > Then you get the problem of "but we don't have a hd drive and can't aff=
> > the =A360 to get one" arguments! I don't know how compressed the stuff =
is on
> > the floppies these days, but I think the AUI way of really squeezing
> > things on and using Diskspare to get the last few extra bytes was very
> > clever! Any chance of you copying that? ;-)
> I was only kidding about the floppy=2E Diskspare might be a good idea, bu=
> you're all CD-ROM owners, what do you care? :)

I can't remember off-hand if diskspare can be used as a bootable floppy=2E =
don't think it was, and thus you had to boot from the first AUI disk anyway
to get at the stuff off the second disk=2E Well, okay I didn't, cos I'd got
diskspare set up on my harddrive anyway, but I mean for floppy users=2E

I care, cos if swapping floppy sales for CD sales whilst ditching the
floppy format completely becomes a reality, the cost of making AF comes
down=2E Even if the price doesn't come down, it means that you
(theoretically) have more money to spend on each issue!

Oh, btw Ben, in a previous thread you said it was =A330 to subscribe to AF,
yet the latest issue states that it is, in actual fact, =A340=2E Are you ab=
to drop the subscription price by a tenner, perchance?  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 14220

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: autorun
Date: 8 Jun 1999 18:21:15 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

>> Secondly, can the amiga autoboot cd@s.

> Yes, if it`s a CD32 or an A1200/4000 running CD32 emulation

Or an A1200/4000 with a BlizzardPPC+SCSI/CyberStormPPC/CyberStorm MkIII

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I am Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg.

Message 14221

Subject: [afb] Digital camera
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:32:52 -0000
Hi all,

I have recently decided that I must have a digital camera.

I know there are a few versions of digital camera software out there.  Taking this into account, can anyone recommend a suitable camera?  Has anyone got one that they're satisfied with?  And is the software actually any good?

I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.

Also would I be right in thinking that the only way to connect a camera to the Amiga is through the serial port.  Will I need a special cable then?

Colin Buchanan
Heriot-Watt University

Message 14222

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: 08 Jun 99 13:08:51 +0000
Hello james, on 08-Jun-99 08:30:46 you said about: 
 [afb] X, C, & V 

>Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
>and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
>Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.

Yes, Powersnap. It can be found on AF cd's and Aminet.

 PowerSnap22a.lha  util/cdity   55296  Snap and paste anywhere using the

It's not perfect, but works 98% of the time...


 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
A single fact can spoil a good argument.

Message 14223

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: 08 Jun 99 13:16:14 +0000
Hello Gerald Mellor, on 07-Jun-99 19:53:51 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition? 


>> You have to sign up to BTInternet, it`s 11.99 a month. And then you pay
>> call access on top, or not on weekends. Like Demon, but free on weekends?

>It's undoubtedly worth the move IMHO, but I'm not about to start hopping
>around different ISPs whenever there's a new offer available. Twelve quid
>for what could amount to over 100 worth of calls seems like a pretty good
>deal though. And BTInternet's bound to be better than Freeserve... hmmm...
>on second thoughts, I might take a look at them after all :)

Depends how you look at it. With BTInternet, you only get 1 email addy,
which sucks IMHO, and if they do bring in this 0800 number on weekends,
loads of people will probably join and their service will get bogged
down the same as Freeserve's....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Head: Device for finding chandeliers in the dark.

Message 14224

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 08 Jun 99 13:32:25 +0000
Hello Oliver Esberger, on 07-Jun-99 16:54:18 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Subs mag 


>BTW. they are using PageStream to do their layout, and it looks very
>professional. (I can remember someone saying on this ML, Amiga Survivor
>looks bad because they're using Pagestream)

Pagestream 3.x is good, very good IMHO, especially for the price. How
the finished article looks is down to the person who designed it and not
what he/she used to create it....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
No, you *can't* call 999 now.  I'm downloading my mail.

Message 14225

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Virus on Subs Disk 125
Date: 08 Jun 99 15:26:52 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 08-Jun-99 08:40:09 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Virus on Subs Disk 125 

>Hi Bill,

>> I checked the disk with Virus Checker II version 2.0 and also expanded the
>> Quickflix files to Ram and checked from there.

>> No sign of a virus.

>Hmm, that's what our compiler says too. What Virus Checker were you running

IIRC, there was a version of Virus CheckerII that incorrectly "found" a
"virus" that wasn't there, or something like that anyway...

Check on for the latest virus
checkers, libraries, etc.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I don't call a kick in the knackers a result.

Message 14226

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: 08 Jun 99 15:35:41 +0000
Hello Gerald Mellor, on 07-Jun-99 22:01:16 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO) 

>> I would say its just as good only TurboPrint looks more user friendly
>> (i've got Studio as well got it before Turbo' came out)

>Doesn't it depend on the printer you're using? Since Studio is pretty old I
>doubt it has support for all the new printers that Turboprint does. Or is
>Studio still being updated as well?

TurboPrint is pretty old as well, you know... ;)

Studio is still being updated and supports at least the Epson Photo 700.
As to /exactly/ how up to date it is, I'm not sure.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
You took the TagLine right out of my mouth.....

Message 14227

Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:50:36 -0000
> > You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
> > So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?
> Sorry, I never studied in Scotland. Any chance you might know what the
> English equivalents are, so any Scottish students could put the nearest
> equivalents?

Just for clarifacation ;-) 

Standard Grades are roughly equivalent to GCSEs, CSYS is equivalent to an
A-Level, but Highers are sort of in between, being like the first year of an


Message 14228

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] N64
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 19:05:18 +0100
Hi, Anyone have any decent hardware specs or info (detailed info) on the N64
circuitory? or sites, or ppl to contact ect. Mainly info about, CPUs, GFX
and sound hardware.

Please contact me personaly as to not clog up the list with this off topic
post :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
            Samuel Brookes
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 14229

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:27:53 +0000
Hello All,

On 08-Jun-99, Matt Sealey wrote:

>> First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?
> The new Micronik ones look ace, a Power Tower might be good. Eyetech ones
> are WAY too big IMO.
I've got a Micronik Infinitv II, yup they look very impessive but don't
expect to be taking your accelerator/mother board out every day. When
installed, my 1230 is about 1mm from the top of the tower. To remove the
motherboard you must take off all of the little port nuts and remove the

It isn't a problem unless you are constantly upgrading though. My solution:
stick in a BPPC and leave it :)

>> One of those Zorro thingies? How much are they?
> No, no, no.

ZII  : 99.99 (129.99 for Infinitiv II)
ZIII : 249.99 (259.99)

>> Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?
> You won`t get a decent PPC for 300.
> That said, you won`t get a decent 68060 for 300 either.
> Although.. you could get a cheapo PPC with a slowish 040
> on and it would at least be faster than your current 030. Can
> you bear to lose the SCSI capability, though (even though it
> doesn`t look like you have it installed)?

Powerflyer? Pretty fast and cheapo drives

> Once you have a PPC, you can get a BlizzardVision. And
> you never had to contend with any of that Zorro on an
> A1200 crap.

You can get a BPPC+Bvision for less than a ZIII/PIV :) No contest IMO :)

> --
> Matt Sealey
> Distributed Systems Support
> Computer Centre
> University of Leicester
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
UIN: 30044173

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 14230

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:30:54 +0000
Hello All,

On 08-Jun-99, Neil Bullock wrote:

> I'd noticed that. Have to climb up them to open the CD-ROM drive door :)

Why not get MCP or similar to open the door with a hotkey :)

> Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock
> :)

I'd suggest you get a new mouse too :) Wizzard 3 button ones a really good
UIN: 30044173

Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

Message 14231

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Using html
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:07:50 +0100
Hi colin,

> What happened to using_html ? It's not on The CD!

Ask Neil. He obviously didn't send it in in time...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 14232

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 19:41:08 +0100
Hi C.R.

> Just for clarifacation ;-)
> Standard Grades are roughly equivalent to GCSEs, CSYS is equivalent to an
> A-Level, but Highers are sort of in between, being like the first year of
> A-Level.

ITR, would you suggest anyone studying them put  A-Level (I just thought - I
should have mentioned AS-Levels in with A-Levels!). i.e.Are they similar to
AS-Levels, or are they more like BTECs, maybe? It sounds more like
AS-Levels, since BTECs are more practical based than As or ASs, but you know
your exams better than I do :-)


Message 14233

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] EZ-PZ ?
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 19:42:44 +0100
Hi all

Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has never done
so before:  All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-" something.  Is
this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or what?

And I see they're offering something called "EZLink".  Sounds a bit like AIRLink
to me, which would have been great if you didn't have to swap it for your
joystick every time you wanted to play a game.  Now what we really need is a
Roboshit-esque dongle that'll do the switching for you.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14234

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 19:43:46 +0100
Hi Ben

Are you left-handed?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14235

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 20:06:50 +0100
Hi Andy Kinsella

>>>> BEN! Drop the disks! Drop them NOWWW!
>>> We can't yet. We still make money from them, and there are enough
>>> people buying them to do so. If those people all went out and bought
>>> CD-ROM drives tomorrow there would be no-one happier than me and we
>>> could drop the floppies like a hot potato, but if we jump drop them
>>> immediately we'll just lose readers.
>> What about if the results of the reader survey showed 90% of people had
>> a CD-ROM and 5% were definitely going to buy one?
>Maybe the reason the floppy issue still sells is because by the time you
>get to whsmiths or wherever, all the CD issues have sold out, so you
>gotta buy the floppy. . .

That almost happened to me when I used to buy CU.  I swear I must have tried
every newsagents in Luton before I found what I was looking for.  Strange thing
was, this was before I had a CD-ROM drive and all I could find was CD editions.
Not a floppy in sight.  Ended up buying the CD edition, and didn't get to use it
for ~6 months.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14236

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 20:03:33 +0100
Hi Daniel Thornton


>Anyway, we got a load of DD disks, put the games on them, and waited for
>them to be deleted off the HD. Then it was simply a matter of
>shift-clicking on Impression Publisher, and putting the contents of our

Yes, I heard you perfectly clearly the first time ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

For sale: four-poster bed, 130 years old.  Perfect for antique lover.

Message 14237

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: autorun
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:48:27 +0000
Bother said Andrew McCombe as he realised we were talking about [afb]
autorun again...

> I know this isn't directly related to amiga's,

It doesn't seem to be even vaguely related to them.  If you
have more PC questions, you might consider joining techtalk
via  It's a list for PC owning Amigans
and is fairly quiet.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14238

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:36:38 +0100

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recently decided that I must have a digital camera.
> I know there are a few versions of digital camera software out there.
> Taking this into account, can anyone recommend a suitable camera? Has
> anyone got one that they're satisfied with? And is the software actually
> any good?

On the same front I have been asked if there are any sites that list all the
Amiga camera software ?


Message 14239

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:54:21 +0000
Bother said Pete Sullivan as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re: OFF
TOPIC again...

> On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about [afb] OFF
>> TOPIC again...

No I didn't - YAM inserted that all by itself.  It was the
bit after that that I wrote.

> And was this buttered rodent related to an Albatross..?

Don't be ridiculous!  :)



Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14240

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: OFF TOPIC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:52:25 +0000
Bother said Stephen Harris as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
OFF TOPIC again...

>> I'm not surprised it's squeaking with bits of metal stuck through
>> it.

> The Wheel not the rodent

Why do certain people insist on taking me seriously
when I'm /obviously/ taking the piss?

I guess I'll just have to try harder ;)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 14241

Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:43:44 -0000
Hi Chrispy,

> ITR, would you suggest anyone studying them put  A-Level (I just thought - I
> should have mentioned AS-Levels in with A-Levels!). i.e.Are they similar to
> AS-Levels, or are they more like BTECs, maybe? It sounds more like
> AS-Levels, since BTECs are more practical based than As or ASs, but you know
> your exams better than I do :-)

I don't really know my exams ;-).  But yes I reckon Highers are most like

How come my email address comes up instead of my name? And there is no
signature?  [I'm sure my netscape prefs and egroups account have been
configured properly.]


Message 14242

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU fans
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:35:57 +0100
Hello Oliver

> Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any
> recommendations of places to buy a PC PSU from? Again, Maplins have the=
> for =A320,  =

well i bought one from a place called DoctorPC for =A312 only afew weeks =
(for my CD=B3=B2) like you said Maplins are ok will stock stuff but on th=
pricey side =

                  Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 =

Message 14243

From: "Anthony Doherty"
Subject: [afb] Expanding Cybervision 64
Date: 8 Jun 99 20:30:32 +0000
I have one of the older Cybervision 64 Graphic cards (not the 3D
version) in my A4000 and would like to upgrade it from 2Mb to 4 Mb of
RAM to access increased screen resolutions and colour depths.

Their are four empty sockets on the C64 board which I assume take the
memory upgrade in half meg dollops (?)

I asked the nice chap at Power computing today if he knew what type of
chips are needed but he had no idea.

Can anyone help?

Message 14244

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Stargate
Date: 8 Jun 99 20:02:08 +0100
The latest version of Stargate is now available at:-

PLUS online ordering.

If you`ve never used Stargate it is the best featured mailer and
newsreader that I have had the pleasure to use. It can hold it`s own
and excel against MD and Yam.

Try the demo on Aminet.
Only the Amiga makes it possible (Especially the *G4* Amiga)
Malcolm Harnden

      /|  |\
     / |  | \
    /  ----  \_
   /   \  /  | |May the Force be with you.
   \   /||\   /
    \        /
      :    :
      :    :

Message 14245

From: "Malcolm Harnden"
Subject: [afb] Re:Scandoublers
Date: 8 Jun 99 20:04:38 +0100
Just purchased a scandoubler and FF from Eyeline and the picture
quality in pal on an SVGA monitor is crap any info would be

If the quality is going to be this bad then it`s going back....

Only the Amiga makes it possible (Especially the *G4* Amiga)
Malcolm Harnden

      /|  |\
     / |  | \
    /  ----  \_
   /   \  /  | |May the Force be with you.
   \   /||\   /
    \        /
      :    :
      :    :

Message 14246

Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:09:46 -0000
 <7jjk44$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Hi all,
> I have recently decided that I must have a digital camera.
> I know there are a few versions of digital camera software out there.  Taking this into account, can anyone recommend a suitable camera?  Has anyone got one that they're satisfied with?  And is the software actually any good?
> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.

Don't waste your money on a cheap digital camera. The picture quality is very poor, the basic camera you should aim for a one of the Megapixel jobs. If interested I can send you some pics from my Konica.


Message 14247

Subject: [afb] Hello
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:18:30 -0000
Just like say hello to everyone as I have only posted a couple of replies since joining. 

I have been with the Amiga since the A500 and now have A1200 060/240 with graphics card. (although I am using my PC at the momont due to a problem with my Amiga modem)

I work in IT and take a lot of stick for keeping the Amiga flag flying. 

Spread the word.


Message 14248

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125-INFO
Date: 7 Jun 99 23:55:46 +0000
You said about [afb] Re: AF125-INFO:
> > first of all I want to to say that I am very pleased with the idea of
> > ......
> > Same for the e-mailer, newsreader etc.
> That's interesting - we hadn't considered doing round-ups of just shareware.
> What do people think of that idea? Should we even go asa far as comparing
> Exchange and MagicExchange? :)
Only as long as you don't devote 3 pages to it! Maybe you could
compare several PD bits, either all the same type or a few separate
BTW, the index in AF125 is wrong - Head2Head starts p.52. Tut, tut.
> > Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the 700 and 740
model (apart the price)?
> The Stylus 740 isn't the Stylus Photo 740? I'm really not sure -
If it's like the Canon BJC4300 then they will both be the same, the
only difference being whether you've put the Photo cartridge in at the

> Ben
... The Third Law of Photography:
If you did manage to get any good shots, they will be ruined when
someone inadvertently opens the darkroom door and all of the dark
leaks out.

Message 14249

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was Albatross (was Read Me))
Date: 8 Jun 99 00:03:31 +0000
MSGTO: Ben Vost
SUBJECT: [afb] Re: Obscure and off topic (was  Albatross (was Read Me))
> Hi Kevin,
> I think this thread has been taken far enough. I will shoot the next person
> who replies to it.

At last, well said. It was getting very dull.

[oh damn, just realised I'm about to get shot. Not fair] 

Message 14250

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder: AF on sale!
Date: 8 Jun 99 00:15:54 +0000
I was just going to bed, when eGroups Calendar wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> Description: AF125 on sale today (July 1999)
Wow, really helpful. Shouldn't the date be a bit more specific than

> Deadline day for news items for our tenth birthday issue - AF126.
Hey? You mean everything in the news of next issue will be stuff
that's happened *before* today? Thank God for the internet.

... Electrical Engineers do it with less resistance.

Message 14251

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 8 Jun 99 00:57:45 +0000
On Tue Jun 08 at 00:57:10, Ben Vost was heard muttering:
> Also, you have to bear in mind that the USPS has a special bulk rate
> for companies to mail stuff out on, so the postage part of the
> subscription is cheaper in the States.
Cheaper phone calls, cheaper postage.... it ain't fair :(
> > It would force floppy users to become subscribers, though. They`s
> > save a ton of money, and they are poor enough as it is. Half
> > price? Yes please!
> Too poor to be able to afford the outlay for a subscription all at
> once I think.
"Financially challenged" is the phrase, methinks. You're right though,
otherwise no-one would ever pay bills in installments if they could
pay it all up front for cheaper.
> > What`s wrong with buyng the CD edition even without a CD drive
> > anyway? It has been said that the CDs are of limited use anyway,
> > the mag is what we pay for and the CD is a bonus. IMO if people
> > are fickle enough to buy a mag purely for the covermount then they
> > deserve to be cut out. But the world idn`t like that.. ah well..
> I quite agree, especially seeing as I spend a large proportion of my
waking hours actually working on the sodding thing.
Shock, horror! Newsflash: Amiga mag Editor reveals secret hate of
working in the Amiga market.
I'm gonna sort-of disagree with you: when I was on the floppy (no, not
some cheap foreign alcohol or medical disorder ;) I use to look
forward to the disks as well. Even if they only had some awful PD and
a game demo on, owning a computer gets very boring when you can't
afford to buy anything for it (not even PD software :().
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
If I phone that number, do I get straight through to you? Hmm, aren't
prank phone calls fun ;) Seriously though, I thought you'd prefer it
if there was no need for people to phone you or mail to AFB.

>        Behaviorist psychology: 
>       pulling habits out of rats

I like this (put it in my own collection) but /please/ change the
spelling of behaviourist. American spellings really niggle.

... Q. How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
      A. Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 14252

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: 8 Jun 99 01:06:42 +0000
On Tue Jun 08 at 01:06:24, James Lowe was heard muttering:

Replying to an old message which I've just read:
> Well, the information on how to use a mouse is in the Workbench
> manual, too. Remember that newbies don't always know how to use them,
> either.

On the PC's at my (now ex-) school had a tutorial on them. eg. move
the mouse around the screen, following the numbers. It was like
dot-to-dot with only 5 numbers on the whole screen. I reckon the whole
thing must have wasted about 30MB HD space. Now /that/ is a waste of

... Programmers do it bit by bit

Message 14253

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 8 Jun 99 01:10:16 +0000
According to 
> > Actually, I kind of think that it's  a waste of time having it on there
> > now as a DMS file. I think, IMHO, that the contents of the DMS files
> > just needs to be in a drawer, or amongst the other areas of the CD as
> > required.
> Right, so anyone can get it and thus remove the point of having a
> subscriber-only disk? It won't matter in two months anyway...

Half of the stuff appeared on the CD as well anyway, either that month
or the month after. I always thought it was a bit stoopid having it
for subs only in this case (but was too scared to mention it ;))
> Ben
Could you possibly put your real name in your home email-address
please? It plays havoc with my Tag-O-Miga headers as you will see on
this message.

... Final proof that dolphins are more intelligent than humans:
      Not one dolphin has, as of yet, upgraded to Windows '98.

Message 14254

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:47:42 +0100
Hi Neil,

> First of all, I need a tower, right? What sort?

Depends on what you need. If you want a LOT of space then the best bet is
the Eyetech EZ-Tower. However, if you're not particularly bothered about
adding a lot of drives to your system I think the Power Tower is best. This
has the added benefit of fitting on your desk :)

> One of those Zorro thingies? How much are they?

What do you want Zorro for? If you're desperate for Zorro compatibility find
yourself a second hand A4000, it'll be cheaper and since it uses Zorro III
instead of ZII, it'll be faster as well.
If you just want Zorro for a graphics card you're better off getting a PPC
and then adding a BVision. Sound cards can also be added to the A1200
without need for Zorro.

> Better accelerator? PPC or stick to 68K family alone for now?

If you're upgrading you might as well go for a PPC. Bottom of the range PPC
accelerators cost less than 200 and you'll be able to add a BVision
graphics card that way as well.


Message 14255

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:10:06 +0100
Hi Andy,

> Depends how you look at it. With BTInternet, you only get 1 email addy,
> which sucks IMHO, and if they do bring in this 0800 number on weekends,
> loads of people will probably join and their service will get bogged
> down the same as Freeserve's....

I had a look at their website and it says they offer unlimited email
addresses. And they already have brought in the 0800 number for weekends :)


Message 14256

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:19:22 +0100
Hi Chris,

>> You didn't include Highers, Standard Grades or CSYS :)
>> So everyone at school in Scotland is classed as "other"?
> Sorry, I never studied in Scotland. Any chance you might know what the
> English equivalents are, so any Scottish students could put the nearest
> equivalents?

There aren't exact equivalents. Standard Grades are roughly the same as
GCSEs, CSYS is similar to A-Level, Higher is somewhere in-between :)


Message 14257

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:24:59 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has
> never done so before: All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-"
> something. Is this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or
> what?

It's pronounced "easy"

> And I see they're offering something called "EZLink". Sounds a bit like
> AIRLink to me, which would have been great if you didn't have to swap it
> for your joystick every time you wanted to play a game. Now what we really
> need is a Roboshit-esque dongle that'll do the switching for you.

So why not buy a Roboshift from Epic?


Message 14258

From: "jasen"
Subject: [afb] Re: Siamese RTG (was Circulation)
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 22:54:59 +0100
> > On a different note, anyone ever used thew Siamise RTG system over the
> > serial network??
> Yeah, V2.1 only though.
> > is it any good?
> When it works, it's reasonable.  It's not unbearably slow
> but if it was any slower it would be.
> However, when I first installed it, it failed to work and
> I had to get some updated files from Siamese Systems.  And,
> although it worked well for some time after that, I have since
> had to install a more recent version of Win95 and now I can't
> get it working at all. :(
> Martin.

Hi all! This is the first time I've wrote to afb.

I've had Siamese 2.1 for 4 months, installed the software on both my systems
connected with the serial cable, updated the software with the patch, and
the bloody thing doesn't seem to be communicating with each other. Both
software are running on each system everytime when they boot up. I've got
Win98. Do u lot think Siamese 2.1 is not compatible with Win98?


Message 14259

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnline - webspace info
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 18:26:05 +0100
Greetings  Ferenczy

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi People,
> This particularly goes out to other UKOnline users. I need a bit of info
> on the webspace that UKOnline offers. Here's my questions -
> 1. Where do you FTP your uploads to? USER PASS

> 2. How much webspace do you get?

As much as you need.
> 3. Are there any extra facilities that might be of use, for example CGI
> stuff?

Ask me another :)

> 4. Any restrictions on what I can put up there? Not asking this for
> illegal purposes, like gun-running obviously (!), but say I wanted to
> put up commercial stuff there would that be a problem?

I guess you'd need to open a business account if you wanted to upload
commercial stuff. . .
Those are not free methinks.

I expect they'd be adverse to you uploading anything slightly suspect. Eg.
Porn, "Ballistic missile construction for beginners" and stuff.

> 5. What's the web address going to be? I guess at
> given what some people have quoted
> at the bottom of their emails... Correct?


> Regards,
> Frost.


/PGP Key available on request/
A rubbish tagline

Message 14260

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:35:32 +0100
Hi 4-0

On 06-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Does anyone know if "angled" power connectors exist. Or will I have to ditch
> my CD-Rom or HD ?

You could buy a standard power connector extension cable - about four inches
long, then trim out some of the excess cable in the middle (or simply fold it
out the way). Surely must be enough room for that?

If not you could try and do some scalpel work on the connectors them selves,
to get a 45 degree angle, then use araldite to seal them together...

A bit DIY, but since I've not seen these in the shops...


Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Message 14261

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Localtel threatens BT
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:48:17 +0100
Hi Neil

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Free Internet call provider LocalTel has threatened BT with legal action for
>> processing less then 10 percent of the requests from customers who want to
>> ditch BT and join LocalTel.
> You're a literal mine of information you are :) Someone I know has told BT to
> switch him to Localtel and afyter about 4 weeks, they still haven't. Can't
> individuals
> take legal action for this aswell a Localtel?

It probably takes ages to actually do a changeover anyway - the process would
be simple enough, but the admin probbaly takes a lot of time to run through,
and it would depend whether there was a lot of people changing over or not...

I think it'll be pretty funny if the people getting Localtel ever get a fault
on their line - do they have to wait for a LocalTel engineer or do BT still
have to keep up the maintenance themselves?

What your friend should be doing is talking to BT directly and LocalTel if no
help there...


Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 14262

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 23:11:59 +0100

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recently decided that I must have a digital camera.
> I know there are a few versions of digital camera software out there.
> Taking this into account, can anyone recommend a suitable camera? Has
> anyone got one that they're satisfied with? And is the software actually
> any good?
> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.

A 50 quid 35mm compact would yield far and away better results than any
digital within your budget.

Well that's not really true. A 20 quid 35mm compact will give better
results than a 100 quid digital.

> --
> Colin Buchanan
> Heriot-Watt University



/PGP Key available on request/
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

Message 14263

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU fans
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 23:15:13 +0100
Greetings  Ken

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello Oliver
> =

>> Which brings me on to my next query... does anyone have any
>> recommendations of places to buy a PC PSU from? Again, Maplins have
>> them for =A320,
> =

> =

> well i bought one from a place called DoctorPC for =A312 only afew week=
> ago (for my CD=B3=B2) like you said Maplins are ok will stock stuff but=
> the pricey side
> =

I bought the fans I use for varous bits of kit for 2 quid each from a
radio rally.

There are always stalls that have boxes full of the feckers.

>                  Cheers all the best



/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Message 14264

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: Sub Disk Virus
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:13:56 +0100
Hi Matt,

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote

>> Hi folks,
>> just so you all know, the file Quickflix/quickflix on the recent
>> subs disk has the Ebola Link virus on it so run a virus checker on
>> it to get rid of the problem.
> Is it on the actual disk, or the image from the CD? I haven`t
> used either yet, and I want to make sure VirusZ is working 
> before I unwrap the celophane..

Which version of Virus Checker did you use ??? 1.12 has a tendency to
be alittle toooo careful IYKWIM, it picked dup a virus on my eric
schwartz cd...


A1200T 240Mhz PPC, AGA :( - #NEW# UIN 39795033 -IRC Amike
Member of #Team# #AMIGA# -=- Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor

Message 14265

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:22:25 +0100
Hi Gerald,

On 07-Jun-99, you wrote

>>> The opposite situation though, is if someone joined Arcnet with
>>> the nick 'Agima', then everyone would "recognise" that personas
>>> you,
>> No they wouldn't, most people on ArcNET are intelligent enough, or
>> have been there long enough to recognise Peter's IP ?
> All very well if they're there when he joins, but do you seriously
> do a /whois on everyone you see on IRC? And what about people who
> use more than one ISP, or who don't always use the same computer...

If I was under any doubt I wasn't talking to Peter then of course I'd
/whois and /version him, wouldnt you?

But mostly people on ArcNet are trustworth, so you don't need to
worry about anyone impersonating anyone else. I've only heard about
it once and only had to ask someone to change their nick once.
Havent seen him back on ArcNet since.....


A1200T 240Mhz PPC, AGA :( - #NEW# UIN 39795033 -IRC Amike
Member of #Team# #AMIGA# -=- Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor

Message 14266

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:18:47 +0100
Hi all,

Ben, this is mostly aimed at you (not its not bad :) but i thought
I'd post here to see what other people thought...

I just gt my copy today and I'd like to make a few comments about two
letters in the letters section (funnily enough).

Firstly the letter from Stu MacDonald, "Animation Station", although
he's right when he says we cant advertise, what else, apart from
maybe Amiga, is stopping any buding animators putting a spinning
boing ball in top right corner of their submissions ?? If enough of
you lot (not me cos I can't draw with a mouse and cant afford a gfx
tablet), maybe someone who watches the FreeScreen stuff will pick up
on all the spinning boing balls ?

Secondly, Matthew O'Neils letter "It's A Wonderful Life", i'll reply
to his and your points in the order they appear cos that's how I
work ;)...

1. With regard to the big pictures, I think these take up an annoying
large portion of each mag. And I'd like to see them dropped, or made
smaller in the future. Also I've been looking at some old AF's, and
I see that the editorial used to be on the same page as the
contents, and althought sad as it is, there was a lot more in each
issue then and it was still laid out well on two pages. So what I'm
asking here is can we have the Editorial and contents on the same
two pages? Or sides if you take me too literally. To clarify, put
the editorial on the Contents pages and you gain another page to
write something more useful.

2. Nothing to say about this point so I guess I wont write anything
about it. 

DOH! too late ;)

3. The chuky tabs. I quite liked these actually. As it is, we are
left with approximately a 2cm gap down the edge of the page anyway.
So why not put a tab there? It makes the mag so much easier to
navigate.And I see that page 95 has a tab anyway.

4. I agree with his last comment.. although AF content is starting to
sound more and more like that of a fanzine. 

Some other points...

Congrats to Tony Horgan, but could you persuade him to use birdie or
at least SysIHack to smarten up his windows?? :)

Can you please put the "Shops" section of the Readers Ad bit on the
CD instead of in the mag? Again freeing up some more pages so you
can do some more work :)

Nice cover btw, realle stood out among all the voer girls on the PC
mags in WHSmith.... can we have a covergirl sometime... was thinking
maybe Drew Barrymore... or maybe Rusty from the SEAL user groups
missus would offer her services.... =)~~

A1200T 240Mhz PPC, AGA :( - #NEW# UIN 39795033 -IRC Amike
Member of #Team# #AMIGA# -=- Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor

Message 14267

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO)
Date: 8 Jun 1999 23:11:59 +0100
Andy Mills said, 

> Hello Gerald Mellor, on 07-Jun-99 22:01:16 you said about:
>  [afb] Re: Turboprint Vs Studio (was AF125-INFO) 

>>Doesn't it depend on the printer you're using? Since Studio is pretty old I
>>doubt it has support for all the new printers that Turboprint does. Or is
>>Studio still being updated as well?

> TurboPrint is pretty old as well, you know... ;)

TurboPrint 7 is about six months old.

> Studio is still being updated and supports at least the Epson Photo 700.

As does TurboPrint 6. I haven't upgraded to 7 because they want me to
send my old disk back and that's too much hassle. I suppose I'd be a
bit more motivated if I needed the PostScript interpreter, but I

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Keyboard error, Hit  to continue

Message 14268

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virus on Subs Disk 125
Date: 8 Jun 1999 23:12:45 +0100
Andy Mills said, 

> IIRC, there was a version of Virus CheckerII that incorrectly "found" a
> "virus" that wasn't there, or something like that anyway...

The first release of Virus_Checker II had this problem.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Several errant electrons jumped when they shouldn't have at a place they
shouldn't have, resulting in what shouldn't have. In short, a short.

Message 14269

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Using html
Date: 8 Jun 1999 23:15:40 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

>> What happened to using_html ? It's not on The CD!

> Ask Neil. He obviously didn't send it in in time...

Don't be silly :-O

I can put the archive on my ftp site if you like.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Nobody's perfect and since I'm nobody...!

Message 14270

Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 23:24:59 -0000
Off I toddled to my local W.H. Smiths today to buy AF, only to be told by the staff that it is not published until the third thursday of the month. Trying to explain the publication dates and AF bulletins was like explaining the theory of relativity to a brick.I`m going back tomorrow with AF124 to show the publication date for AF125 and to try to enlighten the brick!
Anybody else had this problem?
Anyone on this list live near Johnstone, Renfrew?

Bye for now

Message 14271

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder AF on sale
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 00:54:41 +0100

On 09-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Off I toddled to my local W.H. Smiths today to buy AF, only to be told by the
> staff that it is not published until the third thursday of the month. Trying
> to explain the publication dates and AF bulletins was like explaining the
> theory of relativity to a brick.I`m going back tomorrow with AF124 to show
> the publication date for AF125 and to try to enlighten the brick! 

I'd recommend subscribing - it helps all concerned... :-)


Isn't 'Criminal Lawyer' rather redundant?

Message 14272

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 01:36:10 +0100
Hi Michael,

> 4. I agree with his last comment.. although AF content is starting to
> sound more and more like that of a fanzine. 

Rubbish, fanzines on the whole tend to be badly written, uncritical of the
products they review and not always entirely accurate when it comes to
facts. AF is none of these things... in what way is it like a fanzine?


Message 14273

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 00:34:53 +0100
Hi Alex

On 08-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all
> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has never
> done so before: All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-" something.
> Is this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or what?

Who cares? ;-)

> And I see they're offering something called "EZLink". Sounds a bit like
> AIRLink to me, which would have been great if you didn't have to swap it for
> your joystick every time you wanted to play a game. Now what we really need
> is a Roboshit-esque dongle that'll do the switching for you.

Yeah, I noticed this as well... I am a BIG fan of AIRlink, although creating
new codesets looks to be virtually impossible, due to the millions of
combinations that you'd have to try by trial and error unless you have a
contact at the manufacturers who knows technical stuff...

BTW, if anyone has a #codeset for Mitsubishi# equipment, then I would be over the

I suspect it's probably the same hardware with a couple of tweaks to get around
copyright problems... I was thinking of adding an Airlink section to my
webpage, I did one a while back, but I'm not sure... Any AIRlinkfans out there?
I have some ideas to swap with you...

(As for the autoswitching thingie, you can get autoswitchers for mouse and
joysticks, but I don't know whether or not you can use it with AIRlink / EZlink
or not, since I dunno if it gives off the right signal to switch back once
control has been passed to the other device... I'll try this and get back to


Get me some coffee and then ask again in ten minutes.

Message 14274

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 9 Jun 99 01:02:35 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Mon, 7 Jun 1999 12:35:38 +0100 about [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?

Hi Neil Bullock

> > o CrossDOS

> > I do if this includes CrossDOS 7 ??
> >
> > I paid money for it, so I'm going to use it:)
> >
> Well, the original poll was asking which Workbench commodities people used,
> i.e. which ones do you use that were bundled with workbench. It's up to you
> really :)

But doesn't this replace the original Cross Dos, I'm not even sure if
I have voted or not now:)

Never mind.

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14275

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: 9 Jun 99 01:16:50 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format james wrote on Tue, 8 Jun 1999 09:30:46 +0100 about [afb] X, C, & V

Hi james

> Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
> and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
> Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.

I'm not sure what you quite mean, but you might be after Powersnap if
you want to cute and paste text ??

Hope this help's 


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 14276

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Autostart stuff
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:28:55 +0100
Help! I'm trapped in Ben's Autostart stuff! Get me out of here!

> Matt's right. There is a thing on Aminet to do it, but there's no
> CDFS that supports one, which is what needs to happen for widespread
> acceptance.

Try MEAutoStart. It waits for the volumes that you've specified to be
placed in the drives that you've selected in it's prefs, and executes
the script that you've specified for that volume. It'll also execute a
script when you remove the disk, and you can stop it from executing
the script by holding down Shift.

Slightly kludgey, but better than nothing :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... Impassable - A wet football.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 26% - 259 tags in Definitions.tags >>

Message 14277

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:43:16 +0100
Hey, Ashley! Can I have some Albatross?

> What a bunch of arse! 90% of people follow the rules of "Common
> Sense". Personally I quite like the "Off Topic" subjects, Why?

90%? Call me cynical, but I think it's a lot less than that.

FYI, lets take 2 lists, mine, and another one which I will not name (I
unsubbed from it a while back). This other list was rife with
overquoting and off-topic posts (the reason why I unsubbed), which I'd
attribute to the fact that there are no rules posted there (though it
may have been changed while I've been gone).

With my own list, the subscribers get a list of rules when they sub to
it, and it gets posted to the list on the 1st and 15th of every month.
I operate a system which is similar to the penalty point system for
driving licences. Each offence will get you a certain number of
points (depending on the severity of the offence), and if you have 16
points, you get banned for 3 months. After that, you get contacted to
resub, and if you get 16 points again, you will be banned permanently.
There are also three offences that get you banned permanently without
points (imitating the moderator or co-moderator, spamming, and bigotry
towards ethnic minorities, etc.) I also post an offender list to 'name
and shame' those that break the rules. Needless to say, the only
people on that offender list are those who have been banned because of
their behavior on other mailing lists.

Ben, if you want to implement a similar system here, I can send you
the rules list and offender list. The system I run is very fair to

> Because they break the monotony of listening to moaning bastards
> whinging on in a god like attitude! I don't reply to mail very often

People moan for a reason, and they were moaning about this thread
because of overquoting. One person quoted 10 levels, which is way

Mind you, the Subject: line for this thread can make some good reply
headers ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag 1.32 - Supports multiple tagfiles#

... "I dropped my toothpaste," Tom said, Crestfallen.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 14% - 231 tags in Gags.tags >>

Message 14278

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:48:05 +0100
> > Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
> > and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
> > Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.
> I'm not sure what you quite mean, but you might be after Powersnap if
> you want to cute and paste text ??
> Hope this help's 

I tried that but it didn't work with my font (futuraB). It's not really what I 
want anyway. I really want to cut'n'paste files about.

Thanks anyway.


Message 14279

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Reminder: AF on sale!
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:10:51 +0100
Hi Paul,

>> Description: AF125 on sale today (July 1999)
> Wow, really helpful. Shouldn't the date be a bit more specific than
> "July"?

It's the July issue, the message says on sale today - what more do you need
to know?

>> Deadline day for news items for our tenth birthday issue - AF126.
> Hey? You mean everything in the news of next issue will be stuff
> that's happened *before* today? Thank God for the internet.

No, but I do mean that if you have a news story you want to be sure is
included, it should be in by now.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14280

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:14:11 +0100
Hi Paul,

>> Also, you have to bear in mind that the USPS has a special bulk rate
>> for companies to mail stuff out on, so the postage part of the
>> subscription is cheaper in the States.
> Cheaper phone calls, cheaper postage.... it ain't fair :(

No free healthcare, rampant unemployment and high taxes. Maybe it's fairer
than you think?

>> I quite agree, especially seeing as I spend a large proportion of my
> waking hours actually working on the sodding thing.

> Shock, horror! Newsflash: Amiga mag Editor reveals secret hate of
> working in the Amiga market.

Not at all, it just takes a lot of effort is all.

> I'm gonna sort-of disagree with you: when I was on the floppy (no, not
> some cheap foreign alcohol or medical disorder ;) I use to look
> forward to the disks as well. Even if they only had some awful PD and
> a game demo on, owning a computer gets very boring when you can't
> afford to buy anything for it (not even PD software :().


>> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> If I phone that number, do I get straight through to you? Hmm, aren't
> prank phone calls fun ;) Seriously though, I thought you'd prefer it
> if there was no need for people to phone you or mail to AFB.

No you don't. If you have old email from me you might find my direct line,
but I've used the main switchboard number for quite some time.

>>        Behaviorist psychology: 
>>       pulling habits out of rats

> I like this (put it in my own collection) but /please/ change the
> spelling of behaviourist. American spellings really niggle.

By counter, I like yours too.

> ... Q. How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
>      A. Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 14281

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:16:41 +0100
Hi Paul,

> Half of the stuff appeared on the CD as well anyway, either that month
> or the month after. I always thought it was a bit stoopid having it
> for subs only in this case (but was too scared to mention it ;))

It shouldn't be that issue, but it may have appeared the issue after.

> Could you possibly put your real name in your home email-address
> please? It plays havoc with my Tag-O-Miga headers as you will see on
> this message.

Nope, because I don't post from my email address at home, I use the website.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14282

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: X, C, & V
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:17:23 +0100
Hi Andrew,

>> Does anybody know of a nice little program that can cut, copy 
>> and paste files in workbench. (Like Windoes does)
>> Oh, and please don't suggest DOpus.

> Yes, Powersnap. It can be found on AF cd's and Aminet.

Actually, I think he was asking about pasting *files*, not text.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Is there another word for synonym?

Message 14283

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:20:13 +0100
Hi James,

> With my own list, the subscribers get a list of rules when they sub to
> it, and it gets posted to the list on the 1st and 15th of every month.
> I operate a system which is similar to the penalty point system for
> driving licences. Each offence will get you a certain number of
> points (depending on the severity of the offence), and if you have 16
> points, you get banned for 3 months. After that, you get contacted to
> resub, and if you get 16 points again, you will be banned permanently.
> There are also three offences that get you banned permanently without
> points (imitating the moderator or co-moderator, spamming, and bigotry
> towards ethnic minorities, etc.) I also post an offender list to 'name
> and shame' those that break the rules. Needless to say, the only
> people on that offender list are those who have been banned because of
> their behavior on other mailing lists.

Do people want afb to become a police state like James' list? :)

> Mind you, the Subject: line for this thread can make some good reply
> headers ;)

And perhaps you should be banned for leaving it the way it was? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 14284

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: It sticks out!!!
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:21:29 +0100
Hi Kevin,

> Now I know that tower cases are expensive, so if you're interested I might
> just cut my own throat and sell you mine ...

Don't be in too much of a rush Kev, I still haven't received my Power Tower

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 14285

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:27:23 +0100
Hi Kevin,

> Okay then, out of the 100% of people who bought AF, what % actually
> returned the survey? I know I didn't, on the grounds that I was far too=

> busy getting a major system at work Y2K compliant, and I forgot. Is it
> still open for submission? If so I'll fill it in now then forget to pos=
> it tomorrow, cos I've got another load of stuff lumped on my plate at t=
> minute    ;-)

I don't know yet, but I'm willing to bet that it's less than 30%, and tha=
absolutely no-one on this list sent it in. Anyone who wants to still has
time to send theirs in, but don't delay.

> Very interesting, but where were you living when you learnt it then?

Colchester in Essex.

> Surely not somewhere in the UK - I wouldn't have thought any schools or=

> the government in fact using resources on teaching pupils Esperanto unl=
> they were forced into it. I mean, they hardly force French, German or
> Spanish onto people, and they're part of the National Curriculum! I wis=
> I'd kept up with my French lessons, if you know what I mean ;-)

Yup, somewhere in the UK. I sent away for the materials for it. It doesn'=
really need a course taught in school proper - it wouldn't take a year to=

learn, let alone three. Mind you, it would probably be a good idea, since=

if everyone spoke Esperanto, it would make communication with non-English=
western European people so much easier.

> Oh, and I only mentioned the Esperanto thing as a Red Dwarf-style joke =

Ah well, don't watch Red Dwarf, it got too boring after about the third

>> The Viper I was better than the Viper II anyway.

> Was it? I don't recall ever thinking that - the MkII had autoconfigurin=

No, it wasn't, my mistake, I was thinking of the Typhoon.

> I can't remember off-hand if diskspare can be used as a bootable floppy=
=2E I
> don't think it was, and thus you had to boot from the first AUI disk
> anyway to get at the stuff off the second disk. Well, okay I didn't, co=
> I'd got diskspare set up on my harddrive anyway, but I mean for floppy
> users.

Right. We don't have a bootable floppy any longer anyway, but that's a
serious flaw...

> I care, cos if swapping floppy sales for CD sales whilst ditching the
> floppy format completely becomes a reality, the cost of making AF comes=

> down. Even if the price doesn't come down, it means that you
> (theoretically) have more money to spend on each issue!

Ha! I wish. You mean it would be more money for the bottom line...

> Oh, btw Ben, in a previous thread you said it was =A330 to subscribe to=
> yet the latest issue states that it is, in actual fact, =A340. Are you =
> to drop the subscription price by a tenner, perchance?  ;-)

No chance, mea culpa again. Typo I noticed as I was already hitting send.=

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14286

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:29:50 +0100

> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.

100! The only one you'll be able to buy is Power's VDC100 y Mustek in tha=
case (I think). Realistically if you want a digicam for your Amiga look a=
spending at least =A3300. But yes, it would connect to your serial port
(unless you get a Mavica), and no you wouldn't need a special cable (it
would be included).

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 14287

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: EZ-PZ ?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:31:22 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Just reading Eyetech's ad in AF and something occurred to me that has
> never done so before: All (most) of Eyetech's products are called "EZ-"
> something. Is this supposed to be pronounced "easy", "e-zed", "ez" or
> what?

I think they intend for it to be pronounced American-stylee as "eazy".

> And I see they're offering something called "EZLink". Sounds a bit like
> AIRLink to me, which would have been great if you didn't have to swap it
> for your joystick every time you wanted to play a game. Now what we really
> need is a Roboshit-esque dongle that'll do the switching for you.
Typo or intentional?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in
   computing heaven.

Message 14288

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Calling Mr. Vost
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:31:44 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Are you left-handed?

No, are you?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  If at first you don't succeed, bugger.

Message 14289

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:33:50 +0100
Hi Danny,

>> Neil "I can't press 'Insert Signature' because my mouse is bust" Bullock
>> :)

> I'd suggest you get a new mouse too :) Wizzard 3 button ones a really good

If you can get one, besides he's talking about his shabby PC there anyway.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14290

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:34:34 +0100
Hi Ralph,

> On the same front I have been asked if there are any sites that list all
> the Amiga camera software ?

I don't think so and some of it is commercial anyway. 

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 14291

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Exam poll (Was AF125 - It's here)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:35:17 +0100

> How come my email address comes up instead of my name? And there is no
> signature?  [I'm sure my netscape prefs and egroups account have been
> configured properly.]

If you're posting from a website this is the way you get it. eGroups are
working on it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want to send something for the CD? Read
Submissions Advice on the AFCD first.

Message 14292

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: Silly Stats
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 08:38:55 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

Bigger than 12

See the results at

Message 14293

From: Mark Wilson
Subject: [afb] LAAG
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:41:26 +0000

I'm just letting people who may not know that there is a new usergroup in
the east midlands (UK)

The Leicester Area Amiga userGroup is a partnership of local amiga users,
The other leicester amiga user group as also merged, and we are known as

We have a small website (thats under construction) at

if your intrested in joining the usergroup, or need more information, please
drop either me or sam webb an email at our email address's

and Sams is


Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench

ICQ Number: 39814816
Powered by Amiga 3000 Why Arnt you?

Message 14294

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Letters In AF125... and some more...
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:47:01 +0100
Hi Michael,

> Firstly the letter from Stu MacDonald, "Animation Station", although
> he's right when he says we cant advertise, what else, apart from
> maybe Amiga, is stopping any buding animators putting a spinning
> boing ball in top right corner of their submissions ?? If enough of
> you lot (not me cos I can't draw with a mouse and cant afford a gfx
> tablet), maybe someone who watches the FreeScreen stuff will pick up
> on all the spinning boing balls ?

Amiga certainly wouldn't stop anyone from using a boing ball, otherwise a
lot of websites would have been closed down by now, but it would still look
like an ident to a TV company, expecially if it adds nothing to the

> 1. With regard to the big pictures, I think these take up an annoying
> large portion of each mag. And I'd like to see them dropped, or made
> smaller in the future. Also I've been looking at some old AF's, and
> I see that the editorial used to be on the same page as the
> contents, and althought sad as it is, there was a lot more in each
> issue then and it was still laid out well on two pages. So what I'm
> asking here is can we have the Editorial and contents on the same
> two pages? Or sides if you take me too literally. To clarify, put
> the editorial on the Contents pages and you gain another page to
> write something more useful.

Unfortunately, while we'd certainly love to get rid of the intros, I'll
repeat what I said in the mag, that they serve to break up the issue as
much as anything else. As for putting the editorial that I write (Month In
View) on the same page as the contents, the reason it's that way is again
down to advertising.

> 3. The chuky tabs. I quite liked these actually. As it is, we are
> left with approximately a 2cm gap down the edge of the page anyway.
> So why not put a tab there? It makes the mag so much easier to
> navigate.And I see that page 95 has a tab anyway.

Hmm. It makes the mag look narrow and restricted. That's my opinion, going
through older issues (which were wider anyway). What does everyone else
think? The reason why we still have the tab on the classified page is that
it takes no space in the sold part of the page, which the top bar would.

> 4. I agree with his last comment.. although AF content is starting to
> sound more and more like that of a fanzine. 

John Kennedy's pic will no longer grace the issue after AF126 anyway, but
why do you say that the content is like a fanzine?

> Congrats to Tony Horgan, but could you persuade him to use birdie or
> at least SysIHack to smarten up his windows?? :)

It's not his decision, it was mine and I actually turned off Birdie to snap
the window. The reason being that it now looks like nothing other than an
Amiga window.

> Can you please put the "Shops" section of the Readers Ad bit on the
> CD instead of in the mag? Again freeing up some more pages so you
> can do some more work :)

Gee thanks. No.

> Nice cover btw, realle stood out among all the voer girls on the PC
> mags in WHSmith.... can we have a covergirl sometime... was thinking
> maybe Drew Barrymore... or maybe Rusty from the SEAL user groups
> missus would offer her services.... =)~~

Mostly they are too expensive to use, but anyway, we did have for AF121...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in
   computing heaven.

Message 14295

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Expanding Cybervision 64
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:47:53 +0100
Hi Anthony,

> I have one of the older Cybervision 64 Graphic cards (not the 3D
> version) in my A4000 and would like to upgrade it from 2Mb to 4 Mb of
> RAM to access increased screen resolutions and colour depths.

> Their are four empty sockets on the C64 board which I assume take the
> memory upgrade in half meg dollops (?)

If you've had a look at the board, why not take a note of the numbers on the
existing memory chips and get more like it?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 14296

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hello
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:49:08 +0100

> Just like say hello to everyone as I have only posted a couple of replies
> since joining.

Well welcome.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      Beware of geeks bearing GIF's

Message 14297

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: LAAG
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 10:52:18 +0200
An annoucement:

>The Leicester Area Amiga userGroup is a partnership of local amiga users,
>The other leicester amiga user group as also merged, and we are known as

This should be the largest user group in England...

What with Leicester being the centre of the known universe and all :)


PS Why do I keep hammering Leicester? I don't know. But even my
local radio station does!!!

Message 14298

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Siamese RTG (was Circulation)
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:50:27 +0100
Hi jasen,

> Hi all! This is the first time I've wrote to afb.


All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 14299

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital camera
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:51:05 +0100
Hi Andy,

>> I only want to spend about 100 quid and need nothing fancy.

> A 50 quid 35mm compact would yield far and away better results than any=

> digital within your budget.

> Well that's not really true. A 20 quid 35mm compact will give better
> results than a 100 quid digital.

A =A36.99 disposable probably would!

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 14300

Subject: [afb] Animations on RTG screens
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 08:55:18 -0000
Does anyone have any pointers to playing anims on RTG (CGX4) screens. I have tried CyberAnim but the conversion process (planar to chunky?) means they crawl along. Is there a better player existing anywhere? 

Also, what are the opinions from the group on MAVI, some of the wb screens on AFCD`s have had Mavi running and it looks good- though the version I downloaded from Aminet and had no English docs and looked really complex (loads of files). Has anyone tried it out here?


John Hart